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Configuration file


The SWA CLI gets configuration information for your Azure Static Web Apps in one of two ways:

  • from CLI options (passed in at runtime)
  • from a CLI configuration file (created and stored in project)

By default, the SWA CLI looks for a configuration file called swa-cli.config.json in the current directory.

The configuration file can contain multiple configurations (e.g., one per project), each identified by a unique configuration name.

  • If only a single configuration is present in the swa-cli.config.json file, running swa start will use it by default.
  • If options are loaded from a config file, no options passed in via command line will be respected. For example if we use swa start app --ssl, the ssl=true option will not be picked up by the CLI.

Configuration File Example

"configurations": {
"app": {
"appDevserverUrl": "http://localhost:3000",
"apiLocation": "api",
"run": "npm run start",
"swaConfigLocation": "./my-app-source"

Initialize a Configuration File

Use swa init to kickstart the workflow to create a configuration file for a new or existing project. If the project exists, swa init will try to make educated guesses on the configuration settings for you, with ability to override it during creation.

By default the process creates these settings in a swa-cli.config.json in the current working directory of your project. This is the default file name/location used by swa when searching for project configuration info.

swa --config <path>

If the file contains only one named configuration, it is used by default. If multiple configurations are defined, specify the one to use at commandline

swa --config-name

When the configuration file option is used, the settings are stored in JSON format. Once created, you can manually edit the file to update settings (if preferred) or use swa init to make updates.

View Configuration

The Static Webs CLI provides a --print-config option that you can use to determine resolved options for your current setup.

Here is an example of what that output looks like when run on a new project (i.e., shows default settings)

swa --print-config

- port: 4280
- host: localhost
- apiPort: 7071
- appLocation: .
- apiLocation: <undefined>
- outputLocation: .
- swaConfigLocation: <undefined>
- ssl: false
- sslCert: <undefined>
- sslKey: <undefined>
- appBuildCommand: <undefined>
- apiBuildCommand: <undefined>
- run: <undefined>
- verbose: log
- serverTimeout: 60
- open: false
- githubActionWorkflowLocation: <undefined>
- env: preview
- appName: <undefined>
- dryRun: false
- subscriptionId: <undefined>
- resourceGroup: <undefined>
- tenantId: <undefined>
- clientId: <undefined>
- clientSecret: <undefined>
- useKeychain: true
- clearCredentials: false
- config: swa-cli.config.json
- printConfig: true

Running swa --print-config will provide the current configuration defaults.


if the project has not yet defined a configuration file, this will automatically trigger the swa init workflow to help you create one.

Validate Configuration

The swa-cli.config.json file can be validated against the following schema:

See Also