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swa build


swa build [options] [configName|appLocation]


This command is used to install dependencies and build the project. Here are some common use cases:

  • Install dependencies for the front-end app and API and run the build commands for both
  • Build only your API if your front-end app doesn't require a build step
  • Only install dependencies for the front-end app if your app doesn't require a build step

Installing dependencies is only supported for Node.js projects with a package.json file. For other frameworks, you need to manually install dependencies.


Here are the options you can use with swa build:

  • -a, --app-location <path>: the folder containing the source code of the front-end application (default: ".")
  • -i, --api-location <path>: the folder containing the source code of the API application
  • -O, --output-location <path>: the folder containing the built source of the front-end application. The path is relative to --app-location (default: ".")
  • -A, --app-build-command <command>: the command used to build your app
  • -I, --api-build-command <command>: the command used to build your api
  • --auto: automatically detect how to build your app and api (default: false)
  • -h, --help: display help for command


Detect how to build your app run the build commands after installing dependencies:

swa build --auto

Install dependencies for your front-end app:

swa build --app-location ./client

Build your API:

swa build --api-location ./api --app-build-command "npm run build"

Use the configuration named "myApp" in swa-cli.config.json to build your app:

swa build myApp

See Also