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TransferConfigurations Properties

The TransferConfigurations type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBlockSize
Gets or sets the BlockSize to use for Windows Azure Storage transfers to block blob(s). It must be between 4MB and 100MB and be multiple of 4MB. Currently, the max block count of a block blob is limited to 50000. When transfering a big file and the BlockSize provided is smaller than the minimum value - (size/50000), it'll be reset to a value which is greater than the minimum value and multiple of 4MB for this file.
Public propertyMaxListingConcurrency
Gets or sets a value indicating how many listing works to process concurrently. When source is an Azure File directory or local file directory, DataMovement Library would list the directory in parallel. This value is to indicate the maximum number of listing works to process in parallel.
Public propertyParallelOperations
Gets or sets a value indicating how many work items to process concurrently. Downloading or uploading a single blob can consist of a large number of work items.
Public propertyUserAgentPrefix
Gets or sets the user agent prefix
See Also