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Microsoft.Azure.Storage.DataMovement Namespace

The Microsoft Azure Storage DataMovement Lirary designed for high-performance uploading, downloading and copying Azure Storage Blob and File.
Public classConstants
Constants for use with the transfer classes.
Public classCopyDirectoryOptions
Represents a set of options that may be specified for copy directory operation
Public classCopyOptions
Represents a set of options that may be specified for copy operation
Public classDirectoryOptions
Represents a set of options that may be specified for directory transfer operation
Public classDirectoryTransferContext
Represents the context for a directory transfer, and provides additional runtime information about its execution.
Public classDownloadDirectoryOptions
Represents a set of options that may be specified for download directory operation
Public classDownloadOptions
Represents a set of options that may be specified for download operation
Public classSingleTransferContext
Represents the context for a single transfer, and provides additional runtime information about its execution.
Public classTestHookCallbacks
Public classTransferCheckpoint
Represents a checkpoint from which a transfer may be resumed and continue.
Public classTransferConfigurations
TransferConfigurations class.
Public classTransferContext
Represents the context for a transfer, and provides additional runtime information about its execution.
Public classTransferEventArgs
Transfer event args.
Public classTransferException
Base exception class for exceptions thrown by Blob/FileTransferJobs.
Public classTransferManager
TransferManager class
Public classTransferSkippedException
Exceptions thrown when transfer skips.
Public classTransferStatus
Transfer status
Public classUploadDirectoryOptions
Represents a set of options that may be specified for upload directory operation
Public classUploadOptions
Represents a set of options that may be specified for upload operation
Public delegateSetAttributesCallbackAsync
Callback invoked to set destination's attributes in memory. The attributes set in this callback will be sent to azure storage service.
Public delegateShouldOverwriteCallbackAsync
Callback invoked to tell whether to overwrite an existing destination.
Public delegateShouldTransferCallbackAsync
Callback invoked to tell whether a transfer should be done.
Public enumerationCopyMethod
Enum to indicate how the copying operation is handled in DataMovement Library.
Public enumerationPreserveSMBPermissions
Enum to indicate what permission would be perserved DataMovement Library.
Public enumerationTransferErrorCode
Error codes for TransferException.