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SingleTransferContext Properties

The SingleTransferContext type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClientRequestId
Gets or sets the client request id.
(Inherited from TransferContext.)
Public propertyLastCheckpoint
Gets the last checkpoint of the transfer.
(Inherited from TransferContext.)
Public propertyLogLevel
Gets or sets the logging level to be used for the related transfer operation.
(Inherited from TransferContext.)
Public propertyProgressHandler
Gets or sets the progress update handler.
(Inherited from TransferContext.)
Public propertySetAttributesCallbackAsync
Gets or sets the callback invoked to set destination's attributes in memory. The attributes set in this callback will be sent to azure storage service.
(Inherited from TransferContext.)
Public propertyShouldOverwriteCallbackAsync
Gets or sets the callback invoked to tell whether to overwrite an existing destination.
(Inherited from TransferContext.)
See Also