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A - DtmfTone
accept(Context) - Method in class IncomingCall
Accept an incoming call with default options (audio on; video off)
accept(Context) - Method in class TeamsIncomingCall
Accept an incoming teams call with default options (audio on; video off)
accept(Context, AcceptCallOptions) - Method in class IncomingCall
Accept an incoming call with the ability to specify the accept call options
accept(Context, AcceptTeamsCallOptions) - Method in class TeamsIncomingCall
Accept an incoming teams call with the ability to specify the accept call options
AcceptCallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when accepting a call
AcceptCallOptions() - Constructor for class AcceptCallOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
AcceptTeamsCallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when accepting a Teams call
AcceptTeamsCallOptions() - Constructor for class AcceptTeamsCallOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
ADD_COMMUNICATION_USER - ParticipantCapabilityType
Add communications user
ADD_PHONE_NUMBER - ParticipantCapabilityType
Add phone number
ADD_TEAMS_USER - ParticipantCapabilityType
Add Teams user
addOnActiveCaptionLanguageChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Adds the specified listener to receive OnActiveCaptionLanguageChanged events.
addOnActiveCaptionsTypeChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CaptionsCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnActiveCaptionsTypeChanged events.
addOnActiveSpokenLanguageChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommunicationCaptions
Adds the specified listener to receive OnActiveSpokenLanguageChanged events.
addOnActiveSpokenLanguageChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Adds the specified listener to receive OnActiveSpokenLanguageChanged events.
addOnCallEndedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCallEnded events.
addOnCallsUpdatedListener(CallsUpdatedListener) - Method in class CallAgent
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCallsUpdated events.
addOnCallsUpdatedListener(TeamsCallsUpdatedListener) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCallsUpdated events.
addOnCamerasUpdatedListener(VideoDevicesUpdatedListener) - Method in class DeviceManager
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCamerasUpdated events.
addOnCapabilitiesChangedListener(CapabilitiesChangedListener) - Method in class CapabilitiesCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCapabilitiesChanged events.
addOnCaptionsEnabledChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommunicationCaptions
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsEnabledChanged events.
addOnCaptionsEnabledChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsEnabledChanged events.
addOnCaptionsReceivedListener(CommunicationCaptionsListener) - Method in class CommunicationCaptions
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsReceived events.
addOnCaptionsReceivedListener(TeamsCaptionsListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Adds the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsReceived events.
addOnClosedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Adds the specified listener to receive OnClosed events.
addOnDisplayNameChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Adds the specified listener to receive OnDisplayNameChanged events.
addOnDominantSpeakersChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class DominantSpeakersCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnDominantSpeakersChanged events.
addOnFormatChangedListener(VideoStreamFormatChangedListener) - Method in class ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnFormatChanged events.
addOnFormatChangedListener(VideoStreamFormatChangedListener) - Method in class VirtualOutgoingVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnFormatChanged events.
addOnHandLoweredListener(LoweredHandListener) - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnHandLowered events.
addOnHandRaisedListener(RaisedHandListener) - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnHandRaised events.
addOnIdChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIdChanged events.
addOnIncomingAudioStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIncomingAudioStateChanged events.
addOnIncomingCallListener(IncomingCallListener) - Method in class CallAgent
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIncomingCall events.
addOnIncomingCallListener(TeamsIncomingCallListener) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIncomingCall events.
addOnInfoReceivedListener(RealTimeTextInfoReceivedListener) - Method in class RealTimeTextCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnInfoReceived events.
addOnIsCameraFrozenChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraFrozenChanged events.
addOnIsCameraPermissionDeniedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraPermissionDeniedChanged events.
addOnIsCameraStartFailedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraStartFailedChanged events.
addOnIsCameraStartTimedOutChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraStartTimedOutChanged events.
addOnIsMicrophoneBusyChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsMicrophoneBusyChanged events.
addOnIsMicrophoneMutedUnexpectedlyChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsMicrophoneMutedUnexpectedlyChanged events.
addOnIsMicrophoneNotFunctioningChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsMicrophoneNotFunctioningChanged events.
addOnIsMutedChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class Call
Use OnOutgoingAudioStateChanged listener instead. isMutedChanged Event. Occurs when the call is muted
addOnIsMutedChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsMutedChanged events.
addOnIsNetworkRelaysUnreachableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsNetworkRelaysUnreachableChanged events.
addOnIsNetworkUnavailableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsNetworkUnavailableChanged events.
addOnIsNoMicrophoneDevicesAvailableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsNoMicrophoneDevicesAvailableChanged events.
addOnIsNoSpeakerDevicesAvailableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsNoSpeakerDevicesAvailableChanged events.
addOnIsRecordingActiveChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RecordingCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsRecordingActiveChanged events.
addOnIsSpeakerBusyChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerBusyChanged events.
addOnIsSpeakerMutedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerMutedChanged events.
addOnIsSpeakerNotFunctioningChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerNotFunctioningChanged events.
addOnIsSpeakerVolumeZeroChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerVolumeZeroChanged events.
addOnIsSpeakingChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakingChanged events.
addOnIsSpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMutedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMutedChanged events.
addOnIsTranscriptionActiveChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TranscriptionCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnIsTranscriptionActiveChanged events.
addOnLobbyParticipantsUpdatedListener(ParticipantsUpdatedListener) - Method in class CallLobby
Adds the specified listener to receive OnLobbyParticipantsUpdated events.
addOnLocalVideoStreamsUpdatedListener(LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedListener) - Method in class Call
Use onStateChanged in the VideoStream instead LocalVideoStreamsUpdated Event. Occurs when Local video streams are added to or removed from a call
addOnMessageReceivedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Adds the specified listener to receive OnMessageReceived events.
addOnMixedAudioBufferReceivedListener(IncomingMixedAudioListener) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnMixedAudioBufferReceived events.
addOnMutedByOthersListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnMutedByOthers events.
addOnNetworkReceiveQualityChangedListener(DiagnosticQualityChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnNetworkReceiveQualityChanged events.
addOnNetworkReconnectionQualityChangedListener(DiagnosticQualityChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnNetworkReconnectionQualityChanged events.
addOnNetworkSendQualityChangedListener(DiagnosticQualityChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Adds the specified listener to receive OnNetworkSendQualityChanged events.
addOnOutgoingAudioStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnOutgoingAudioStateChanged events.
addOnRawVideoFrameReceivedListener(RawVideoFrameReceivedListener) - Method in class RawIncomingVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnRawVideoFrameReceived events.
addOnReceiverCreatedListener(DataChannelReceiverCreatedListener) - Method in class DataChannelCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnReceiverCreated events.
addOnRemoteParticipantsUpdatedListener(ParticipantsUpdatedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnRemoteParticipantsUpdated events.
addOnReportReceivedListener(MediaStatisticsReportReceivedListener) - Method in class MediaStatisticsCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnReportReceived events.
addOnRoleChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnRoleChanged events.
addOnRoleChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Adds the specified listener to receive OnRoleChanged events.
addOnSpotlightChangedListener(SpotlightChangedListener) - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnSpotlightChanged events.
addOnStartTimeUpdatedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStartTimeUpdated events.
addOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class LocalOutgoingAudioStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteIncomingAudioStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class LocalVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RawIncomingVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class VirtualOutgoingVideoStream
Adds the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
addOnTotalParticipantCountChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Adds the specified listener to receive OnTotalParticipantCountChanged events.
addOnVideoEffectDisabledListener(VideoEffectDisabledListener) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnVideoEffectDisabled events.
addOnVideoEffectEnabledListener(VideoEffectEnabledListener) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnVideoEffectEnabled events.
addOnVideoEffectErrorListener(VideoEffectErrorListener) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Adds the specified listener to receive OnVideoEffectError events.
addOnVideoStreamStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Adds the specified listener to receive OnVideoStreamStateChanged events.
addOnVideoStreamsUpdatedListener(RemoteVideoStreamsUpdatedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Use OnVideoStreamStateChanged instead RemoteVideoStreamsUpdated Event. Occurs when remote video streams are added or removed
addParticipant(CommunicationIdentifier) - Method in class Call
Add participant to an existing call
addParticipant(PhoneNumberIdentifier, AddPhoneNumberOptions) - Method in class Call
Add a PSTN participant to an existing call with ability to specify an participant phone hnumber
AddPhoneNumberOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options when making an outgoing PSTN call
AddPhoneNumberOptions() - Constructor for class AddPhoneNumberOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
AddPhoneNumberOptions(PhoneNumberIdentifier) - Constructor for class AddPhoneNumberOptions
Creates a new instance with an PhoneNumberIdentifier
addRendererListener(RendererListener) - Method in class VideoStreamRenderer
Subscribe to the rendering events raised by a VideoStreamRenderer
admit(Iterable<CommunicationIdentifier>) - Method in class CallLobby
Admit a participant from the Teams meeting lobby
admitAll() - Method in class CallLobby
Admit all participants from the Teams meeting lobby
AdmitAllParticipantsResult - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Result for Lobby admitAll operation
AdmitParticipantsResult - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Result for Lobby admit operation
ATTENDEE - CallParticipantRole
AUDIO_NOISE - AudioIssue
AudioIssue - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Possible values for common audio issues
AudioOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Use IncomingAudioOptions and OutgoingAudioOptions instead
AudioOptions() - Constructor for class AudioOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
AudioStreamBufferDuration - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Specifies the data per block in milliseconds for buffers supported by the RawOutgoingAudioStream entities
AudioStreamChannelMode - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Specifies the channel modes supported by the RawAudioStreams entities
AudioStreamFormat - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Specifies the audio formats supported by the RawAudioStreams entities
AudioStreamSampleRate - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Specifies the sample rates supported by the RawAudioStreams entities
AudioStreamState - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Defines possible running states for an audio stream
AudioStreamStateChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an AudioStreamStateChanged event when audio stream state has updated for an CallAudioStream
AudioStreamStateChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Delegate that will inform when the state of an audio stream changes
AudioStreamType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Type of outgoing audio stream is being used on the call
AUTO - NoiseSuppressionMode
AVAILABLE - VideoStreamState


B - DtmfTone
BACK - CameraFacing
Back camera
BackgroundBlurEffect - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Video Effect for Background Blur
BackgroundBlurEffect() - Constructor for class BackgroundBlurEffect
Creates a new instance of BackgroundBlurEffect
BackgroundReplacementEffect - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Video Effect for Background Replacement
BackgroundReplacementEffect() - Constructor for class BackgroundReplacementEffect
Creates a new instance of BackgroundReplacementEffect
BAD - DiagnosticQuality
BGR24 - VideoStreamPixelFormat
Pixel format is encoded as single plane with 24 bits per pixels, 8 bits per channel, ordered as blue, followed by green, followed by red.
BGRX - VideoStreamPixelFormat
Pixel format is encoded as single plane with 32 bits per pixels, 8 bits per channel, ordered as blue, followed by green, followed by red and discarding the last 8 bits.
BLUR_BACKGROUND - ParticipantCapabilityType
Blur background
BUFFER - RawVideoFrameType
Use buffer for encoding or decoding


C - DtmfTone
Call - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a call
CALL - CommunicationCallType
Call feature extension not found.
CALL_TYPE_RESTRICTED - CapabilityResolutionReason
Call type restricted
CallAgent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call agent created by the CallClient factory method createCallAgent It bears the responsibility of managing calls on behalf of the authenticated user
CallAgentOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for creating CallAgent
CallAgentOptions() - Constructor for class CallAgentOptions
Creates a new instance with a default options
CallAudioStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Base class for all Audio Stream objects
CallCaptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call captions for managing common captions functionality.
CallClient - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
This is the main class representing the entrypoint for the Calling SDK.
CallClient() - Constructor for class CallClient
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
CallClient(CallClientOptions) - Constructor for class CallClient
Creates a new instance with CallClientOptions
CallClientOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when creating a call client
CallClientOptions() - Constructor for class CallClientOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration for the call client
CallDebugInfo - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
DebugInfo such as Blog file locations
CallDiagnosticsOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for diagnostics of call client
CallDiagnosticsOptions() - Constructor for class CallDiagnosticsOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration for the call diagnostics options
CallDirection - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Direction of a Call
CallEndReason - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes the reason for a call to end
CallerInfo - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes the Caller Information
CallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
CallFeature super type, features extensions for call.
CallFeatureFactory<TCallFeature extends CallFeature> - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the factory of call api features.
CallingCommunicationErrors - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Additional failed states for Azure Communication Services
CallingCommunicationException - Exception in com.azure.android.communication.calling
General purpose Exception class to capture all exceptions thrown from the Azure Communication Services for Calling
CallingCommunicationException() - Constructor for exception CallingCommunicationException
Creates a new instance of the CallingCommunicationException class
CallingCommunicationException(CallingCommunicationErrors) - Constructor for exception CallingCommunicationException
Creates a new instance of the CallingCommunicationException class
CallingCommunicationException(CallingCommunicationErrors, String) - Constructor for exception CallingCommunicationException
Creates a new instance of the CallingCommunicationException class
CallingCommunicationException(CallingCommunicationErrors, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception CallingCommunicationException
Creates a new instance of the CallingCommunicationException class
CallingCommunicationException(CallingCommunicationErrors, String, String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception CallingCommunicationException
Creates a new instance of the CallingCommunicationException class
CallIssue - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Possible values for common call issues
CallLobby - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a Teams Meeting Lobby's information
CallNetworkOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Network options for call client
CallNetworkOptions() - Constructor for class CallNetworkOptions
Creates a new instance with a default network options.
CallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Holds options for video and audio
CallParticipantRole - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
The role of an user in the Call.
CallState - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
State of a call
CallsUpdatedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a CallsUpdated event
CallsUpdatedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
CallsUpdated Event Handler
CallSurvey - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call Survey Information to be submitted
CallSurveyRatingScale - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Rate scale for Call Survey scores.
CallSurveyRatingScale() - Constructor for class CallSurveyRatingScale
Creates a new instance of CallSurveyRatingScale
CallSurveyResult - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Submit Survey Result
CallSurveyScore - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Survey Score
CallSurveyScore() - Constructor for class CallSurveyScore
Create a new instance of CallSurveyScore
CallVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Base class for all Video streams which contains logic for rendering a Video and/or provide video frames
CameraFacing - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Direction of the camera
cancelAllSpotlights() - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Send request to stop spotlight for all spotlighted participants
cancelSpotlights(CommunicationIdentifier...) - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Cancel spotlight for participants
cancelSpotlights(Iterable<CommunicationIdentifier>) - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Cancel spotlight for participants
Cannot mute virtual audio stream
CANNOT_PRESENT - ScreenShareIssue
CAPABILITIES - Static variable in class Features
Gets a CapabilitiesCallFeature object
CapabilitiesCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Capability call feature
CapabilitiesChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Capability Changed Event
CapabilitiesChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
CapabilitiesChangedReason - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Reason for capabilities changed
CapabilityResolutionReason - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Capability Resolution Reason
CAPABLE - CapabilityResolutionReason
CAPTIONS - Static variable in class Features
Gets a CaptionsFeature object
Start captions failed, captions is disabled by configurations
Failed to set spoken language
CAPTIONS_FAILED_TO_START - CallingCommunicationErrors
Start captions failed
CAPTIONS_FAILED_TO_STOP - CallingCommunicationErrors
Stop captions failed
CAPTIONS_NOT_ACTIVE - CallingCommunicationErrors
Captions are not active
CAPTIONS_POLICY_DISABLED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Start captions failed, captions policy is disabled
The requested language is not supported
Set spoken language is disabled
CaptionsCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call Feature for managing captions for a call.
CaptionsResultType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Indicates the captions result type
CaptionsType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Indicates the active captions type
Capture Adapter Video Device
close() - Method in class RawAudioBuffer
Dispose method for cleaning up resources
close() - Method in class RawVideoFrame
Dispose heavy resources
closeSender() - Method in class DataChannelSender
Close the data channel
CO_ORGANIZER - CallParticipantRole
com.azure.android.communication.calling - package com.azure.android.communication.calling
CommonCall - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a common call
CommonCallAgent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Common call agent base class to represent extended call agent classes created by the CallClient factory method createCallAgent It bears the responsibility of managing calls on behalf of the authenticated user
CommonCallAgentOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Common Options for creating CallAgent
CommonIncomingCall - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a common incoming call
Communication Captions.
CommunicationCallType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Type of Communication
CommunicationCaptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Captions for managing captions for a group call.
CommunicationCaptionsListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that captions are received.
CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an CaptionsReceived event for when new captions data comes in
Call is connected
CONNECTED - ParticipantState
Call is being connected
CONNECTING - ParticipantState
CONSUMER - CallParticipantRole
createCallAgent(Context, CommunicationTokenCredential) - Method in class CallClient
Factory method for creating a CallAgent.
createCallAgent(Context, CommunicationTokenCredential, CallAgentOptions) - Method in class CallClient
Factory method for creating a CallAgent.
createTeamsCallAgent(Context, CommunicationTokenCredential) - Method in class CallClient
Factory method for creating a TeamsCallAgent.
createTeamsCallAgent(Context, CommunicationTokenCredential, TeamsCallAgentOptions) - Method in class CallClient
Factory method for creating a TeamsCallAgent.
createView() - Method in class VideoStreamRenderer
Creates a VideoStreamRendererView using default CreateViewOptions
createView(CreateViewOptions) - Method in class VideoStreamRenderer
Creates a VideoStreamRendererView using the provided CreateViewOptions
CreateViewOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when rendering a Video
CreateViewOptions(ScalingMode) - Constructor for class CreateViewOptions
Creates a new instance with a scaling mode parameter
CROP - ScalingMode
CUSTOM_BACKGROUND - ParticipantCapabilityType
Custom background


D - DtmfTone
DATA_CHANNEL - Static variable in class Features
Gets a DataChannelCallFeature object
DATA_CHANNEL_FAILED_TO_START - CallingCommunicationErrors
Start Data Channel Call Feature failed
Data Channel message failed to send due to bandwidth
Start Data Channel message failed to send due to traffic limit
Data Channel message size over the limit
Random data channel id not available
DATA_CHANNEL_SENDER_CLOSED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Data Channel sender already closed
DataChannelCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
A call feature to use data channel
DataChannelMessage - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes the message received including a sequence number and user-provided data
DataChannelPriority - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Priority options for data channel.
DataChannelReceiver - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes the data channel as a receiver to process the incoming data messages
DataChannelReceiverCreatedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a data channel receiver created event data
DataChannelReceiverCreatedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the sdk that a data channel receiver is created.
DataChannelReliability - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Reliability options for data channel.
DataChannelSender - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a data channel as the sender to send messages to one or more participants
DataChannelSenderOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes the options used to create a data channel sender
DataChannelSenderOptions() - Constructor for class DataChannelSenderOptions
Default constructor
DeviceManager - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Device manager
DiagnosticFlagChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Event payload containing information of a boolean diagnostic change event.
DiagnosticFlagChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a boolean diagnostic value changed.
DiagnosticQuality - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents a diagnostic quality scale.
DiagnosticQualityChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Event payload containing information of a quality diagnostic change event.
DiagnosticQualityChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a quality diagnostic value changed.
disableEffect(VideoEffect) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Disable an enabled video effect.
Call is disconnected
DISCONNECTED - ParticipantState
Call is being disconnected
User display name is longer than the supported length.
dispose() - Method in class CallClient
Releases all the resources held by CallAgent.
dispose() - Method in class CommonCallAgent
Releases all the resources held by Base CallAgent.
dispose() - Method in class VideoStreamRenderer
Stops Rendering and destroy the VideoStreamRendererView
dispose() - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
Removes the videoStreamView from the view hierarchy
DOMINANT_SPEAKERS - Static variable in class Features
Gets a DominantSpeakersCallFeature object
DominantSpeakersCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call Feature for managing the dominant speakers of a call
DominantSpeakersInfo - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Information about the dominant speakers of a call
DtmfTone - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) tone for PSTN calls
DUPLICATE_DEVICE_ID - CallingCommunicationErrors
Virtual tried to register an already registered device id.
DURABLE - DataChannelReliability


Early Media
EARLY_MEDIA - ParticipantState
Early Media
ECHO - AudioIssue
EIGHT - DtmfTone
EmergencyCallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for emergency call of call agent
EmergencyCallOptions() - Constructor for class EmergencyCallOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration for emergency call options
enableEffect(VideoEffect) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Enables a video effect.
EXTERNAL - CameraFacing
External device


FAILED_TO_HANGUP_FOR_EVERYONE - CallingCommunicationErrors
Cannot hangup for everyone in a non-hostless call
Received empty/invalid notification payload.
FAILED_TO_SEND_RAW_AUDIO_BUFFER - CallingCommunicationErrors
Sending Raw Audio Buffer Failed
FAILED_TO_SET_CAPTION_LANGUAGE - CallingCommunicationErrors
Set caption language failed
FAILED_TO_SET_MEDIA_PROXY - CallingCommunicationErrors
Set media proxy failed
feature(CallFeatureFactory<TCallFeature>) - Method in class CommonCall
Retrieves an initialized and memoized Feature object with extended API.
feature(LocalVideoStreamFeatureFactory<TLocalVideoStreamFeature>) - Method in class LocalVideoStream
Retrieves an initialized and memoized Feature object with extended API.
FEATURE_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND - CallingCommunicationErrors
Feature extension not found.
FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED - CapabilityResolutionReason
Feature not supported
Features - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
The collection of all 1st party API features.
FINAL - CaptionsResultType
Sentence has been completely transcribed.
FINAL - RealTimeTextResultType
Indicates that the text message is finalized and will not change.
finalize() - Method in class AddPhoneNumberOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class AdmitAllParticipantsResult
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class AdmitParticipantsResult
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class AudioOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class AudioStreamStateChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallAudioStream
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallCaptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallClient
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallClientOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallDebugInfo
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallDiagnosticsOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallEndReason
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallerInfo
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallFeature
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallLobby
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallNetworkOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallsUpdatedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallSurvey
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallSurveyRatingScale
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallSurveyResult
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallSurveyScore
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CallVideoStream
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CapabilitiesChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CommonCall
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CommonCallAgent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CommonCallAgentOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class CreateViewOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DataChannelMessage
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DataChannelReceiverCreatedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DataChannelSender
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DeviceManager
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DiagnosticFlagChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DiagnosticQualityChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class DominantSpeakersInfo
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class EmergencyCallOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class HangUpOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IceServer
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingAudioOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingAudioStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingDataChannelStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingMediaStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingMixedAudioEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingVideoOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class JoinMeetingLocator
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class LiveOutgoingAudioFilters
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class LocalVideoStreamFeature
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class LoweredHandChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class MediaStatisticsReport
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class MediaStatisticsReportReceivedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class NetworkDiagnosticValues
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingAudioStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingDataChannelStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingMediaStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingVideoOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class ParticipantCapability
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class ParticipantsUpdatedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class PropertyChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class PushNotificationInfo
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RaisedHand
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RaisedHandChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RawAudioBuffer
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RawAudioStreamOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RawAudioStreamProperties
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RawVideoFrame
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RawVideoFrameReceivedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfoReceivedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class RemoteVideoStreamsEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class SpotlightChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class SpotlightedParticipant
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class StartCaptionsOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class TeamsCallInfo
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class TeamsCallsUpdatedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class TelecomManagerOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoConstraints
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoDeviceInfo
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoDevicesUpdatedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoEffect
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoEffectDisabledEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoEffectEnabledEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoEffectErrorEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoOptions
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoStreamFormatChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class VideoStreamStateChangedEvent
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
FIT - ScalingMode
FIVE - DtmfTone
FLASH - DtmfTone
FOUR - DtmfTone
FREEZES - ScreenShareIssue
FREEZES - VideoIssue
fromMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class PushNotificationInfo
Retrieve IncomingCallInformation from FCM/GCM push notification payload
FRONT - CameraFacing
Front camera
FULL_HD - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 1920x1080 resolution


GET_CAPTIONS_FAILED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Get captions failed
Get captions failed, call should be connected
getActiveCaptionLanguage() - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Get active caption language.
getActiveIncomingAudioStream() - Method in class CommonCall
Currently active incoming audio stream in the call
getActiveOutgoingAudioStream() - Method in class CommonCall
Currently active outgoing audio stream in the call
getActiveSpokenLanguage() - Method in class CallCaptions
Get active spoken language.
getAdded() - Method in class SpotlightChangedEvent
List of spotlighted participants identifiers that were added
getAddedCalls() - Method in class CallsUpdatedEvent
New calls being tracked by the library
getAddedCalls() - Method in class TeamsCallsUpdatedEvent
New calls being tracked by the library
getAddedParticipants() - Method in class ParticipantsUpdatedEvent
List of Participants that were added
getAddedRemoteVideoStreams() - Method in class RemoteVideoStreamsEvent
Remote video streams that have been added to the current call
getAddedStreams() - Method in class LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedEvent
List of LocalVideoStream that were added
getAddedVideoDevices() - Method in class VideoDevicesUpdatedEvent
Video devicesRemote video streams that have been added to the current call
getAlternateCallerId() - Method in class AddPhoneNumberOptions
Get the alternate phone number of a remote participant
getAlternateCallerId() - Method in class StartCallOptions
Get the alternate phone number of a remote participant
getAnonymizedParticipantId() - Method in class CallSurveyResult
An anonymized guid (for privacy reasons) that represents the participant submitting the survey This is not an End User Identifiable Information since this id is different for every survey/call.
getAppName() - Method in class CallDiagnosticsOptions
An Identifier to group together multiple appIds into small bundle, invariant of version.
getAppVersion() - Method in class CallDiagnosticsOptions
Gets the application version.
getAudioBuffer() - Method in class IncomingMixedAudioEvent
Audio Buffer that was received
getAudioIssues() - Method in class CallSurvey
Audio issues
getAudioOptions() - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Use getIncomingAudioOptions() and getOutgoingAudioOptions() instead.
getAudioOptions() - Method in class StartCallOptions
Use getIncomingAudioOptions() and getOutgoingAudioOptions() instead.
getAudioScore() - Method in class CallSurvey
Audio score
getAudioStatistics() - Method in class IncomingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the audio statistics for the call.
getAudioStatistics() - Method in class OutgoingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the audio statistics for the call.
getBitrateInBps() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Bitrate in bits per second.
getBitrateInBps() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Bitrate in bits per second.
getBitrateInBps() - Method in class OutgoingAudioStatistics
Bitrate in bits per second.
getBitrateInBps() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
Bitrate in bits per second.
getBitrateInBps() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
Bitrate in bits per second.
getBitrateInKbps() - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Get Data channel bitrate in kbps
getBuffer() - Method in class BackgroundReplacementEffect
Image Buffer to Fill for Background Replacement
getBuffer() - Method in class RawAudioBuffer
Native Buffer used to send/receive Audio.
getBufferDuration() - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties
Specifies the size of sample data block expected to be sent through a given outgoing audio stream.
getBuffers() - Method in class RawVideoFrameBuffer
Representation of the video frame as a buffer saved on memory
getCallEndReason() - Method in class CommonCall
Containing code/subcode indicating how a call has ended
getCallEndReason() - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Describe the reason why a call has ended
getCallEndReason() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Reason why participant left the call, contains code/subcode.
getCallerInfo() - Method in class CommonCall
Gets the identity of the caller
getCallerInfo() - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Information about the caller
getCallFeatureImpl() - Method in interface CallFeatureFactory
getCallId() - Method in class CallSurveyResult
Uniquely identify the call being served
getCallId() - Method in class PushNotificationInfo
Get the UUID representing the call id
getCallInfo() - Method in class TeamsCall
Information about the teams call
getCallInfo() - Method in class TeamsIncomingCall
Information about the call
getCallLobby() - Method in class CommonCall
Get the Teams meeting lobby.
getCallParticipantRole() - Method in class CommonCall
Participant role in the call
getCallParticipantRole() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Role of the remote participant
getCalls() - Method in class CallAgent
Returns the list of all active calls.
getCalls() - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Returns the list of all active calls.
getCameraFacing() - Method in class VideoDeviceInfo
Direction of the camera
getCameras() - Method in class DeviceManager
Get the list of currently connected video devices
getCapabilities() - Method in class CapabilitiesCallFeature
List of all capabilites
getCaptionLanguage() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
language identifier for the captions text.
getCaptions() - Method in class CaptionsCallFeature
Get captions for a connected call.
getCaptionsType() - Method in class CallCaptions
Get captions type.
getCaptionText() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
Gets the transcribed text.
getChangedCapabilities() - Method in class CapabilitiesChangedEvent
List of capabilites changed
getChannelId() - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Get Data channel id
getChannelId() - Method in class DataChannelSender
Get Data channel id
getChannelId() - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Get Data channel id
getChannelMode() - Method in class RawAudioStreamProperties
Channel Mode of Audio Stream
getCode() - Method in class CallEndReason
Gets the code
getCode() - Method in exception CallingCommunicationException
HTTP-Like status code for the SDK error.
getCode() - Method in class VideoEffectErrorEvent
Error code.
getCodecName() - Method in class IncomingAudioStatistics
Codec Name.
getCodecName() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Codec Name.
getCodecName() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Codec Name.
getCodecName() - Method in class OutgoingAudioStatistics
Codec Name
getCodecName() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
Codec Name.
getCodecName() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
Codec Name.
getConstraints() - Method in class OutgoingVideoOptions
Get or set the OutgoingVideoConstraints
getCountryCode() - Method in class EmergencyCallOptions
Specify the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 emergency country code of the local participant for emergency calls
getData() - Method in class DataChannelMessage
Byte array holding the data received
getDataChannelSender(DataChannelSenderOptions) - Method in class DataChannelCallFeature
Creates a new data channel sender with user-specified options
getDataChannelStatistics() - Method in class IncomingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the data channel statistics for the call.
getDataChannelStatistics() - Method in class OutgoingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the data channel statistics for the call.
getDebugInfo() - Method in class CallClient
Retrieves the DebugInfo class, which is an interface to Debugging/Support helpers such as retrieving files for support
getDeviceManager(Context) - Method in class CallClient
Gets a device manager object that can be used to enumerates audio and video devices available for calls.
getDeviceType() - Method in class VideoDeviceInfo
Get the Device Type of this video device.
getDiagnostics() - Method in class CallClientOptions
Call Diagnostics options when creating a call client
getDirection() - Method in class CallAudioStream
Informs if the audio is Incoming or Outgoing
getDirection() - Method in class CallVideoStream
Informs if the video is Incoming or Outgoing
getDirection() - Method in class CommonCall
Outgoing or Incoming depending on the Call Direction
getDisplayName() - Method in class CallAgentOptions
Specify the display name of the local participant for all new calls
getDisplayName() - Method in class CallerInfo
Gets the display name of the caller
getDisplayName() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Private Preview Only: Display Name of the remote participant
getDominantSpeakersInfo() - Method in class DominantSpeakersCallFeature
Information about the dominant speakers of the call
getEmergencyCallOptions() - Method in class CallAgentOptions
Emergency call options when creating a call agent
getErrorCode() - Method in exception CallingCommunicationException
The error code associated with this exception instance.
getEventType() - Method in class PushNotificationInfo
Type of Push Notification Event
getExpectedBufferSizeInBytes() - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStream
Expected buffer size of Audio Buffer
getFailedParticipants() - Method in class AdmitParticipantsResult
Get a list of remote participants that are failed during admit operation
getFailureCount() - Method in class AdmitAllParticipantsResult
Gets the number of participants that are failed during admitAll operation
getFilters() - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Start an outgoing or accept incoming call with outgoing audio filter features
getFormat() - Method in class RawAudioStreamProperties
Audio Format of Audio Stream in the Call
getFormat() - Method in class RawOutgoingVideoStream
Get VideoStreamFormat used to send VideoFrames
getFormat() - Method in class VideoStreamFormatChangedEvent
New VideoStreamFormat
getFormats() - Method in class RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions
Returns an array of the video formats supported by the virtual video stream
getFrame() - Method in class RawVideoFrameReceivedEvent
Information about the new video frame
getFrameHeight() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Frame height of the decoded frame (pixels).
getFrameHeight() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Frame height of the decoded frame (pixels).
getFrameHeight() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
Frame height of the encoded frame (pixel).
getFrameHeight() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
Frame height of the encoded frame (pixel).
getFrameRate() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Frame rate received on the RTP stream (frames/sec).
getFrameRate() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Frame rate received on the RTP stream (frames/sec).
getFrameRate() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
Frame rate sent on the RTP stream (frames/sec).
getFrameRate() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
Frame rate sent on the RTP stream (frames/sec).
getFramesPerSecond() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Informs how many frames per second the virtual video device will be sending to remote participants.
getFrameWidth() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Frame width of the decoded frame (pixels).
getFrameWidth() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Frame width of the decoded frame (pixels).
getFrameWidth() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
Frame width of the encoded frame (pixel).
getFrameWidth() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
Frame width of the encoded frame (pixel).
getFrom() - Method in class PushNotificationInfo
Get the CommunicationIdentifier representing the Call initiator
getFromDisplayName() - Method in class PushNotificationInfo
Gets the display name of the caller
getGroupId() - Method in class GroupCallLocator
Gets the unique identifier for the group conversation
getHeight() - Method in class StreamSize
Retrieve the current height of the stream
getHeight() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Total height-wise count of pixels of the video frame.
getIceServers() - Method in class CallNetworkOptions
getId() - Method in class CallVideoStream
Unique Identifier of the current remote video stream.
getId() - Method in class CommonCall
Id of the call
getId() - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Id of the call
getId() - Method in class VideoDeviceInfo
Get Name of this audio device.
getIdentifier() - Method in class CallerInfo
Retrives the remote participant caller id
getIdentifier() - Method in class LoweredHandChangedEvent
Information about the event participant
getIdentifier() - Method in class RaisedHand
Information about the event participant
getIdentifier() - Method in class RaisedHandChangedEvent
Information about the event participant
getIdentifier() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Get the remote participant identifier information
getIdentifier() - Method in class SpotlightedParticipant
Information about the event participant
getIncomingAudioOptions() - Method in class CallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
getIncomingStatistics() - Method in class MediaStatisticsReport
Incoming Media Statistics from the remote participants
getIncomingVideoOptions() - Method in class CallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
getIncomingVideoStreams() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Get a list of incoming streams in the current call.
getInfo() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfoReceivedEvent
Gets the real-time text info associated with the event.
getJitterInMs() - Method in class IncomingAudioStatistics
Average packet jitter in milliseconds.
getJitterInMs() - Method in class IncomingDataChannelStatistics
Average packet jitter in milliseconds.
getJitterInMs() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Average packet jitter in milliseconds.
getJitterInMs() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Average packet jitter in milliseconds.
getJitterInMs() - Method in class OutgoingAudioStatistics
Average packet jitter in milliseconds.
getLastUpdatedAt() - Method in class DominantSpeakersInfo
Last updated time of the current dominant speakers list
getLastUpdatedAt() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Last updated time of any diagnostic property.
getLastUpdatedAt() - Method in class MediaStatisticsReport
Timestamp in unix epoch for when the report was generated.
getLastUpdatedAt() - Method in class NetworkDiagnosticValues
Last updated time of any diagnostic property.
getLatestDiagnostics() - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Stored latest values for all known media diagnostics.
getLatestDiagnostics() - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Stored latest values for all known network diagnostics.
getLiveOutgoingAudioFilters() - Method in class CommonCall
Get the current configurable outgoing audio filters
getLocalVideoStreamFeatureImpl() - Method in interface LocalVideoStreamFeatureFactory
getLocalVideoStreams() - Method in class Call
Use getOutgoingVideoStreams instead
getLocalVideoStreams() - Method in class VideoOptions
Gets the video stream that is used to render the video on the UI surface
getLowerBound() - Method in class CallSurveyRatingScale
Inclusive lower bound of the rating value 0 to 100 (default 1)
getLowScoreThreshold() - Method in class CallSurveyRatingScale
Gets the threshold value when the score is lower or equals (inclusive) than will be considered a bad experience (default 3)
getMaxBitrateInBps() - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on bitrate
getMaxFrameRate() - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on frame rate
getMaxHeight() - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on height
getMaxMessageSizeInBytes() - Method in class DataChannelSender
Get the max size allowed for a message
getMaxSpotlightedParticipants() - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Send request to return the maximum number of participants that can be spotlighted
getMaxWidth() - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on width
getMediaDiagnostics() - Method in class LocalUserDiagnosticsCallFeature
Source for all media diagnostics.
getMediaStreamType() - Method in class CallVideoStream
Use SourceType instead
getMeetingId() - Method in class TeamsMeetingIdLocator
Gets the Meeting ID of the meeting
getMeetingLink() - Method in class TeamsMeetingLinkLocator
Gets the URI of the meeting
getMeetingThreadId() - Method in class TeamsCallInfo
Get meeting thread ID
getMessage() - Method in class AudioStreamStateChangedEvent
Contains message about Audio Stream
getMessage() - Method in exception CallingCommunicationException
Detailed message for the SDK error.
getMessage() - Method in class VideoEffectErrorEvent
Error message.
getMessage() - Method in class VideoStreamStateChangedEvent
Contains an important message about the functioning of the CallVideoStream.
getMessageId() - Method in class TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator
Gets the message identifier of meeting
getName() - Method in class CallFeature
Name of the extended CallFeature.
getName() - Method in class DiagnosticFlagChangedEvent
Gets the name of the diagnostic that changed.
getName() - Method in class DiagnosticQualityChangedEvent
Gets the name of the diagnostic that changed.
getName() - Method in class LocalVideoStreamFeature
Name of the extended LocalVideoStreamFeature.
getName() - Method in class VideoDeviceInfo
Get the name of this video device.
getName() - Method in class VideoEffect
Name of the video effect.
getNetwork() - Method in class CallClientOptions
Call network options when creating a call client
getNetworkDiagnostics() - Method in class LocalUserDiagnosticsCallFeature
Source for all network diagnostics.
getNetworkReceiveQuality() - Method in class NetworkDiagnosticValues
Get value for `NETWORK_RECEIVE_QUALITY` if available.
getNetworkReconnectionQuality() - Method in class NetworkDiagnosticValues
Get value for `NETWORK_RECONNECT` if available.
getNetworkSendQuality() - Method in class NetworkDiagnosticValues
Get value for `NETWORK_SEND_QUALITY` if available.
getNoiseSuppressionMode() - Method in class LiveOutgoingAudioFilters
Changes mode/type of Noise Suppression
getNoiseSuppressionMode() - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Changes mode/type of Noise Suppression
getOrder() - Method in class RaisedHand
Order of raise hand events.
getOrganizerId() - Method in class TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator
Gets the organizer identifier of meeting
getOutgoingAudioOptions() - Method in class CallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
getOutgoingStatistics() - Method in class MediaStatisticsReport
Outgoing Media Statistics from the local participant
getOutgoingVideoConstraints() - Method in class VideoConstraints
Constraints for outgoing video
getOutgoingVideoOptions() - Method in class CallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
getOutgoingVideoStreams() - Method in class CommonCall
Get a list of outgoing streams in the current call.
getOverallIssues() - Method in class CallSurvey
Call issues
getOverallScore() - Method in class CallSurvey
Overall Score
getPacketCount() - Method in class IncomingAudioStatistics
The total number of packets received.
getPacketCount() - Method in class IncomingDataChannelStatistics
The total number of packets received.
getPacketCount() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
The total number of packets received.
getPacketCount() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
The total number of packets received.
getPacketCount() - Method in class OutgoingAudioStatistics
The total number of packets sent.
getPacketCount() - Method in class OutgoingDataChannelStatistics
The total number of packets sent.
getPacketCount() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
The total number of packets sent.
getPacketCount() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
The total number of packets sent.
getPacketsLostPerSecond() - Method in class IncomingAudioStatistics
Packet Loss Rate (packets/second).
getPacketsLostPerSecond() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Packet Loss Rate (packets/second).
getPacketsLostPerSecond() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Packet Loss Rate (packets/second).
getParticipantIdentifier() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Retrives the remote participant identifier for the owner of the stream
getParticipantIdentifier() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Retrives the remote participant identifier for the owner of the stream
getParticipants() - Method in class CallLobby
Get a list of remote participants in the current Teams meeting lobby.
getParticipants() - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Get all the participants for the data channel
getParticipantSourceId() - Method in class IncomingVideoStream
Return the remote participant endpoint id that owns this incoming video streams Same user logged in from different devices will have different ParticipantSourceId Note: This field is not the same as CommunicationIdentifier.
getPasscode() - Method in class TeamsMeetingIdLocator
Gets the Passcode of the meeting
getPassword() - Method in class IceServer
Password for the ICE servers if credential infomation is needed for the server
getPhoneAccountId() - Method in class TelecomManagerOptions
A string identifier that is unique across PhoneAccountHandles with the same component name.
getPixelFormat() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Informs how the content of the video frame is encoded.
getPriority() - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Data channel priority
getProperties() - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions
Raw Incoming Audio Properties needed for initializing a RawIncomingAudioStream
getProperties() - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStream
RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties that this CallAudioStream is set to
getProperties() - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions
Raw Outgoing Audio Properties needed for initializing a RawOutgoingAudioStream
getProxyUrl() - Method in class CallNetworkOptions
Url to be used for proxy.
getPushNotificationTtlInSeconds() - Method in class CallAgentOptions
Get push notification time-to-live value.
getRaisedHands() - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Get all active raised hands.
getRealm() - Method in class IceServer
Realm for the ICE servers
getReason() - Method in class CapabilitiesChangedEvent
Capability changed reason
getReason() - Method in class ParticipantCapability
Capability resolution reason
getReceivedTime() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Gets the local timestamp when the real-time text message was received.
getReceiver() - Method in class DataChannelReceiverCreatedEvent
Gets the receiver created with the event
getReliability() - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Data channel reliability
getRemoteParticipants() - Method in class CommonCall
Get a list of remote participants in the current call.
getRemoved() - Method in class SpotlightChangedEvent
List of Participants identifiers whose spotlight state were removed
getRemovedCalls() - Method in class CallsUpdatedEvent
Calls that are no longer tracked by the library
getRemovedCalls() - Method in class TeamsCallsUpdatedEvent
Calls that are no longer tracked by the library
getRemovedParticipants() - Method in class ParticipantsUpdatedEvent
List of Participants that were removed
getRemovedRemoteVideoStreams() - Method in class RemoteVideoStreamsEvent
Remote video streams that are no longer part of the current call
getRemovedStreams() - Method in class LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedEvent
List of LocalVideoStream that were removed
getRemovedVideoDevices() - Method in class VideoDevicesUpdatedEvent
Remote video streams that have been added to the current call
getReport() - Method in class MediaStatisticsReportReceivedEvent
Report with the Media Statistics information.
getReportIntervalInSeconds() - Method in class MediaStatisticsCallFeature
Define how often Media Statistics information reports are informed to the callback (min 10 seconds and max 3600 seconds)
getRequestCorrelationVector() - Method in exception CallingCommunicationException
The request correlation-vector associated with this exception instance.
getResolution() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Width and height to be used from a known video resolution standard
getResponseCorrelationVector() - Method in exception CallingCommunicationException
The response correlation-vector associated with this exception instance.
getResultType() - Method in class CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent
CaptionsResultType is Partial if text contains partially spoken sentence.
getResultType() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Gets the result type indicating whether the message is partial or final.
getResultType() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
CaptionsResultType is Partial if text contains partially spoken sentence.
getRoomId() - Method in class RoomCallLocator
Gets the Room identifier of the meeting
getSampleRate() - Method in class RawAudioStreamProperties
Sample Rate of Audio Stream
getScale() - Method in class CallSurveyScore
Rating Scale for the score, default is 5 star rating (1-5)
getScalingMode() - Method in class CreateViewOptions
Scaling mode for rendering the video.
getScore() - Method in class CallSurveyScore
Score Value
getScreenShareIssues() - Method in class CallSurvey
Screen share issues
getScreenShareScore() - Method in class CallSurvey
Screen Share score
getScreenShareStatistics() - Method in class IncomingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the screen share statistics for the call.
getScreenShareStatistics() - Method in class OutgoingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the screen share statistics for the call.
getSender() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Gets information about the sender of the real-time text message.
getSenderIdentifier() - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Get participant identifier of the sender
getSequenceId() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Gets the sequence identifier of the real-time text message.
getSequenceNumber() - Method in class DataChannelMessage
Sequence number indicating the order of the message
getServerCallId() - Method in class CommonCall
Get the server call ID
getSize() - Method in class VideoStreamRenderer
Retrieve the size of the underlying Video Stream
getSource() - Method in class LocalVideoStream
Video device to use as source for local video.
getSourceType() - Method in class CallVideoStream
Get VideoStreamSourceType of the current CallVideoStream
getSpeaker() - Method in class CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent
Information about the speaker in this caption.
getSpeaker() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
Information about the speaker.
getSpeakers() - Method in class DominantSpeakersInfo
List of the current dominant speakers
getSpokenLanguage() - Method in class CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent
language identifier for the speaker.
getSpokenLanguage() - Method in class StartCaptionsOptions
language in which the speaker is speaking.
getSpokenLanguage() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
language identifier for the speaker.
getSpokenText() - Method in class CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent
Gets the transcribed text.
getSpokenText() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
Gets the original text with no transcribed.
getSpotlightedParticipants() - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Send request to get a list of all spotlighted participants
getStartTime() - Method in class CommonCall
Time the call was bootstrapped
getState() - Method in class CallAudioStream
Informs the state of the Audio Stream.
getState() - Method in class CallVideoStream
Informs the current running state of this CallVideoStream.
getState() - Method in class CommonCall
Current state of the call
getState() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Current state of the remote participant
getStream() - Method in class AudioStreamStateChangedEvent
Audio Stream that has its state changed
getStream() - Method in class IncomingAudioOptions
Incoming Audio Stream that will be started when the call connects.
getStream() - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Outgoing Audio Stream that will be started when the call connects.
getStream() - Method in class VideoStreamStateChangedEvent
CallVideoStream that it's state changed
getStreamFormat() - Method in class RawVideoFrame
Information about the 4CC used on this video frame
getStreamId() - Method in class IncomingAudioStatistics
Identifier used to distinguish when there are multiple streams with same media type/direction.
getStreamId() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Identifier used to distinguish when there are multiple streams with same media type/direction.
getStreamId() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Identifier used to distinguish when there are multiple streams with same media type/direction.
getStreamId() - Method in class OutgoingAudioStatistics
Identifier used to distinguish when there are multiple streams with same media type/direction.
getStreamId() - Method in class OutgoingScreenShareStatistics
Identifier used to distinguish when there are multiple streams with same media type/direction.
getStreamId() - Method in class OutgoingVideoStatistics
Identifier used to distinguish when there are multiple streams with same media type/direction.
getStreamProperties() - Method in class IncomingMixedAudioEvent
Properties of the Raw Incoming Audio Buffer
getStreams() - Method in class OutgoingVideoOptions
Get or set the OutgoingVideoStreams should start once the call start
getStreamType() - Method in class IncomingVideoOptions
Get or set the Incoming Video Stream that should be provided
getStride1() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Informs the stride in bytes for the first plane of the video frame content when RawVideoFrameType is VideoSoftware.
getStride2() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
For VideoFormats with more than one plane, informs the stride in bytes for the second plane of the video frame content when RawVideoFrameType is VideoSoftware.
getStride3() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
For VideoFormats with more than two planes, informs the stride in bytes for the third plane of the video frame content when RawVideoFrameType is VideoSoftware.
getSubcode() - Method in class CallEndReason
Gets the subcode
getSubCode() - Method in exception CallingCommunicationException
Unique integer identifier for the SDK error.
getSuccessCount() - Method in class AdmitAllParticipantsResult
Gets the number of successfully admitted participants
getSuccessCount() - Method in class AdmitParticipantsResult
Gets the number of successfully admitted participants
getSupportedCaptionLanguages() - Method in class TeamsCaptions
List of supported captions languages for Captions.
getSupportedSpokenLanguages() - Method in class CallCaptions
List of supported spoken languages for Captions.
getSupportFiles() - Method in class CallDebugInfo
Retrieves a list of support files, primarily log files intended for sharing with support.
getSurveyId() - Method in class CallSurveyResult
Uniquely identify the call survey
getTags() - Method in class CallDiagnosticsOptions
Tags - Additional Information
getTcpPort() - Method in class IceServer
TCP port for the ICE servers
getTelecomManagerOptions() - Method in class CommonCallAgentOptions
TelecomManager options
getTenantId() - Method in class TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator
Gets the tenant identifier of meeting
getText() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Gets the text content of the real-time text message.
getThreadId() - Method in class TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator
Gets the thread identifier of meeting
getTimestamp() - Method in class CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent
Timestamp denoting the time when the corresponding speech was made.
getTimestamp() - Method in class TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent
Timestamp denoting the time when the corresponding speech was made.
getTimestampInTicks() - Method in class RawAudioBuffer
Timestamp of Buffer to set/get depending on outgoing/incoming
getTimestampInTicks() - Method in class RawOutgoingVideoStream
Timestamp with the time of the current outgoing stream
getTimestampInTicks() - Method in class RawVideoFrame
time when the video frame was created
getTo() - Method in class PushNotificationInfo
Get the CommunicationIdentifier representing the Callee
getTotalFreezeDurationInMs() - Method in class IncomingScreenShareStatistics
Total freeze duration (milliseconds).
getTotalFreezeDurationInMs() - Method in class IncomingVideoStatistics
Total freeze duration (milliseconds).
getTotalParticipantCount() - Method in class CommonCall
Total number of participants active in the current call
getType() - Method in class CallAudioStream
Informs the kind of the Audio Stream.
getType() - Method in class CallVideoStream
Get the type of the derived class
getType() - Method in class CommonCall
Informs how video frames will be available for encoding or decoding.
getType() - Method in class CommonCallAgent
Informs how video frames will be available for encoding or decoding.
getType() - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Informs how video frames will be available for encoding or decoding.
getType() - Method in class ParticipantCapability
Capability name
getType() - Method in class RawVideoFrame
Informs how video frames will be available for encoding or decoding.
getUdpPort() - Method in class IceServer
UDP port for the ICE servers
getUpdatedTime() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Gets the local timestamp when the real-time text message was last updated.
getUpperBound() - Method in class CallSurveyRatingScale
Inclusive upper bound of the rating value 0 to 100 (default 5)
getUrls() - Method in class IceServer
Get urls for the ICE servers
getUsername() - Method in class IceServer
Username for the ICE servers if credential infomation is needed for the server
getValue() - Method in class DiagnosticFlagChangedEvent
Gets the new diagnostic value.
getValue() - Method in class DiagnosticQualityChangedEvent
Gets the new diagnostic quality value.
getVideoEffectName() - Method in class VideoEffectDisabledEvent
Name of the video effect.
getVideoEffectName() - Method in class VideoEffectEnabledEvent
Name of the video effect.
getVideoEffectName() - Method in class VideoEffectErrorEvent
Name of the video effect.
getVideoIssues() - Method in class CallSurvey
Video issues
getVideoOptions() - Method in class AcceptCallOptions
Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() instead
getVideoOptions() - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() instead
getVideoOptions() - Method in class StartCallOptions
Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() instead
getVideoScore() - Method in class CallSurvey
Video Score
getVideoStatistics() - Method in class IncomingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the video statistics for the call.
getVideoStatistics() - Method in class OutgoingMediaStatistics
Gets the list of the video statistics for the call.
getVideoStreamId() - Method in class RawVideoFrameReceivedEvent
VideoStreamId that own this video frame
getVideoStreams() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Use getIncomingVideoStreams instead
getWidth() - Method in class StreamSize
Retrieve the current width of the stream
getWidth() - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Total width-wise count of pixels of the video frame.
GOOD - DiagnosticQuality
GroupCallLocator - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for joining a group call
GroupCallLocator(UUID) - Constructor for class GroupCallLocator
Creates a new instance with a groupId


handlePushNotification(PushNotificationInfo) - Method in class CommonCallAgent
Handle the push notification.
HANG_UP_FOR_EVERYONE - ParticipantCapabilityType
Hang up for everyone
hangUp() - Method in class CommonCall
HangUp a call
hangUp(HangUpOptions) - Method in class CommonCall
HangUp a call
HangUpOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Property bag class for hanging up a call
HangUpOptions() - Constructor for class HangUpOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
HD - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 1280x720 resolution
HIGH - DataChannelPriority
HIGH - NoiseSuppressionMode
hold() - Method in class CommonCall
Hold this call
HOLD - ParticipantState
On Hold
HZ_16000 - AudioStreamSampleRate
16000 Hz
HZ_22050 - AudioStreamSampleRate
22050 Hz
HZ_24000 - AudioStreamSampleRate
24000 Hz
HZ_32000 - AudioStreamSampleRate
32000 Hz
HZ_44100 - AudioStreamSampleRate
44100 Hz
HZ_48000 - AudioStreamSampleRate
48000 Hz


I420 - VideoStreamPixelFormat
Pixel format is encoded as YUV 4:2:0 with a plane of 8 bit ordered by Y, followed by a U plane, followed by a V plane.
IceServer - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an ICE Server
IceServer() - Constructor for class IceServer
Creates a new instance with a default configuration.
IDLE - ParticipantState
IN_LOBBY - CallState
In Lobby
IN_LOBBY - ParticipantState
In Lobby
INCOMING - CallDirection
Incoming call
INCOMING - StreamDirection
INCOMING_CALL - PushNotificationEventType
Attempt to answer an incoming call that has been unplaced.
INCOMING_GROUP_CALL - PushNotificationEventType
INCOMING_PSTN_CALL - PushNotificationEventType
IncomingAudioOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Property bag class for Incoming Audio Options.
IncomingAudioOptions() - Constructor for class IncomingAudioOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
IncomingAudioStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the incoming audio Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingAudioStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Base Class for all Incoming Audio Stream objects
IncomingCall - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an incoming call
IncomingCallListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a incoming call has been received.
IncomingDataChannelStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the incoming data channel Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingMediaStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Aggregate for all incoming Media Statistics information.
IncomingMixedAudioEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an IncomingMixedAudio event for when new audio data comes in
IncomingMixedAudioListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Delegate that will inform when a new audio buffer is available through the audio stream
IncomingScreenShareStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the incoming screen share Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingVideoOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Hold properties that configure incoming video streams
IncomingVideoOptions() - Constructor for class IncomingVideoOptions
Default constructor
IncomingVideoStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the incoming video Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Contains information about common properties between the different types of incoming video streams
INVALID_BUFFER - CallingCommunicationErrors
The buffer does not match the video format set or does contain valid data
INVALID_GUID_GROUP_ID - CallingCommunicationErrors
Received invalid group Id.
The local video stream on the video options is invalid.
INVALID_MEETING_LINK - CallingCommunicationErrors
Invalid meeting link provided.
Attempted to added a participant with an invalid type to the call
Push notification device registration token is invalid.
INVALID_SERVER_CALL_ID - CallingCommunicationErrors
Invalid server call Id because it's empty or has invalid values.
INVALID_TOKEN_PROVIDER - CallingCommunicationErrors
Invalid token provider given.
INVALID_VIDEO_FORMAT - CallingCommunicationErrors
Invalid video format set
Invalid video stream combination provided.
isAcousticEchoCancellationEnabled() - Method in class LiveOutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Echo Cancellation.
isAcousticEchoCancellationEnabled() - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Echo Cancellation.
isAllowed() - Method in class ParticipantCapability
Tells whether capability is capable or not
isAnalogAutomaticGainControlEnabled() - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Enables Analog Automatic Gain Control
isAvailable() - Method in class RemoteVideoStream
Use RemoteVideoStream.getState() instead
isCameraFrozen() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `CAMERA_FREEZE` if available.
isCameraPermissionDenied() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `CAMERA_PERMISSION_DENIED` if available.
isCameraStartFailed() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `CAMERA_START_FAILED` if available.
isCameraStartTimedOut() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `CAMERA_START_TIMED_OUT` if available.
isCommunicationAudioModeEnabled() - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Enable or disable AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION for a call.
isDigitalAutomaticGainControlEnabled() - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Enables Digital Automatic Gain Control
isDisableInternalPushForIncomingCall() - Method in class CommonCallAgentOptions
Determines whether to disable the internal push mechanism for delivering the push payload of an incoming call.
isEffectSupported(VideoEffect) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Checks if a video effect is supported on the device.
isEnabled() - Method in class CallCaptions
Indicates if captions is enabled in current call.
isForEveryone() - Method in class HangUpOptions
Use to determine whether the current call should be terminated for all participant on the call or not
isIncomingAudioMuted() - Method in class CommonCall
Whether the local speaker is muted or not.
isIncomingWithVideo() - Method in class PushNotificationInfo
Indicates whether the incoming call has a video or not
isLocal() - Method in class RealTimeTextInfo
Determines if the real-time text message is locally produced (I.e.
isMicrophoneBusy() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
isMicrophoneMutedUnexpectedly() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `MICROPHONE_MUTED_UNEXPECTEDLY` if available.
isMicrophoneNotFunctioning() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `MICROPHONE_NOT_FUNCTIONING` if available.
isMusicModeEnabled() - Method in class LiveOutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Music Mode
isMusicModeEnabled() - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Music Mode
isMuted() - Method in class AudioOptions
Deprecated use muted property in OutgoingAudioOptions instead
isMuted() - Method in class Call
Use isOutgoingAudioMuted instead.
isMuted() - Method in class IncomingAudioOptions
Start an outgoing or accept incoming call with speaker muted (true) or un-muted(false).
isMuted() - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Start an outgoing or accept incoming call with microphone muted (true) or un-muted(false)
isMuted() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
True if the remote participant is muted
isNetworkRelaysUnreachable() - Method in class NetworkDiagnosticValues
Get value for `NETWORK_RELAYS_NOT_REACHABLE` if available.
isNetworkUnavailable() - Method in class NetworkDiagnosticValues
Get value for `NO_NETWORK` if available.
isNoMicrophoneDevicesAvailable() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `NO_MICROPHONE_DEVICES_ENUMERATED` if available.
isNoSpeakerDevicesAvailable() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `NO_SPEAKER_DEVICES_ENUMERATED` if available.
isOutgoingAudioMuted() - Method in class CommonCall
Whether the local microphone is muted or not.
isRecordingActive() - Method in class RecordingCallFeature
Indicates if recording is active in current call
isRendering() - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
isSending() - Method in class LocalVideoStream
Use RemoteVideoStream.getState() instead
isSpeakerBusy() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `SPEAKER_NOT_FUNCTIONING` if available.
isSpeakerMuted() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `SPEAKER_MUTED` if available.
isSpeakerNotFunctioning() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `SPEAKER_NOT_FUNCTIONING` if available.
isSpeakerVolumeZero() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `SPEAKER_VOLUME_IS_ZERO` if available.
isSpeaking() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
True if the remote participant is speaking.
isSpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMuted() - Method in class MediaDiagnosticValues
Get value for `SPEAKING_WHILE_MICROPHONE_IS_MUTED` if available.
isTranscriptionActive() - Method in class TranscriptionCallFeature
Indicates if transcription is active in current call
isVideoEnabled() - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Is incoming video enabled


join(Context, JoinMeetingLocator, JoinCallOptions) - Method in class CallAgent
Join an existing group conversation with the ability to specify call options for the participant joining.
join(Context, JoinTeamsMeetingLocator) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Join an existing group conversation with the ability to specify call options for the participant joining.
join(Context, JoinTeamsMeetingLocator, JoinTeamsCallOptions) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Join an existing group conversation with the ability to specify call options for the participant joining.
JoinCallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when joining a call
JoinCallOptions() - Constructor for class JoinCallOptions
Default constructor
JoinMeetingLocator - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
JoinMeetingLocator super type, locator for joining meetings
JoinTeamsCallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when joining a Teams call
JoinTeamsCallOptions() - Constructor for class JoinTeamsCallOptions
Default constructor
JoinTeamsMeetingLocator - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
JoinTeamsMeetingLocator super type, locator for joining meetings


LARGE_DELAY - ScreenShareIssue
LEFT_FRONT - CameraFacing
Left front camera
LiveOutgoingAudioFilters - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Holds properties that configure outgoing audio preprocessing during call
LOBBY_ADMIT_OPERATION_FAILURE - CallingCommunicationErrors
Admit/AdmitAll operation failure
Current conversation type does not support Lobby
Lobby is disabled by configurations
LOBBY_MEETING_ROLE_NOT_ALLOWED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Current meeting role does not have permission to admit/reject user from Lobby
LOBBY_PARTICIPANT_NOT_EXIST - CallingCommunicationErrors
Participant is not exist in the Lobby
LOCAL_HOLD - CallState
Call held by local participant
LOCAL_OUTGOING - AudioStreamType
Local Outgoing
LOCAL_OUTGOING - VideoStreamType
LOCAL_USER_DIAGNOSTICS - Static variable in class Features
Gets a LocalUserDiagnosticsCallFeature object
LOCAL_VIDEO_EFFECTS - Static variable in class Features
Gets a LocalVideoEffectsFeature object
Failure while switch source on a local video stream.
LocalOutgoingAudioStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Local (Physical device) Audio Stream
LocalOutgoingAudioStream() - Constructor for class LocalOutgoingAudioStream
Default constructor
LocalUserDiagnosticsCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Wraps the user facing diagnostics feature in the call context.
LocalVideoEffectsFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
LocalVideoStream Feature for managing video effects.
LocalVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Local video stream information
LocalVideoStream(VideoDeviceInfo, Context) - Constructor for class LocalVideoStream
Creates a new instance with a camera device and context parameter
LocalVideoStreamFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
LocalVideoStreamFeature base type, features extensions for local video stream.
LocalVideoStreamFeatureFactory<TLocalVideoStreamFeature extends LocalVideoStreamFeature> - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the factory of local video stream api features.
LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Use VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs instead
LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the library that new Local video streams were added or removed from a call
LOSSY - DataChannelReliability
LOW - NoiseSuppressionMode
LOW_QUALITY - ScreenShareIssue
LOW_QUALITY - VideoIssue
LOW_VOLUME - AudioIssue
lowerAllHands() - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Send request to lower raised hands for every user on the call.
LoweredHandChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Lowered hand event information.
LoweredHandListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a participant has lowered hands.
lowerHand() - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Send request to lower hand for local user.
lowerHands(Iterable<CommunicationIdentifier>) - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Information about the event participant


MANAGE_LOBBY - ParticipantCapabilityType
manage lobby
MAX_SPOTLIGHT_REACHED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Max supported spotlight reached
MEDIA_STATISTICS - Static variable in class Features
Gets a MediaStatisticsCallFeature object
Invalid report interval for Media Statistics Call Feature.
MediaDiagnostics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents an object where media diagnostics are accessed.
MediaDiagnosticValues - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents an object where all the latest diagnostics values for media diagnostic.
MediaStatisticsCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Media Statistics Call Feature.
MediaStatisticsReport - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Report for all Media Statistics available in a given instant.
MediaStatisticsReportReceivedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a Media Statistics Report Received event.
MediaStatisticsReportReceivedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a Media Statistics report is received.
MediaStreamType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Use VideoStreamSourceType instead
MEETING_DETAILS_CHANGED - CapabilitiesChangedReason
Meeting details changed
MEETING_RESTRICTED - CapabilityResolutionReason
Meeting restricted
MONO - AudioStreamChannelMode
Mono Channel Audio
MS10 - AudioStreamBufferDuration
10 ms blocks
MS20 - AudioStreamBufferDuration
20 ms blocks
Cannot create multiple renders for same device or stream.
MULTIPLE_VIEWS_NOT_SUPPORTED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Renderer doesn't support creating multiple views.
MUSIC_MODE_NOT_ENABLED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Music mode not enabled
mute() - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Mute remote participant audio
mute(Context) - Method in class CommonCall
Use muteOutgoingAudio instead
MUTE_OTHERS - ParticipantCapabilityType
Soft mute others
MUTE_OTHERS_FORBIDDEN - CallingCommunicationErrors
Forbidden to mute others
Internal server error occurred when muting others
MUTE_OTHERS_NOT_FOUND - CallingCommunicationErrors
Not found exception occurred when muting others
MUTE_OTHERS_NOT_SUPPORTED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Cannot mute others because method not supported
muteAllRemoteParticipants() - Method in class CommonCall
Mute all remote participants audio
muteIncomingAudio(Context) - Method in class CommonCall
Mute local speaker.
muteOutgoingAudio(Context) - Method in class CommonCall
Mute local microphone.


NetworkDiagnostics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents an object where network diagnostics are accessed.
NetworkDiagnosticValues - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents an object where all the latest diagnostics values for network diagnostic.
NINE - DtmfTone
NO_AUDIO_AND_VIDEO_PERMISSION - CallingCommunicationErrors
No Video and Audio permissions available.
NO_AUDIO_PERMISSION - CallingCommunicationErrors
No Audio permissions available.
NO_CONTENT_LOCAL - ScreenShareIssue
NO_CONTENT_REMOTE - ScreenShareIssue
No multiple connections with different cloud type per app is allowed.
No multiple connections with same identity per app is allowed.
NO_VIDEO_PERMISSION - CallingCommunicationErrors
No Video permissions available.
NO_VIDEO_SENT - VideoIssue
NoiseSuppressionMode - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Specifies the noise suppression modes supported by outgoing audio filters
NONE - AudioIssue
NONE - CallingCommunicationErrors
No errors
NONE - CallIssue
NONE - CallState
None - disposed or applicable very early in lifetime of a call
NONE - ScreenShareIssue
NONE - VideoIssue
NORMAL - DataChannelPriority
NOT_AVAILABLE - VideoStreamState
NOT_CAPABLE - CapabilityResolutionReason
Not capable
NOT_INITIALIZED - CapabilityResolutionReason
Not initialized
NV12 - VideoStreamPixelFormat
Pixel format is encoded as YUV 4:2:0 with a plane of 8 bit Y samples, followed by an interleaved U/V plane containing 8 bit 2x2 sub-sampled color difference samples.


OFF - NoiseSuppressionMode
onAudioStreamStateChanged(AudioStreamStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface AudioStreamStateChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onCallsUpdated(CallsUpdatedEvent) - Method in interface CallsUpdatedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onCapabilitiesChanged(CapabilitiesChangedEvent) - Method in interface CapabilitiesChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onCommunicationCaptions(CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent) - Method in interface CommunicationCaptionsListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onCreateIncomingConnection(PhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest) - Method in class TelecomConnectionService
Create a TelecomConnectionService given an incoming request.
onCreateOutgoingConnection(PhoneAccountHandle, ConnectionRequest) - Method in class TelecomConnectionService
Create a TelecomConnectionService given an outgoing request.
onDataChannelReceiverCreated(DataChannelReceiverCreatedEvent) - Method in interface DataChannelReceiverCreatedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onDiagnosticFlagChanged(DiagnosticFlagChangedEvent) - Method in interface DiagnosticFlagChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onDiagnosticQualityChanged(DiagnosticQualityChangedEvent) - Method in interface DiagnosticQualityChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
ONE - DtmfTone
onFirstFrameRendered() - Method in interface RendererListener
Event indicating the first frame has been successfully rendered
onFrameSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
onIncomingCall(IncomingCall) - Method in interface IncomingCallListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onIncomingMixedAudio(IncomingMixedAudioEvent) - Method in interface IncomingMixedAudioListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onLocalVideoStreamsUpdated(LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedEvent) - Method in interface LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onLoweredHand(LoweredHandChangedEvent) - Method in interface LoweredHandListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onMediaStatisticsReportReceived(MediaStatisticsReportReceivedEvent) - Method in interface MediaStatisticsReportReceivedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onOrientationChanged(int) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
onParticipantsUpdated(ParticipantsUpdatedEvent) - Method in interface ParticipantsUpdatedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onPreviewSurfaceUnset(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
onPropertyChanged(PropertyChangedEvent) - Method in interface PropertyChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onRaisedHand(RaisedHandChangedEvent) - Method in interface RaisedHandListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onRawVideoFrameReceived(RawVideoFrameReceivedEvent) - Method in interface RawVideoFrameReceivedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onRealTimeTextInfoReceived(RealTimeTextInfoReceivedEvent) - Method in interface RealTimeTextInfoReceivedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onRemoteVideoStreamsUpdated(RemoteVideoStreamsEvent) - Method in interface RemoteVideoStreamsUpdatedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onRendererFailedToStart() - Method in interface RendererListener
Event indicating an error while starting the VideoStreamRenderer
onSpotlightChanged(SpotlightChangedEvent) - Method in interface SpotlightChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onSurfaceTextureAvailable(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
onSurfaceTextureDestroyed(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
onSurfaceTextureSizeChanged(SurfaceTexture, int, int) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
onSurfaceTextureUpdated(SurfaceTexture) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
onTeamsCallsUpdated(TeamsCallsUpdatedEvent) - Method in interface TeamsCallsUpdatedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onTeamsCaptions(TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent) - Method in interface TeamsCaptionsListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onTeamsIncomingCall(TeamsIncomingCall) - Method in interface TeamsIncomingCallListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onVideoDevicesUpdated(VideoDevicesUpdatedEvent) - Method in interface VideoDevicesUpdatedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onVideoEffectDisabled(VideoEffectDisabledEvent) - Method in interface VideoEffectDisabledListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onVideoEffectEnabled(VideoEffectEnabledEvent) - Method in interface VideoEffectEnabledListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onVideoEffectError(VideoEffectErrorEvent) - Method in interface VideoEffectErrorListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onVideoStreamFormatChanged(VideoStreamFormatChangedEvent) - Method in interface VideoStreamFormatChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
onVideoStreamStateChanged(VideoStreamStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface VideoStreamStateChangedListener
Invoked when the event fires.
ORGANIZER - CallParticipantRole
OTHER_ISSUES - ScreenShareIssue
OUTGOING - CallDirection
Outgoing call
OUTGOING - StreamDirection
OutgoingAudioFilters - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Holds properties that configure outgoing audio preprocessing before call start
OutgoingAudioFilters() - Constructor for class OutgoingAudioFilters
Default constructor
OutgoingAudioOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Property bag class for Outgoing Audio Options.
OutgoingAudioOptions() - Constructor for class OutgoingAudioOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
OutgoingAudioStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the outgoing audio Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingAudioStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Base Class for all Outgoing Audio Stream objects
OutgoingDataChannelStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the outgoing data channel Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingMediaStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Aggregate for all outgoing Media Statistics information.
OutgoingScreenShareStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the outgoing screen share Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingVideoConstraints - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Hold properties that configure OutgoingVideoConstraints
OutgoingVideoConstraints() - Constructor for class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Default constructor
OutgoingVideoOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Hold properties that configure OutgoingVideoStreams
OutgoingVideoOptions() - Constructor for class OutgoingVideoOptions
Default constructor
OutgoingVideoStatistics - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the outgoing video Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Contains information about common properties between different types of outgoing video streams


P1080 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 1920x1080 resolution
P180 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 320x180 resolution
P240 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 352x240 resolution
P270 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 480x270 resolution
P360 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 640x360 resolution
P480 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 858x480 resolution
P540 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 960x540 resolution
P720 - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 1280x720 resolution
PANORAMIC - CameraFacing
Panoramic camera
PARTIAL - CaptionsResultType
Text contains partially spoken sentence.
PARTIAL - RealTimeTextResultType
Indicates that the text message is partial and may be updated.
Attempt to add participant to a unconnected call.
Participant already added to the call.
ParticipantCapability - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Single participant capability
ParticipantCapabilityType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Name of capabilities available
ParticipantState - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
State of a participant in the call
ParticipantsUpdatedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a ParticipantsUpdated event data
ParticipantsUpdatedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the library that new participant were added or removed from a call
PCM16_BIT - AudioStreamFormat
16 BIT PCM bit-depth
POOR - DiagnosticQuality
POUND - DtmfTone
PRESENTER - CallParticipantRole
PropertyChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a PropertyChanged event data
PropertyChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the library that the call state has changed
PROXY_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_TEAMS - CallingCommunicationErrors
Teams Interop is disabled while using proxy
PushNotificationEventType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes different types of Push notifications supported
PushNotificationInfo - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an incoming call


QVGA - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 320x240 resolution


RAISE_HAND - ParticipantCapabilityType
Raise hands
RAISED_HANDS - Static variable in class Features
Gets a RaiseHandCallFeature object
RaisedHand - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Raise hand details.
RaisedHandChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Raised hand event information.
RaisedHandListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a participant has raised hands.
raiseHand() - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Send request to raise hand for local user.
RaiseHandCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call Feature for managing raise hand states for participants on the call.
RAW_INCOMING - AudioStreamType
Raw Incoming
RAW_INCOMING - VideoStreamType
RAW_VIDEO_FRAME_NOT_SENT - CallingCommunicationErrors
There was a problem while sending the video frame
RawAudioBuffer - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
An entity that represents an audio buffer that provides a wrapper native buffers and additional information
RawAudioBuffer() - Constructor for class RawAudioBuffer
Default constructor
RawAudioStreamOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Base Class for All Raw Audio Options needed to be defined for RawAudioStreams
RawAudioStreamProperties - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Base Class for All Raw Audio Properties needed to describe RawAudioStreams
RawIncomingAudioStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
An audio stream that utilizes a virtual device for receiving audio
RawIncomingAudioStream(RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions) - Constructor for class RawIncomingAudioStream
Default constructor
RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options required for initializing a RawIncomingAudioStream
RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions() - Constructor for class RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions
Default constructor
RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Audio Properties For RawIncomingAudioStreams
RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties() - Constructor for class RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties
Default constructor
RawIncomingVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Representation of a remote CallVideoStream using raw data (bytes)
RawOutgoingAudioStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
An audio stream that utilizes a virtual device for sending audio
RawOutgoingAudioStream(RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions) - Constructor for class RawOutgoingAudioStream
Default constructor
RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options required for initializing a RawOutgoingAudioStream
RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions() - Constructor for class RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions
Default constructor
RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Audio Properties For RawOutgoingAudioStreams
RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties() - Constructor for class RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties
Default constructor
RawOutgoingVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Contains information about common properties between different types of outgoing virtual video streams
RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Defines the options required for creating a virtual video device.
RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions() - Constructor for class RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions
Default constructor
RawVideoFrame - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Information about the video frame
RawVideoFrameBuffer - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Hold's video frame data as a buffer
RawVideoFrameBuffer() - Constructor for class RawVideoFrameBuffer
Default constructor
RawVideoFrameReceivedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Contains information about the newest video frame
RawVideoFrameReceivedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Delegate used to nofity whenever there is a new RawVideoFrame
RawVideoFrameType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs how media frames will be available for encoding or decoding.
REAL_TIME_TEXT - Static variable in class Features
REAL_TIME_TEXT_CONTENT_TOO_LONG - CallingCommunicationErrors
Real time text, content too long
RealTimeTextCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Provides functionality to send and receive real-time text messages during a call.
RealTimeTextInfo - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents a real-time text message entry.
RealTimeTextInfoReceivedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Provides data for the RealTimeTextCallFeature.InfoReceived and Azure.Communication.Calling.RealTimeTextCallFeature.OnInfoReceived events.
RealTimeTextInfoReceivedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the method that will handle the Azure.Communication.Calling.RealTimeTextCallFeature.OnInfoReceived event.
RealTimeTextResultType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Specifies the result type of a real-time text message.
Failed to process push notification payload.
receiveMessage() - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Fetch data message from the data channel
RECORDING - Static variable in class Features
Gets a RecordingCallFeature object
RecordingCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call Feature for managing call recording
registerPushNotification(String) - Method in class CommonCallAgent
Register the current device for receiving Incoming Calls Push notification alerts.
reject() - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Reject this incoming call
reject(CommunicationIdentifier) - Method in class CallLobby
Reject a participant from the Teams meeting lobby
Call held by a remote participant
Remote Incoming
RemoteIncomingAudioStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
An audio stream that utilizes physical device for playback
RemoteIncomingAudioStream() - Constructor for class RemoteIncomingAudioStream
Default constructor
RemoteParticipant - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a remote participant on a call
RemoteVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Video stream on remote participant
RemoteVideoStreamsEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Use VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs instead
RemoteVideoStreamsUpdatedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that the remote video streams are updated.
REMOVE_PARTICIPANT - ParticipantCapabilityType
Remove Participant
Remove participant operation failure
Remove participant spotlight
removeOnActiveCaptionLanguageChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Removes the specified listener to receive OnActiveCaptionLanguageChanged events.
removeOnActiveCaptionsTypeChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CaptionsCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnActiveCaptionsTypeChanged events.
removeOnActiveSpokenLanguageChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommunicationCaptions
Removes the specified listener to receive OnActiveSpokenLanguageChanged events.
removeOnActiveSpokenLanguageChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Removes the specified listener to receive OnActiveSpokenLanguageChanged events.
removeOnCallEndedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonIncomingCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCallEnded events.
removeOnCallsUpdatedListener(CallsUpdatedListener) - Method in class CallAgent
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCallsUpdated events.
removeOnCallsUpdatedListener(TeamsCallsUpdatedListener) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCallsUpdated events.
removeOnCamerasUpdatedListener(VideoDevicesUpdatedListener) - Method in class DeviceManager
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCamerasUpdated events.
removeOnCapabilitiesChangedListener(CapabilitiesChangedListener) - Method in class CapabilitiesCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCapabilitiesChanged events.
removeOnCaptionsEnabledChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommunicationCaptions
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsEnabledChanged events.
removeOnCaptionsEnabledChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsEnabledChanged events.
removeOnCaptionsReceivedListener(CommunicationCaptionsListener) - Method in class CommunicationCaptions
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsReceived events.
removeOnCaptionsReceivedListener(TeamsCaptionsListener) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Removes the specified listener to receive OnCaptionsReceived events.
removeOnClosedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Removes the specified listener to receive OnClosed events.
removeOnDisplayNameChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Removes the specified listener to receive OnDisplayNameChanged events.
removeOnDominantSpeakersChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class DominantSpeakersCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnDominantSpeakersChanged events.
removeOnFormatChangedListener(VideoStreamFormatChangedListener) - Method in class ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnFormatChanged events.
removeOnFormatChangedListener(VideoStreamFormatChangedListener) - Method in class VirtualOutgoingVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnFormatChanged events.
removeOnHandLoweredListener(LoweredHandListener) - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnHandLowered events.
removeOnHandRaisedListener(RaisedHandListener) - Method in class RaiseHandCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnHandRaised events.
removeOnIdChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIdChanged events.
removeOnIncomingAudioStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIncomingAudioStateChanged events.
removeOnIncomingCallListener(IncomingCallListener) - Method in class CallAgent
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIncomingCall events.
removeOnIncomingCallListener(TeamsIncomingCallListener) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIncomingCall events.
removeOnInfoReceivedListener(RealTimeTextInfoReceivedListener) - Method in class RealTimeTextCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnInfoReceived events.
removeOnIsCameraFrozenChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraFrozenChanged events.
removeOnIsCameraPermissionDeniedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraPermissionDeniedChanged events.
removeOnIsCameraStartFailedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraStartFailedChanged events.
removeOnIsCameraStartTimedOutChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsCameraStartTimedOutChanged events.
removeOnIsMicrophoneBusyChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsMicrophoneBusyChanged events.
removeOnIsMicrophoneMutedUnexpectedlyChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsMicrophoneMutedUnexpectedlyChanged events.
removeOnIsMicrophoneNotFunctioningChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsMicrophoneNotFunctioningChanged events.
removeOnIsMutedChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class Call
Use OnOutgoingAudioStateChanged listener instead. isMutedChanged Event. Occurs when the call is muted
removeOnIsMutedChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsMutedChanged events.
removeOnIsNetworkRelaysUnreachableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsNetworkRelaysUnreachableChanged events.
removeOnIsNetworkUnavailableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsNetworkUnavailableChanged events.
removeOnIsNoMicrophoneDevicesAvailableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsNoMicrophoneDevicesAvailableChanged events.
removeOnIsNoSpeakerDevicesAvailableChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsNoSpeakerDevicesAvailableChanged events.
removeOnIsRecordingActiveChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RecordingCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsRecordingActiveChanged events.
removeOnIsSpeakerBusyChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerBusyChanged events.
removeOnIsSpeakerMutedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerMutedChanged events.
removeOnIsSpeakerNotFunctioningChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerNotFunctioningChanged events.
removeOnIsSpeakerVolumeZeroChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakerVolumeZeroChanged events.
removeOnIsSpeakingChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakingChanged events.
removeOnIsSpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMutedChangedListener(DiagnosticFlagChangedListener) - Method in class MediaDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsSpeakingWhileMicrophoneIsMutedChanged events.
removeOnIsTranscriptionActiveChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class TranscriptionCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnIsTranscriptionActiveChanged events.
removeOnLobbyParticipantsUpdatedListener(ParticipantsUpdatedListener) - Method in class CallLobby
Removes the specified listener to receive OnLobbyParticipantsUpdated events.
removeOnLocalVideoStreamsUpdatedListener(LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedListener) - Method in class Call
Use onStateChanged in the VideoStream instead LocalVideoStreamsUpdated Event. Occurs when Local video streams are added to or removed from a call
removeOnMessageReceivedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class DataChannelReceiver
Removes the specified listener to receive OnMessageReceived events.
removeOnMixedAudioBufferReceivedListener(IncomingMixedAudioListener) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnMixedAudioBufferReceived events.
removeOnMutedByOthersListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnMutedByOthers events.
removeOnNetworkReceiveQualityChangedListener(DiagnosticQualityChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnNetworkReceiveQualityChanged events.
removeOnNetworkReconnectionQualityChangedListener(DiagnosticQualityChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnNetworkReconnectionQualityChanged events.
removeOnNetworkSendQualityChangedListener(DiagnosticQualityChangedListener) - Method in class NetworkDiagnostics
Removes the specified listener to receive OnNetworkSendQualityChanged events.
removeOnOutgoingAudioStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnOutgoingAudioStateChanged events.
removeOnRawVideoFrameReceivedListener(RawVideoFrameReceivedListener) - Method in class RawIncomingVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnRawVideoFrameReceived events.
removeOnReceiverCreatedListener(DataChannelReceiverCreatedListener) - Method in class DataChannelCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnReceiverCreated events.
removeOnRemoteParticipantsUpdatedListener(ParticipantsUpdatedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnRemoteParticipantsUpdated events.
removeOnReportReceivedListener(MediaStatisticsReportReceivedListener) - Method in class MediaStatisticsCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnReportReceived events.
removeOnRoleChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnRoleChanged events.
removeOnRoleChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Removes the specified listener to receive OnRoleChanged events.
removeOnSpotlightChangedListener(SpotlightChangedListener) - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnSpotlightChanged events.
removeOnStartTimeUpdatedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStartTimeUpdated events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class LocalOutgoingAudioStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(AudioStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteIncomingAudioStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class LocalVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RawIncomingVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class VirtualOutgoingVideoStream
Removes the specified listener to receive OnStateChanged events.
removeOnTotalParticipantCountChangedListener(PropertyChangedListener) - Method in class CommonCall
Removes the specified listener to receive OnTotalParticipantCountChanged events.
removeOnVideoEffectDisabledListener(VideoEffectDisabledListener) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnVideoEffectDisabled events.
removeOnVideoEffectEnabledListener(VideoEffectEnabledListener) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnVideoEffectEnabled events.
removeOnVideoEffectErrorListener(VideoEffectErrorListener) - Method in class LocalVideoEffectsFeature
Removes the specified listener to receive OnVideoEffectError events.
removeOnVideoStreamStateChangedListener(VideoStreamStateChangedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Removes the specified listener to receive OnVideoStreamStateChanged events.
removeOnVideoStreamsUpdatedListener(RemoteVideoStreamsUpdatedListener) - Method in class RemoteParticipant
Use OnVideoStreamStateChanged instead RemoteVideoStreamsUpdated Event. Occurs when remote video streams are added or removed
removeParticipant(RemoteParticipant) - Method in class CommonCall
Remove a participant from a call
removeRendererListener(RendererListener) - Method in class VideoStreamRenderer
Unsubscribe to the rendering events raised by a VideoStreamRenderer
RendererListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
RendererListener interface exposing events raised during a rendering of a VideoStream
resume() - Method in class CommonCall
Resume this call
RGBA - VideoStreamPixelFormat
Pixel format is encoded as single plane with 32 bits per pixels, 8 bits per channel, ordered as blue, followed by green, followed by red and alpha as 8 bits each.
RGBX - VideoStreamPixelFormat
Pixel format is encoded as single plane with 32 bits per pixels, 8 bits per channel, ordered as blue, followed by green, followed by red and discarding the last 8 bits.
RIGHT_FRONT - CameraFacing
Right front camera
RINGING - CallState
Call is ringing
RINGING - ParticipantState
ROLE_CHANGED - CapabilitiesChangedReason
Role changed
ROLE_RESTRICTED - CapabilityResolutionReason
Role restricted
RoomCallLocator - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for joining a call using Room ID locator
RoomCallLocator(String) - Constructor for class RoomCallLocator
Creates a new instance with a Room ID


ScalingMode - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Local and Remote Video scaling mode
Screen share
SCREEN_SHARING - MediaStreamType
Screen share
SCREEN_SHARING - VideoStreamSourceType
Screen share
ScreenShareIssue - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Possible values for common screen share issues
ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Screen Share stream information
ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream(RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions) - Constructor for class ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream
Constructor used to create an instance of a stream that send's screen frames
send(String) - Method in class RealTimeTextCallFeature
Sends a real-time text message.
send(String, boolean) - Method in class RealTimeTextCallFeature
Sends a real-time text message with an option to finalize it.
sendDtmf(DtmfTone) - Method in class CommonCall
Send DTMF tone
sendMessage(byte[]) - Method in class DataChannelSender
Sends data message
sendRawAudioBuffer(RawAudioBuffer) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStream
Method for sending audio buffer.
sendRawVideoFrame(RawVideoFrame) - Method in class RawOutgoingVideoStream
Send Raw Video Frame
SET_CAPTION_LANGUAGE_DISABLED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Set caption language is disabled
Set caption language failed, teams premium license needed
setAcousticEchoCancellationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class LiveOutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Echo Cancellation.
setAcousticEchoCancellationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Echo Cancellation.
setAlternateCallerId(PhoneNumberIdentifier) - Method in class AddPhoneNumberOptions
Set an alternate phone number of a remote participant
setAlternateCallerId(PhoneNumberIdentifier) - Method in class StartCallOptions
Set an alternate phone number of a remote participant
setAnalogAutomaticGainControlEnabled(boolean) - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Enables Analog Automatic Gain Control
setAppName(String) - Method in class CallDiagnosticsOptions
An Identifier to group together multiple appIds into small bundle, invariant of version.
setAppVersion(String) - Method in class CallDiagnosticsOptions
Sets the application version.
setAudioIssues(AudioIssue...) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set audio issues
setAudioIssues(EnumSet<AudioIssue>) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set audio issues
setAudioOptions(AudioOptions) - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Use getIncomingAudioOptions() and getOutgoingAudioOptions() instead.
setAudioOptions(AudioOptions) - Method in class StartCallOptions
Use getIncomingAudioOptions() and getOutgoingAudioOptions() instead.
setAudioScore(CallSurveyScore) - Method in class CallSurvey
Audio score
setBitrateInKbps(Integer) - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Set Data channel bitrate in kbps
setBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class BackgroundReplacementEffect
Image Buffer to Fill for Background Replacement
setBuffer(ByteBuffer) - Method in class RawAudioBuffer
Native Buffer used to send/receive Audio.
setBufferDuration(AudioStreamBufferDuration) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties
Specifies the size of sample data block expected to be sent through a given outgoing audio stream.
setBuffers(List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class RawVideoFrameBuffer
Representation of the video frame as a buffer saved on memory.
setCaptionLanguage(String) - Method in class TeamsCaptions
Set the captions language.
setChannelId(Integer) - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Set Data channel id
setChannelMode(AudioStreamChannelMode) - Method in class RawAudioStreamProperties
Channel Mode of Audio Stream
setChannelMode(AudioStreamChannelMode) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties
Channel Mode of Audio Stream
setChannelMode(AudioStreamChannelMode) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties
Channel Mode of Audio Stream
setCommunicationAudioModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Enable or disable AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION for a call.
setConstraints(OutgoingVideoConstraints) - Method in class OutgoingVideoOptions
Get or set the OutgoingVideoConstraints
setCountryCode(String) - Method in class EmergencyCallOptions
Specify the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 emergency country code of the local participant for emergency calls
setDiagnostics(CallDiagnosticsOptions) - Method in class CallClientOptions
Call Diagnostics options when creating a call client
setDigitalAutomaticGainControlEnabled(boolean) - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Enables Digital Automatic Gain Control
setDisableInternalPushForIncomingCall(boolean) - Method in class CallAgentOptions
Determines whether to disable the internal push mechanism for delivering the push payload of an incoming call.
setDisableInternalPushForIncomingCall(boolean) - Method in class CommonCallAgentOptions
Determines whether to disable the internal push mechanism for delivering the push payload of an incoming call.
setDisableInternalPushForIncomingCall(boolean) - Method in class TeamsCallAgentOptions
Determines whether to disable the internal push mechanism for delivering the push payload of an incoming call.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class CallAgentOptions
Specify the display name of the local participant for all new calls
setEmergencyCallOptions(EmergencyCallOptions) - Method in class CallAgentOptions
Emergency call options when creating a call agent
setFilters(OutgoingAudioFilters) - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Start an outgoing or accept incoming call with outgoing audio filter features
setForEveryone(boolean) - Method in class HangUpOptions
Use to determine whether the current call should be terminated for all participant on the call or not
setFormat(AudioStreamFormat) - Method in class RawAudioStreamProperties
Audio Format of Audio Stream in the Call
setFormat(AudioStreamFormat) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties
Audio Format of Audio Stream in the Call
setFormat(AudioStreamFormat) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties
Audio Format of Audio Stream in the Call
setFormats(List<VideoStreamFormat>) - Method in class RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions
Sets an array of the video formats supported by the virtual video device.
setFramesPerSecond(float) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Informs how many frames per second the virtual video device will be sending to remote participants.
setHeight(int) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Total height-wise count of pixels of the video frame.
setIceServers(List<IceServer>) - Method in class CallNetworkOptions
Set ICE servers used by the media proxy.
setIncomingAudioOptions(IncomingAudioOptions) - Method in class AcceptCallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setIncomingAudioOptions(IncomingAudioOptions) - Method in class AcceptTeamsCallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setIncomingAudioOptions(IncomingAudioOptions) - Method in class CallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setIncomingAudioOptions(IncomingAudioOptions) - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setIncomingAudioOptions(IncomingAudioOptions) - Method in class JoinTeamsCallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setIncomingAudioOptions(IncomingAudioOptions) - Method in class StartCallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setIncomingAudioOptions(IncomingAudioOptions) - Method in class StartTeamsCallOptions
Incoming Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setIncomingVideoOptions(IncomingVideoOptions) - Method in class AcceptCallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setIncomingVideoOptions(IncomingVideoOptions) - Method in class AcceptTeamsCallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setIncomingVideoOptions(IncomingVideoOptions) - Method in class CallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setIncomingVideoOptions(IncomingVideoOptions) - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setIncomingVideoOptions(IncomingVideoOptions) - Method in class JoinTeamsCallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setIncomingVideoOptions(IncomingVideoOptions) - Method in class StartCallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setIncomingVideoOptions(IncomingVideoOptions) - Method in class StartTeamsCallOptions
Set or set the IncomingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setLowerBound(int) - Method in class CallSurveyRatingScale
Inclusive lower bound of the rating value 0 to 100 (default 1)
setLowScoreThreshold(int) - Method in class CallSurveyRatingScale
Sets the threshold value when the score is lower or equals (inclusive) than will be considered a bad experience (default 3)
setMaxBitrateInBps(Integer) - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on bitrate
setMaxFrameRate(Integer) - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on frame rate
setMaxHeight(Integer) - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on height
setMaxWidth(Integer) - Method in class OutgoingVideoConstraints
Set a constraint on width
setMusicModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class LiveOutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Music Mode
setMusicModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Toggles Music Mode
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class AudioOptions
Deprecated use muted property in OutgoingAudioOptions instead
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class IncomingAudioOptions
Start an outgoing or accept incoming call with speaker muted (true) or un-muted(false).
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Start an outgoing or accept incoming call with microphone muted (true) or un-muted(false)
setNetwork(CallNetworkOptions) - Method in class CallClientOptions
Call network options when creating a call client
setNoiseSuppressionMode(NoiseSuppressionMode) - Method in class LiveOutgoingAudioFilters
Changes mode/type of Noise Suppression
setNoiseSuppressionMode(NoiseSuppressionMode) - Method in class OutgoingAudioFilters
Changes mode/type of Noise Suppression
setOutgoingAudioOptions(OutgoingAudioOptions) - Method in class AcceptCallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setOutgoingAudioOptions(OutgoingAudioOptions) - Method in class AcceptTeamsCallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setOutgoingAudioOptions(OutgoingAudioOptions) - Method in class CallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setOutgoingAudioOptions(OutgoingAudioOptions) - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setOutgoingAudioOptions(OutgoingAudioOptions) - Method in class JoinTeamsCallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setOutgoingAudioOptions(OutgoingAudioOptions) - Method in class StartCallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setOutgoingAudioOptions(OutgoingAudioOptions) - Method in class StartTeamsCallOptions
Outgoing Audio options when joining or accepting a call
setOutgoingVideoConstraints(OutgoingVideoConstraints) - Method in class VideoConstraints
Constraints for outgoing video
setOutgoingVideoOptions(OutgoingVideoOptions) - Method in class AcceptCallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setOutgoingVideoOptions(OutgoingVideoOptions) - Method in class AcceptTeamsCallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setOutgoingVideoOptions(OutgoingVideoOptions) - Method in class CallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setOutgoingVideoOptions(OutgoingVideoOptions) - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setOutgoingVideoOptions(OutgoingVideoOptions) - Method in class JoinTeamsCallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setOutgoingVideoOptions(OutgoingVideoOptions) - Method in class StartCallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setOutgoingVideoOptions(OutgoingVideoOptions) - Method in class StartTeamsCallOptions
Set or set the OutgoingVideoOptions that should be taken in count once the call start
setOutgoingVideoStreams(Iterable<OutgoingVideoStream>) - Method in class OutgoingVideoOptions
Set outgoing video streams for the call.
setOverallIssues(CallIssue...) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set overall issues
setOverallIssues(EnumSet<CallIssue>) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set overall issues
setOverallScore(CallSurveyScore) - Method in class CallSurvey
Overall Score
setParticipants(List<CommunicationIdentifier>) - Method in class DataChannelSender
Update the participants of this data channel
setParticipants(List<CommunicationIdentifier>) - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Set all the participants for the data channel
setPassword(String) - Method in class IceServer
Password for the ICE servers if credential infomation is needed for the server
setPixelFormat(VideoStreamPixelFormat) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Informs how the content of the video frame is encoded.
setPriority(DataChannelPriority) - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Data channel priority
setProperties(RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions
Raw Incoming Audio Properties needed for initializing a RawIncomingAudioStream
setProperties(RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions
Raw Outgoing Audio Properties needed for initializing a RawOutgoingAudioStream
setProxyUrl(String) - Method in class CallNetworkOptions
Url to be used for proxy.
setPushNotificationTtlInSeconds(Integer) - Method in class CallAgentOptions
Sets time-to-live value for push notification.
setRealm(String) - Method in class IceServer
Realm for the ICE servers
setReliability(DataChannelReliability) - Method in class DataChannelSenderOptions
Data channel reliability
setResolution(VideoStreamResolution) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Width and height to be used from a known video resolution standard
setSampleRate(AudioStreamSampleRate) - Method in class RawAudioStreamProperties
Sample Rate of Audio Stream
setSampleRate(AudioStreamSampleRate) - Method in class RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties
Sample Rate of Audio Stream
setSampleRate(AudioStreamSampleRate) - Method in class RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties
Sample Rate of Audio Stream
setScale(CallSurveyRatingScale) - Method in class CallSurveyScore
Rating Scale for the score, default is 5 star rating (1-5)
setScalingMode(ScalingMode) - Method in class CreateViewOptions
Scaling mode for rendering the video.
setScore(int) - Method in class CallSurveyScore
Score Value
setScreenShareIssues(ScreenShareIssue...) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set screen share issues
setScreenShareIssues(EnumSet<ScreenShareIssue>) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set screen share issues
setScreenShareScore(CallSurveyScore) - Method in class CallSurvey
Screen Share score
setSpokenLanguage(String) - Method in class CallCaptions
Set the spoken language.
setSpokenLanguage(String) - Method in class StartCaptionsOptions
language in which the speaker is speaking.
setStream(IncomingAudioStream) - Method in class IncomingAudioOptions
Incoming Audio Stream that will be started when the call connects.
setStream(OutgoingAudioStream) - Method in class OutgoingAudioOptions
Outgoing Audio Stream that will be started when the call connects.
setStreamFormat(VideoStreamFormat) - Method in class RawVideoFrame
Information about the 4CC used on this video frame
setStreamFormat(VideoStreamFormat) - Method in class RawVideoFrameBuffer
Information about the 4CC used on this video frame
setStreamType(VideoStreamType) - Method in class IncomingVideoOptions
Get or set the Incoming Video Stream that should be provided
setStride1(int) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Informs the stride in bytes for the first plane of the video frame content when RawVideoFrameType is VideoSoftware.
setStride2(int) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
For VideoFormats with more than one plane, informs the stride in bytes for the second plane of the video frame content when RawVideoFrameType is VideoSoftware.
setStride3(int) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
For VideoFormats with more than two planes, informs the stride in bytes for the third plane of the video frame content when RawVideoFrameType is VideoSoftware.
setTags(List<String>) - Method in class CallDiagnosticsOptions
Tags - Additional Information
setTcpPort(int) - Method in class IceServer
TCP port for the ICE servers
setTelecomManagerAudioRoute(int) - Method in class CommonCall
Sets the audio route (speaker, bluetooth, etc...).
setTelecomManagerOptions(TelecomManagerOptions) - Method in class CallAgentOptions
TelecomManager options
setTelecomManagerOptions(TelecomManagerOptions) - Method in class CommonCallAgentOptions
TelecomManager options
setTelecomManagerOptions(TelecomManagerOptions) - Method in class TeamsCallAgentOptions
TelecomManager options
setTimestampInTicks(long) - Method in class RawAudioBuffer
Timestamp of Buffer to set/get depending on outgoing/incoming
setTimestampInTicks(long) - Method in class RawVideoFrame
time when the video frame was created
setTimestampInTicks(long) - Method in class RawVideoFrameBuffer
time when the video frame was created
setUdpPort(int) - Method in class IceServer
UDP port for the ICE servers
setUpperBound(int) - Method in class CallSurveyRatingScale
Inclusive upper bound of the rating value 0 to 100 (default 5)
setUrls(List<String>) - Method in class IceServer
Set urls for the ICE servers
setUsername(String) - Method in class IceServer
Username for the ICE servers if credential infomation is needed for the server
setVideoConstraints(VideoConstraints) - Method in class CommonCall
Set the constraints for outgoing and incoming video streams
setVideoIssues(VideoIssue...) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set video issues
setVideoIssues(EnumSet<VideoIssue>) - Method in class CallSurvey
Set video issues
setVideoOptions(VideoOptions) - Method in class AcceptCallOptions
Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() instead
setVideoOptions(VideoOptions) - Method in class JoinCallOptions
Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() instead
setVideoOptions(VideoOptions) - Method in class StartCallOptions
Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() instead
setVideoScore(CallSurveyScore) - Method in class CallSurvey
Video Score
setWidth(int) - Method in class VideoStreamFormat
Total width-wise count of pixels of the video frame.
SEVEN - DtmfTone
SHARE_SCREEN - ParticipantCapabilityType
Share Screen
SIGNALING_OPERATION_FAILED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Signaling Service Status Code
SIX - DtmfTone
spotlight(CommunicationIdentifier...) - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Starts spotlight for participants
spotlight(Iterable<CommunicationIdentifier>) - Method in class SpotlightCallFeature
Starts spotlight for participants
SPOTLIGHT - Static variable in class Features
Gets a SpotlightCallFeature object
Spotlight failed, spotlight feature is disabled by configurations
SPOTLIGHT_PARTICIPANT - ParticipantCapabilityType
Spotlight participant
Spotlight Input List empty
SpotlightCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call Feature for managing spotlight states in a call.
SpotlightChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Spotlight event information.
SpotlightChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that spotlight has changed.
SpotlightedParticipant - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Spotlighted participant details
STAR - DtmfTone
start() - Method in class RawIncomingVideoStream
Start receiving frames
START_LIVE_CAPTIONS - ParticipantCapabilityType
Start live captions
startAudio(Context, CallAudioStream) - Method in class CommonCall
Start audio stream.
startCall(Context, CommunicationIdentifier) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Initiates outgoing call with list of participants with default call options (audio on, video off).
startCall(Context, CommunicationIdentifier, StartTeamsCallOptions) - Method in class TeamsCallAgent
Initiates outgoing call with list of participants with default call options (audio on, video off).
startCall(Context, Iterable<CommunicationIdentifier>) - Method in class CallAgent
Initiates outgoing call with list of participants with default call options (audio on, video off).
startCall(Context, Iterable<CommunicationIdentifier>, StartCallOptions) - Method in class CallAgent
Initiates outgoing call with list of participants with the ability to specify call initiator options.
StartCallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when starting a call
StartCallOptions() - Constructor for class StartCallOptions
Creates a new instance with a default configuration
startCaptions(StartCaptionsOptions) - Method in class CallCaptions
Starts the captions.
StartCaptionsOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to request language before starting captions
StartCaptionsOptions() - Constructor for class StartCaptionsOptions
Start captions options constructor.
STARTED - AudioStreamState
STARTED - VideoStreamState
startSurvey() - Method in class SurveyCallFeature
Start Survey Process, returns an object that allow to configure votes.
StartTeamsCallOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options to be passed when starting a teams call
StartTeamsCallOptions() - Constructor for class StartTeamsCallOptions
Creates a new instance
startVideo(Context, OutgoingVideoStream) - Method in class CommonCall
Start sharing video stream to the call.
STEREO - AudioStreamChannelMode
Stereo Channel Audio
stop() - Method in class RawIncomingVideoStream
Stop receiving frames
STOP_RINGING - PushNotificationEventType
stopAudio(Context, CallAudioStream) - Method in class CommonCall
Stop audio stream.
stopCaptions() - Method in class CallCaptions
Stop the captions.
STOPPED - AudioStreamState
STOPPED - VideoStreamState
STOPPING - VideoStreamState
stopVideo(Context, OutgoingVideoStream) - Method in class CommonCall
Stop sharing video stream to the call.
StreamDirection - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Defines direction of the CallAudioStream or CallVideoStream
StreamSize - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
StreamSize class representing the dimensions of a video stream
submitSurvey(CallSurvey) - Method in class SurveyCallFeature
Submit the survey information.
SURVEY - Static variable in class Features
Survey Double Submission Not Allowed
Survey Rating Scale Invalid Threshold
SURVEY_RATING_SCALE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS - CallingCommunicationErrors
Survey Rating Scale Invalid Bounds
SURVEY_SCORE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS - CallingCommunicationErrors
Survey Score Out of Bounds
SurveyCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Feature to allow submit call quality survey feedback after the end of the call.
SWITCH_SOURCE_BLOCKED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Switch source blocked
switchSource(VideoDeviceInfo) - Method in class LocalVideoStream
Set a new video source


TEAMS_CALL - CommunicationCallType
Teams Captions.
Teams for life meeting join not supported
TeamsCall - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a teams call
TeamsCallAgent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Teams Call agent created by the CallClient factory method createTeamsCallAgent.
TeamsCallAgentOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for creating TeamsCallAgent
TeamsCallAgentOptions() - Constructor for class TeamsCallAgentOptions
Creates a new instance with a default options
TeamsCallInfo - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a teamscall's information
TeamsCallsUpdatedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a TeamsCallsUpdated event
TeamsCallsUpdatedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
TeamsCallsUpdated Event Handler
TeamsCaptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Teams captions for managing captions for a Teams Interop call.
TeamsCaptionsListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Delegate for Teams Captions.
TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an CaptionsReceived event for when new captions data comes in
TeamsIncomingCall - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes an teams incoming call
TeamsIncomingCallListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for joining a Teams meeting using Coordinates locator
TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator(String, UUID, UUID, String) - Constructor for class TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator
Creates a new instance with a threadId, OrganizerId, TenantId, MessageId
TeamsMeetingIdLocator - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for joining a Teams meeting using Meeting ID and Passcode
TeamsMeetingIdLocator(String, String) - Constructor for class TeamsMeetingIdLocator
Creates a new instance with a Meeting ID and Passcode
TeamsMeetingLinkLocator - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Options for joining a Teams meeting using Link locator
TeamsMeetingLinkLocator(String) - Constructor for class TeamsMeetingLinkLocator
Creates a new instance with a MeetingLink
TelecomConnectionService - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Telecom connection service
TelecomConnectionService() - Constructor for class TelecomConnectionService
Creates telecom connection service
TelecomManagerOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Holds options for TelecomManager integration.
TelecomManagerOptions(String) - Constructor for class TelecomManagerOptions
Default constructor A string identifier that is unique across PhoneAccountHandles with the same component name.
TEXTURE - RawVideoFrameType
Use texture for encoding or decoding
THREE - DtmfTone
toString() - Method in class StreamSize
Retrieve a formatted String representing the width X height of the stream
TRANSCRIPTION - Static variable in class Features
Gets a TranscriptionCallFeature object
TranscriptionCallFeature - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Call Feature for managing call transcription
TURN_VIDEO_ON - ParticipantCapabilityType
Turn Video On
TWO - DtmfTone


UNINITIALIZED - CallParticipantRole
UNKNOWN - CameraFacing
UNKNOWN - DiagnosticQuality
UNKNOWN - VideoDeviceType
Unknown type of video device
UNKNOWN - VideoStreamResolution
Represents unknown resolution
unmute(Context) - Method in class CommonCall
Use unMuteOutgoingAudio instead
UNMUTE_MICROPHONE - ParticipantCapabilityType
Unmute mic
unmuteIncomingAudio(Context) - Method in class CommonCall
Unmute local speaker.
unmuteOutgoingAudio(Context) - Method in class CommonCall
Unmute local microphone.
unregisterPushNotification() - Method in class CommonCallAgent
Unregister all previously registered devices from receiving incoming calls push notifications.
The selected video resolution is not valid for the virtual video
updateReportIntervalInSeconds(int) - Method in class MediaStatisticsCallFeature
Updates how often Media Statistics information reports are informed to the callback (min 10 seconds and max 3600 seconds)
updateScalingMode(ScalingMode) - Method in class VideoStreamRendererView
Updates the ScalingMode
USB_CAMERA - VideoDeviceType
USB Camera Video Device
USER_POLICY_CHANGED - CapabilitiesChangedReason
User policy changed
USER_POLICY_RESTRICTED - CapabilityResolutionReason
User policy restricted


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AudioIssue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AudioStreamBufferDuration
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AudioStreamChannelMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AudioStreamFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AudioStreamSampleRate
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AudioStreamState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum AudioStreamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CallDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CallingCommunicationErrors
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CallIssue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CallParticipantRole
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CallState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CameraFacing
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CapabilitiesChangedReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CapabilityResolutionReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CaptionsResultType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CaptionsType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum CommunicationCallType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum DataChannelPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum DataChannelReliability
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum DiagnosticQuality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum DtmfTone
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum MediaStreamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum NoiseSuppressionMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ParticipantCapabilityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ParticipantState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum PushNotificationEventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum RawVideoFrameType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum RealTimeTextResultType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ScalingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum ScreenShareIssue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum StreamDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum VideoDeviceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum VideoIssue
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum VideoStreamPixelFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum VideoStreamResolution
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum VideoStreamSourceType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum VideoStreamState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum VideoStreamType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum AudioIssue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AudioStreamBufferDuration
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AudioStreamChannelMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AudioStreamFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AudioStreamSampleRate
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AudioStreamState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum AudioStreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CallDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CallingCommunicationErrors
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CallIssue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CallParticipantRole
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CallState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CameraFacing
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CapabilitiesChangedReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CapabilityResolutionReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CaptionsResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CaptionsType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum CommunicationCallType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum DataChannelPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum DataChannelReliability
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum DiagnosticQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum DtmfTone
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum MediaStreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum NoiseSuppressionMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ParticipantCapabilityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ParticipantState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum PushNotificationEventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum RawVideoFrameType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum RealTimeTextResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ScalingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum ScreenShareIssue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum StreamDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum VideoDeviceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum VideoIssue
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum VideoStreamPixelFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum VideoStreamResolution
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum VideoStreamSourceType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum VideoStreamState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum VideoStreamType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VGA - VideoStreamResolution
Represents 640x480 resolution
VIDEO - MediaStreamType
VIDEO - VideoStreamSourceType
VIDEO_EFFECT_NOT_SUPPORTED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Video effect not supported by device
VideoConstraints - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Hold properties that configure VideoConstraints
VideoConstraints() - Constructor for class VideoConstraints
Default constructor
VideoDeviceInfo - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Information about a video device
VideoDevicesUpdatedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes a VideoDevicesUpdated event data
VideoDevicesUpdatedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the library that new video devices were added or removed to the current library
VideoDeviceType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes the video device type
VideoEffect - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Video Effect base type.
VideoEffectDisabledEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Information about video effect disabled status
VideoEffectDisabledListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a video effect is disabled.
VideoEffectEnabledEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Information about video effect enabled status
VideoEffectEnabledListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a video effect is enabled.
VideoEffectErrorEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Information about remote Effects changing state
VideoEffectErrorListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs the listeners that a video effect has a error.
VideoIssue - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Possible values for common video issues
VideoOptions - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() instead
VideoOptions(LocalVideoStream[]) - Constructor for class VideoOptions
Receives an array of OutgoingVideoStream's that will be added to the call once it start's.
VideoStreamFormat - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Describes details of the video frame content that the application is capable of generating.
VideoStreamFormat() - Constructor for class VideoStreamFormat
Default constructor
VideoStreamFormatChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Contains information about changes to the flow control of a video or audio virtual device.
VideoStreamFormatChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Delegate signature that notifies app about when it should start or stop generating video frames.
VideoStreamPixelFormat - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Informs how the pixels of the video frame is encoded.
VideoStreamRenderer - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Renderer class to handle video streams
VideoStreamRenderer(LocalVideoStream, Context) - Constructor for class VideoStreamRenderer
Creates a new instance to render a localVideoStream
VideoStreamRenderer(RemoteVideoStream, Context) - Constructor for class VideoStreamRenderer
Creates a new instance to render a remoteVideoStream
VideoStreamRendererView - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
VideoStreamRendererView representing the rendering surface to attach to a UI to render the Video Stream
VideoStreamResolution - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Represents the list of supported video resolution for VirtualOutgoingVideoStream
VideoStreamSourceType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Local and Remote Video Stream types
VideoStreamState - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Defines possible running states for a video stream
VideoStreamStateChangedEvent - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Contains Information about the CallVideoStream that it;s state has changed
VideoStreamStateChangedListener - Interface in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Notifies whenever the CallVideoStream state has changed
VideoStreamType - Enum in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Type of outgoing video stream is being used on the call
VIRTUAL - VideoDeviceType
Virtual Video Device
VIRTUAL_DEVICE_NOT_STARTED - CallingCommunicationErrors
Virtual device is not started.
Virtual Outgoing
VirtualOutgoingVideoStream - Class in com.azure.android.communication.calling
Virtual stream information
VirtualOutgoingVideoStream(RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions) - Constructor for class VirtualOutgoingVideoStream
Constructor used to create an instance of a stream that send's generated frames from external sources


ZERO - DtmfTone
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