AcceptCallOptions |
Options to be passed when accepting a call
AcceptTeamsCallOptions |
Options to be passed when accepting a Teams call
AddPhoneNumberOptions |
Options when making an outgoing PSTN call
AdmitAllParticipantsResult |
Result for Lobby admitAll operation
AdmitParticipantsResult |
Result for Lobby admit operation
AudioOptions |
AudioStreamStateChangedEvent |
Describes an AudioStreamStateChanged event when audio stream state has updated for an CallAudioStream
BackgroundBlurEffect |
Video Effect for Background Blur
BackgroundReplacementEffect |
Video Effect for Background Replacement
Call |
Describes a call
CallAgent |
Call agent created by the CallClient factory method createCallAgent It bears the responsibility of managing calls on behalf of the authenticated user
CallAgentOptions |
Options for creating CallAgent
CallAudioStream |
Base class for all Audio Stream objects
CallCaptions |
Call captions for managing common captions functionality.
CallClient |
This is the main class representing the entrypoint for the Calling SDK.
CallClientOptions |
Options to be passed when creating a call client
CallDebugInfo |
DebugInfo such as Blog file locations
CallDiagnosticsOptions |
Options for diagnostics of call client
CallEndReason |
Describes the reason for a call to end
CallerInfo |
Describes the Caller Information
CallFeature |
CallFeature super type, features extensions for call.
CallLobby |
Describes a Teams Meeting Lobby's information
CallNetworkOptions |
Network options for call client
CallOptions |
Holds options for video and audio
CallsUpdatedEvent |
Describes a CallsUpdated event
CallSurvey |
Call Survey Information to be submitted
CallSurveyRatingScale |
Rate scale for Call Survey scores.
CallSurveyResult |
Submit Survey Result
CallSurveyScore |
Survey Score
CallVideoStream |
Base class for all Video streams which contains logic for rendering a Video and/or provide video frames
CapabilitiesCallFeature |
Capability call feature
CapabilitiesChangedEvent |
Capability Changed Event
CaptionsCallFeature |
Call Feature for managing captions for a call.
CommonCall |
Describes a common call
CommonCallAgent |
Common call agent base class to represent extended call agent classes created by the CallClient factory method createCallAgent It bears the responsibility of managing calls on behalf of the authenticated user
CommonCallAgentOptions |
Common Options for creating CallAgent
CommonIncomingCall |
Describes a common incoming call
CommunicationCaptions |
Captions for managing captions for a group call.
CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent |
Describes an CaptionsReceived event for when new captions data comes in
CreateViewOptions |
Options to be passed when rendering a Video
DataChannelCallFeature |
A call feature to use data channel
DataChannelMessage |
Describes the message received including a sequence number and user-provided data
DataChannelReceiver |
Describes the data channel as a receiver to process the incoming data messages
DataChannelReceiverCreatedEvent |
Describes a data channel receiver created event data
DataChannelSender |
Describes a data channel as the sender to send messages to one or more participants
DataChannelSenderOptions |
Describes the options used to create a data channel sender
DeviceManager |
Device manager
DiagnosticFlagChangedEvent |
Event payload containing information of a boolean diagnostic change event.
DiagnosticQualityChangedEvent |
Event payload containing information of a quality diagnostic change event.
DominantSpeakersCallFeature |
Call Feature for managing the dominant speakers of a call
DominantSpeakersInfo |
Information about the dominant speakers of a call
EmergencyCallOptions |
Options for emergency call of call agent
Features |
The collection of all 1st party API features.
GroupCallLocator |
Options for joining a group call
HangUpOptions |
Property bag class for hanging up a call
IceServer |
Describes an ICE Server
IncomingAudioOptions |
Property bag class for Incoming Audio Options.
IncomingAudioStatistics |
Represents the incoming audio Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingAudioStream |
Base Class for all Incoming Audio Stream objects
IncomingCall |
Describes an incoming call
IncomingDataChannelStatistics |
Represents the incoming data channel Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingMediaStatistics |
Aggregate for all incoming Media Statistics information.
IncomingMixedAudioEvent |
Describes an IncomingMixedAudio event for when new audio data comes in
IncomingScreenShareStatistics |
Represents the incoming screen share Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingVideoOptions |
Hold properties that configure incoming video streams
IncomingVideoStatistics |
Represents the incoming video Media Statistics for a call.
IncomingVideoStream |
Contains information about common properties between the different types of incoming video streams
JoinCallOptions |
Options to be passed when joining a call
JoinMeetingLocator |
JoinMeetingLocator super type, locator for joining meetings
JoinTeamsCallOptions |
Options to be passed when joining a Teams call
JoinTeamsMeetingLocator |
JoinTeamsMeetingLocator super type, locator for joining meetings
LiveOutgoingAudioFilters |
Holds properties that configure outgoing audio preprocessing during call
LocalOutgoingAudioStream |
Local (Physical device) Audio Stream
LocalUserDiagnosticsCallFeature |
Wraps the user facing diagnostics feature in the call context.
LocalVideoEffectsFeature |
LocalVideoStream Feature for managing video effects.
LocalVideoStream |
Local video stream information
LocalVideoStreamFeature |
LocalVideoStreamFeature base type, features extensions for local video stream.
LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedEvent |
LoweredHandChangedEvent |
Lowered hand event information.
MediaDiagnostics |
Represents an object where media diagnostics are accessed.
MediaDiagnosticValues |
Represents an object where all the latest diagnostics values for media diagnostic.
MediaStatisticsCallFeature |
Media Statistics Call Feature.
MediaStatisticsReport |
Report for all Media Statistics available in a given instant.
MediaStatisticsReportReceivedEvent |
Describes a Media Statistics Report Received event.
NetworkDiagnostics |
Represents an object where network diagnostics are accessed.
NetworkDiagnosticValues |
Represents an object where all the latest diagnostics values for network diagnostic.
OutgoingAudioFilters |
Holds properties that configure outgoing audio preprocessing before call start
OutgoingAudioOptions |
Property bag class for Outgoing Audio Options.
OutgoingAudioStatistics |
Represents the outgoing audio Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingAudioStream |
Base Class for all Outgoing Audio Stream objects
OutgoingDataChannelStatistics |
Represents the outgoing data channel Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingMediaStatistics |
Aggregate for all outgoing Media Statistics information.
OutgoingScreenShareStatistics |
Represents the outgoing screen share Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingVideoConstraints |
Hold properties that configure OutgoingVideoConstraints
OutgoingVideoOptions |
Hold properties that configure OutgoingVideoStreams
OutgoingVideoStatistics |
Represents the outgoing video Media Statistics for a call.
OutgoingVideoStream |
Contains information about common properties between different types of outgoing video streams
ParticipantCapability |
Single participant capability
ParticipantsUpdatedEvent |
Describes a ParticipantsUpdated event data
PropertyChangedEvent |
Describes a PropertyChanged event data
PushNotificationInfo |
Describes an incoming call
RaisedHand |
Raise hand details.
RaisedHandChangedEvent |
Raised hand event information.
RaiseHandCallFeature |
Call Feature for managing raise hand states for participants on the call.
RawAudioBuffer |
An entity that represents an audio buffer that provides a wrapper native buffers and additional information
RawAudioStreamOptions |
Base Class for All Raw Audio Options needed to be defined for RawAudioStreams
RawAudioStreamProperties |
Base Class for All Raw Audio Properties needed to describe RawAudioStreams
RawIncomingAudioStream |
An audio stream that utilizes a virtual device for receiving audio
RawIncomingAudioStreamOptions |
Options required for initializing a RawIncomingAudioStream
RawIncomingAudioStreamProperties |
Audio Properties For RawIncomingAudioStreams
RawIncomingVideoStream |
Representation of a remote CallVideoStream using raw data (bytes)
RawOutgoingAudioStream |
An audio stream that utilizes a virtual device for sending audio
RawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions |
Options required for initializing a RawOutgoingAudioStream
RawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties |
Audio Properties For RawOutgoingAudioStreams
RawOutgoingVideoStream |
Contains information about common properties between different types of outgoing virtual video streams
RawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions |
Defines the options required for creating a virtual video device.
RawVideoFrame |
Information about the video frame
RawVideoFrameBuffer |
Hold's video frame data as a buffer
RawVideoFrameReceivedEvent |
Contains information about the newest video frame
RealTimeTextCallFeature |
Provides functionality to send and receive real-time text messages during a call.
RealTimeTextInfo |
Represents a real-time text message entry.
RealTimeTextInfoReceivedEvent |
Provides data for the RealTimeTextCallFeature.InfoReceived and Azure.Communication.Calling.RealTimeTextCallFeature.OnInfoReceived events.
RecordingCallFeature |
Call Feature for managing call recording
RemoteIncomingAudioStream |
An audio stream that utilizes physical device for playback
RemoteParticipant |
Describes a remote participant on a call
RemoteVideoStream |
Video stream on remote participant
RemoteVideoStreamsEvent |
RoomCallLocator |
Options for joining a call using Room ID locator
ScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream |
Screen Share stream information
SpotlightCallFeature |
Call Feature for managing spotlight states in a call.
SpotlightChangedEvent |
Spotlight event information.
SpotlightedParticipant |
Spotlighted participant details
StartCallOptions |
Options to be passed when starting a call
StartCaptionsOptions |
Options to request language before starting captions
StartTeamsCallOptions |
Options to be passed when starting a teams call
StreamSize |
StreamSize class representing the dimensions of a video stream
SurveyCallFeature |
Feature to allow submit call quality survey feedback after the end of the call.
TeamsCall |
Describes a teams call
TeamsCallAgent |
Teams Call agent created by the CallClient factory method createTeamsCallAgent.
TeamsCallAgentOptions |
Options for creating TeamsCallAgent
TeamsCallInfo |
Describes a teamscall's information
TeamsCallsUpdatedEvent |
Describes a TeamsCallsUpdated event
TeamsCaptions |
Teams captions for managing captions for a Teams Interop call.
TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent |
Describes an CaptionsReceived event for when new captions data comes in
TeamsIncomingCall |
Describes an teams incoming call
TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator |
Options for joining a Teams meeting using Coordinates locator
TeamsMeetingIdLocator |
Options for joining a Teams meeting using Meeting ID and Passcode
TeamsMeetingLinkLocator |
Options for joining a Teams meeting using Link locator
TelecomConnectionService |
Telecom connection service
TelecomManagerOptions |
Holds options for TelecomManager integration.
TranscriptionCallFeature |
Call Feature for managing call transcription
VideoConstraints |
Hold properties that configure VideoConstraints
VideoDeviceInfo |
Information about a video device
VideoDevicesUpdatedEvent |
Describes a VideoDevicesUpdated event data
VideoEffect |
Video Effect base type.
VideoEffectDisabledEvent |
Information about video effect disabled status
VideoEffectEnabledEvent |
Information about video effect enabled status
VideoEffectErrorEvent |
Information about remote Effects changing state
VideoOptions |
VideoStreamFormat |
Describes details of the video frame content that the application is capable of generating.
VideoStreamFormatChangedEvent |
Contains information about changes to the flow control of a video or audio virtual device.
VideoStreamRenderer |
Renderer class to handle video streams
VideoStreamRendererView |
VideoStreamRendererView representing the rendering surface to attach to a UI to render the Video Stream
VideoStreamStateChangedEvent |
Contains Information about the CallVideoStream that it;s state has changed
VirtualOutgoingVideoStream |
Virtual stream information