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All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AcceptCallOptions Options to be passed when accepting a callAcceptTeamsCallOptions Options to be passed when accepting a Teams callAddPhoneNumberOptions Options when making an outgoing PSTN callAdmitAllParticipantsResult Result for Lobby admitAll operationAdmitParticipantsResult Result for Lobby admit operationAudioIssue Possible values for common audio issuesAudioOptions Deprecated. Use IncomingAudioOptions and OutgoingAudioOptions insteadAudioStreamBufferDuration Specifies the data per block in milliseconds for buffers supported by the RawOutgoingAudioStream entitiesAudioStreamChannelMode Specifies the channel modes supported by the RawAudioStreams entitiesAudioStreamFormat Specifies the audio formats supported by the RawAudioStreams entitiesAudioStreamSampleRate Specifies the sample rates supported by the RawAudioStreams entitiesAudioStreamState Defines possible running states for an audio streamAudioStreamStateChangedEvent Describes an AudioStreamStateChanged event when audio stream state has updated for an CallAudioStreamAudioStreamStateChangedListener Delegate that will inform when the state of an audio stream changesAudioStreamType Type of outgoing audio stream is being used on the callBackgroundBlurEffect Video Effect for Background BlurBackgroundReplacementEffect Video Effect for Background ReplacementCall Describes a callCallAgent Call agent created by the CallClient factory method createCallAgent It bears the responsibility of managing calls on behalf of the authenticated userCallAgentOptions Options for creating CallAgentCallAudioStream Base class for all Audio Stream objectsCallCaptions Call captions for managing common captions functionality.CallClient This is the main class representing the entrypoint for the Calling SDK.CallClientOptions Options to be passed when creating a call clientCallDebugInfo DebugInfo such as Blog file locationsCallDiagnosticsOptions Options for diagnostics of call clientCallDirection Direction of a CallCallEndReason Describes the reason for a call to endCallerInfo Describes the Caller InformationCallFeature CallFeature super type, features extensions for call.CallFeatureFactory<TCallFeature extends CallFeature> Represents the factory of call api features.CallingCommunicationErrors Additional failed states for Azure Communication ServicesCallingCommunicationException General purpose Exception class to capture all exceptions thrown from the Azure Communication Services for CallingCallIssue Possible values for common call issuesCallLobby Describes a Teams Meeting Lobby's informationCallNetworkOptions Network options for call clientCallOptions Holds options for video and audioCallParticipantRole The role of an user in the Call.CallState State of a callCallsUpdatedEvent Describes a CallsUpdated eventCallsUpdatedListener CallsUpdated Event HandlerCallSurvey Call Survey Information to be submittedCallSurveyRatingScale Rate scale for Call Survey scores.CallSurveyResult Submit Survey ResultCallSurveyScore Survey ScoreCallVideoStream Base class for all Video streams which contains logic for rendering a Video and/or provide video framesCameraFacing Direction of the cameraCapabilitiesCallFeature Capability call featureCapabilitiesChangedEvent Capability Changed EventCapabilitiesChangedListener CapabilitiesChangedReason Reason for capabilities changedCapabilityResolutionReason Capability Resolution ReasonCaptionsCallFeature Call Feature for managing captions for a call.CaptionsResultType Indicates the captions result typeCaptionsType Indicates the active captions typeCommonCall Describes a common callCommonCallAgent Common call agent base class to represent extended call agent classes created by the CallClient factory method createCallAgent It bears the responsibility of managing calls on behalf of the authenticated userCommonCallAgentOptions Common Options for creating CallAgentCommonIncomingCall Describes a common incoming callCommunicationCallType Type of CommunicationCommunicationCaptions Captions for managing captions for a group call.CommunicationCaptionsListener Informs the listeners that captions are received.CommunicationCaptionsReceivedEvent Describes an CaptionsReceived event for when new captions data comes inCreateViewOptions Options to be passed when rendering a VideoDataChannelCallFeature A call feature to use data channelDataChannelMessage Describes the message received including a sequence number and user-provided dataDataChannelPriority Priority options for data channel.DataChannelReceiver Describes the data channel as a receiver to process the incoming data messagesDataChannelReceiverCreatedEvent Describes a data channel receiver created event dataDataChannelReceiverCreatedListener Informs the sdk that a data channel receiver is created.DataChannelReliability Reliability options for data channel.DataChannelSender Describes a data channel as the sender to send messages to one or more participantsDataChannelSenderOptions Describes the options used to create a data channel senderDeviceManager Device managerDiagnosticFlagChangedEvent Event payload containing information of a boolean diagnostic change event.DiagnosticFlagChangedListener Informs the listeners that a boolean diagnostic value changed.DiagnosticQuality Represents a diagnostic quality scale.DiagnosticQualityChangedEvent Event payload containing information of a quality diagnostic change event.DiagnosticQualityChangedListener Informs the listeners that a quality diagnostic value changed.DominantSpeakersCallFeature Call Feature for managing the dominant speakers of a callDominantSpeakersInfo Information about the dominant speakers of a callDtmfTone DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) tone for PSTN callsEmergencyCallOptions Options for emergency call of call agentFeatures The collection of all 1st party API features.GroupCallLocator Options for joining a group callHangUpOptions Property bag class for hanging up a callIceServer Describes an ICE ServerIncomingAudioOptions Property bag class for Incoming Audio Options.IncomingAudioStatistics Represents the incoming audio Media Statistics for a call.IncomingAudioStream Base Class for all Incoming Audio Stream objectsIncomingCall Describes an incoming callIncomingCallListener Informs the listeners that a incoming call has been received.IncomingDataChannelStatistics Represents the incoming data channel Media Statistics for a call.IncomingMediaStatistics Aggregate for all incoming Media Statistics information.IncomingMixedAudioEvent Describes an IncomingMixedAudio event for when new audio data comes inIncomingMixedAudioListener Delegate that will inform when a new audio buffer is available through the audio streamIncomingScreenShareStatistics Represents the incoming screen share Media Statistics for a call.IncomingVideoOptions Hold properties that configure incoming video streamsIncomingVideoStatistics Represents the incoming video Media Statistics for a call.IncomingVideoStream Contains information about common properties between the different types of incoming video streamsJoinCallOptions Options to be passed when joining a callJoinMeetingLocator JoinMeetingLocator super type, locator for joining meetingsJoinTeamsCallOptions Options to be passed when joining a Teams callJoinTeamsMeetingLocator JoinTeamsMeetingLocator super type, locator for joining meetingsLiveOutgoingAudioFilters Holds properties that configure outgoing audio preprocessing during callLocalOutgoingAudioStream Local (Physical device) Audio StreamLocalUserDiagnosticsCallFeature Wraps the user facing diagnostics feature in the call context.LocalVideoEffectsFeature LocalVideoStream Feature for managing video effects.LocalVideoStream Local video stream informationLocalVideoStreamFeature LocalVideoStreamFeature base type, features extensions for local video stream.LocalVideoStreamFeatureFactory<TLocalVideoStreamFeature extends LocalVideoStreamFeature> Represents the factory of local video stream api features.LocalVideoStreamsUpdatedEvent Deprecated. Use VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs insteadLocalVideoStreamsUpdatedListener Informs the library that new Local video streams were added or removed from a callLoweredHandChangedEvent Lowered hand event information.LoweredHandListener Informs the listeners that a participant has lowered hands.MediaDiagnostics Represents an object where media diagnostics are accessed.MediaDiagnosticValues Represents an object where all the latest diagnostics values for media diagnostic.MediaStatisticsCallFeature Media Statistics Call Feature.MediaStatisticsReport Report for all Media Statistics available in a given instant.MediaStatisticsReportReceivedEvent Describes a Media Statistics Report Received event.MediaStatisticsReportReceivedListener Informs the listeners that a Media Statistics report is received.MediaStreamType Deprecated. Use VideoStreamSourceType insteadNetworkDiagnostics Represents an object where network diagnostics are accessed.NetworkDiagnosticValues Represents an object where all the latest diagnostics values for network diagnostic.NoiseSuppressionMode Specifies the noise suppression modes supported by outgoing audio filtersOutgoingAudioFilters Holds properties that configure outgoing audio preprocessing before call startOutgoingAudioOptions Property bag class for Outgoing Audio Options.OutgoingAudioStatistics Represents the outgoing audio Media Statistics for a call.OutgoingAudioStream Base Class for all Outgoing Audio Stream objectsOutgoingDataChannelStatistics Represents the outgoing data channel Media Statistics for a call.OutgoingMediaStatistics Aggregate for all outgoing Media Statistics information.OutgoingScreenShareStatistics Represents the outgoing screen share Media Statistics for a call.OutgoingVideoConstraints Hold properties that configure OutgoingVideoConstraintsOutgoingVideoOptions Hold properties that configure OutgoingVideoStreamsOutgoingVideoStatistics Represents the outgoing video Media Statistics for a call.OutgoingVideoStream Contains information about common properties between different types of outgoing video streamsParticipantCapability Single participant capabilityParticipantCapabilityType Name of capabilities availableParticipantState State of a participant in the callParticipantsUpdatedEvent Describes a ParticipantsUpdated event dataParticipantsUpdatedListener Informs the library that new participant were added or removed from a callPropertyChangedEvent Describes a PropertyChanged event dataPropertyChangedListener Informs the library that the call state has changedPushNotificationEventType Describes different types of Push notifications supportedPushNotificationInfo Describes an incoming callRaisedHand Raise hand details.RaisedHandChangedEvent Raised hand event information.RaisedHandListener Informs the listeners that a participant has raised hands.RaiseHandCallFeature Call Feature for managing raise hand states for participants on the call.RawAudioBuffer An entity that represents an audio buffer that provides a wrapper native buffers and additional informationRawAudioStreamOptions Base Class for All Raw Audio Options needed to be defined for RawAudioStreamsRawAudioStreamProperties Base Class for All Raw Audio Properties needed to describe RawAudioStreamsRawIncomingAudioStream An audio stream that utilizes a virtual device for receiving audioRawIncomingAudioStreamOptions Options required for initializing a RawIncomingAudioStreamRawIncomingAudioStreamProperties Audio Properties For RawIncomingAudioStreamsRawIncomingVideoStream Representation of a remote CallVideoStream using raw data (bytes)RawOutgoingAudioStream An audio stream that utilizes a virtual device for sending audioRawOutgoingAudioStreamOptions Options required for initializing a RawOutgoingAudioStreamRawOutgoingAudioStreamProperties Audio Properties For RawOutgoingAudioStreamsRawOutgoingVideoStream Contains information about common properties between different types of outgoing virtual video streamsRawOutgoingVideoStreamOptions Defines the options required for creating a virtual video device.RawVideoFrame Information about the video frameRawVideoFrameBuffer Hold's video frame data as a bufferRawVideoFrameReceivedEvent Contains information about the newest video frameRawVideoFrameReceivedListener Delegate used to nofity whenever there is a new RawVideoFrameRawVideoFrameType Informs how media frames will be available for encoding or decoding.RealTimeTextCallFeature Provides functionality to send and receive real-time text messages during a call.RealTimeTextInfo Represents a real-time text message entry.RealTimeTextInfoReceivedEvent Provides data for the RealTimeTextCallFeature.InfoReceived and Azure.Communication.Calling.RealTimeTextCallFeature.OnInfoReceived events.RealTimeTextInfoReceivedListener Represents the method that will handle the Azure.Communication.Calling.RealTimeTextCallFeature.OnInfoReceived event.RealTimeTextResultType Specifies the result type of a real-time text message.RecordingCallFeature Call Feature for managing call recordingRemoteIncomingAudioStream An audio stream that utilizes physical device for playbackRemoteParticipant Describes a remote participant on a callRemoteVideoStream Video stream on remote participantRemoteVideoStreamsEvent Deprecated. Use VideoStreamStateChangedEventArgs insteadRemoteVideoStreamsUpdatedListener Informs the listeners that the remote video streams are updated.RendererListener RendererListener interface exposing events raised during a rendering of a VideoStreamRoomCallLocator Options for joining a call using Room ID locatorScalingMode Local and Remote Video scaling modeScreenShareIssue Possible values for common screen share issuesScreenShareOutgoingVideoStream Screen Share stream informationSpotlightCallFeature Call Feature for managing spotlight states in a call.SpotlightChangedEvent Spotlight event information.SpotlightChangedListener Informs the listeners that spotlight has changed.SpotlightedParticipant Spotlighted participant detailsStartCallOptions Options to be passed when starting a callStartCaptionsOptions Options to request language before starting captionsStartTeamsCallOptions Options to be passed when starting a teams callStreamDirection Defines direction of the CallAudioStream or CallVideoStreamStreamSize StreamSize class representing the dimensions of a video streamSurveyCallFeature Feature to allow submit call quality survey feedback after the end of the call.TeamsCall Describes a teams callTeamsCallAgent Teams Call agent created by the CallClient factory method createTeamsCallAgent.TeamsCallAgentOptions Options for creating TeamsCallAgentTeamsCallInfo Describes a teamscall's informationTeamsCallsUpdatedEvent Describes a TeamsCallsUpdated eventTeamsCallsUpdatedListener TeamsCallsUpdated Event HandlerTeamsCaptions Teams captions for managing captions for a Teams Interop call.TeamsCaptionsListener Delegate for Teams Captions.TeamsCaptionsReceivedEvent Describes an CaptionsReceived event for when new captions data comes inTeamsIncomingCall Describes an teams incoming callTeamsIncomingCallListener TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator Options for joining a Teams meeting using Coordinates locatorTeamsMeetingIdLocator Options for joining a Teams meeting using Meeting ID and PasscodeTeamsMeetingLinkLocator Options for joining a Teams meeting using Link locatorTelecomConnectionService Telecom connection serviceTelecomManagerOptions Holds options for TelecomManager integration.TranscriptionCallFeature Call Feature for managing call transcriptionVideoConstraints Hold properties that configure VideoConstraintsVideoDeviceInfo Information about a video deviceVideoDevicesUpdatedEvent Describes a VideoDevicesUpdated event dataVideoDevicesUpdatedListener Informs the library that new video devices were added or removed to the current libraryVideoDeviceType Describes the video device typeVideoEffect Video Effect base type.VideoEffectDisabledEvent Information about video effect disabled statusVideoEffectDisabledListener Informs the listeners that a video effect is disabled.VideoEffectEnabledEvent Information about video effect enabled statusVideoEffectEnabledListener Informs the listeners that a video effect is enabled.VideoEffectErrorEvent Information about remote Effects changing stateVideoEffectErrorListener Informs the listeners that a video effect has a error.VideoIssue Possible values for common video issuesVideoOptions Deprecated. Use getIncomingVideoOptions() and getOutgoingVideoOptions() insteadVideoStreamFormat Describes details of the video frame content that the application is capable of generating.VideoStreamFormatChangedEvent Contains information about changes to the flow control of a video or audio virtual device.VideoStreamFormatChangedListener Delegate signature that notifies app about when it should start or stop generating video frames.VideoStreamPixelFormat Informs how the pixels of the video frame is encoded.VideoStreamRenderer Renderer class to handle video streamsVideoStreamRendererView VideoStreamRendererView representing the rendering surface to attach to a UI to render the Video StreamVideoStreamResolution Represents the list of supported video resolution for VirtualOutgoingVideoStreamVideoStreamSourceType Local and Remote Video Stream typesVideoStreamState Defines possible running states for a video streamVideoStreamStateChangedEvent Contains Information about the CallVideoStream that it;s state has changedVideoStreamStateChangedListener Notifies whenever the CallVideoStream state has changedVideoStreamType Type of outgoing video stream is being used on the callVirtualOutgoingVideoStream Virtual stream information