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Class Items

Operations for creating new items, and reading/querying all items


Item for reading, replacing, or deleting an existing container; use .item(id).


  • Items




container: Container

The parent container.



  • Create a item.

    Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.

    There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.

    Type parameters


    • body: T

      Represents the body of the item. Can contain any number of user defined properties.

    • Default value options: RequestOptions = {}

      Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).

    Returns Promise<ItemResponse<T>>


  • Queries all items.


    Read all items to array.

    const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {
      query: "SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.lastName = @lastName",
      parameters: [
        {name: "@lastName", value: "Hendricks"}
    const {result: items} = await items.query(querySpec).toArray();


    • query: string | SqlQuerySpec

      Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.

    • Optional options: FeedOptions

      Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).

    Returns QueryIterator<any>

  • Queries all items.


    Read all items to array.

    const querySpec: SqlQuerySpec = {
      query: "SELECT firstname FROM Families f WHERE f.lastName = @lastName",
      parameters: [
        {name: "@lastName", value: "Hendricks"}
    const {result: items} = await items.query<{firstName: string}>(querySpec).toArray();

    Type parameters

    • T


    • query: string | SqlQuerySpec

      Query configuration for the operation. See SqlQuerySpec for more info on how to configure a query.

    • options: FeedOptions

      Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).

    Returns QueryIterator<T>


  • Read all items.

    There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.


    Read all items to array.

    const {body: containerList} = await items.readAll().toArray();


    • Optional options: FeedOptions

      Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).

    Returns QueryIterator<ItemDefinition>

  • Read all items.

    Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.

    There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.


    Read all items to array.

    const {body: containerList} = await items.readAll().toArray();

    Type parameters


    • Optional options: FeedOptions

      Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).

    Returns QueryIterator<T>



  • Upsert an item.

    There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.


    • body: any

      Represents the body of the item. Can contain any number of user defined properties.

    • Optional options: RequestOptions

      Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).

    Returns Promise<ItemResponse<ItemDefinition>>

  • Upsert an item.

    Any provided type, T, is not necessarily enforced by the SDK. You may get more or less properties and it's up to your logic to enforce it.

    There is no set schema for JSON items. They may contain any number of custom properties.

    Type parameters


    • body: T

      Represents the body of the item. Can contain any number of user defined properties.

    • Optional options: RequestOptions

      Used for modifying the request (for instance, specifying the partition key).

    Returns Promise<ItemResponse<T>>

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