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Interface RequestOptions

Options that can be specified for a requested issued to the Azure Cosmos DB servers.=




Optional abortSignal

abortSignal: AbortSignal

abortSignal to pass to all underlying network requests created by this method call. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController


Cancel a read request

const controller = new AbortController()
const {result: item} = await items.query('SELECT * from c', { abortSignal: controller.signal});

Optional accessCondition

accessCondition: object

Conditions Associated with the request.

Type declaration

  • condition: string

    Conditional HTTP method header value (the _etag field from the last version you read).

  • type: string

    Conditional HTTP method header type (IfMatch or IfNoneMatch).

Optional consistencyLevel

consistencyLevel: string

Consistency level required by the client.

Optional disableAutomaticIdGeneration

disableAutomaticIdGeneration: boolean

Disable automatic id generation (will cause creates to fail if id isn't on the definition)

Optional disableRUPerMinuteUsage

disableRUPerMinuteUsage: boolean

DisableRUPerMinuteUsage is used to enable/disable Request Units(RUs)/minute capacity to serve the request if regular provisioned RUs/second is exhausted.

Optional enableScriptLogging

enableScriptLogging: boolean

Enables or disables logging in JavaScript stored procedures.

Optional indexingDirective

indexingDirective: string

Specifies indexing directives (index, do not index .. etc).

Optional initialHeaders

initialHeaders: CosmosHeaders

(Advanced use case) Initial headers to start with when sending requests to Cosmos

Optional offerThroughput

offerThroughput: number

The offer throughput provisioned for a container in measurement of Requests-per-Unit.

Optional offerType

offerType: string

Offer type when creating document containers.

This option is only valid when creating a document container.

Optional populateQuotaInfo

populateQuotaInfo: boolean

Enables/disables getting document container quota related stats for document container read requests.

Optional postTriggerInclude

postTriggerInclude: string | string[]

Indicates what is the post trigger to be invoked after the operation.

Optional preTriggerInclude

preTriggerInclude: string | string[]

Indicates what is the pre trigger to be invoked before the operation.

Optional resourceTokenExpirySeconds

resourceTokenExpirySeconds: number

Expiry time (in seconds) for resource token associated with permission (applicable only for requests on permissions).

Optional sessionToken

sessionToken: string

Enables/disables getting document container quota related stats for document container read requests.

Optional urlConnection

urlConnection: string

(Advanced use case) The url to connect to.

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