How to add a set of static files

The reverse proxy service by default routes all incoming requests to the configured host.

It’s also possible to host some static files locally, e.g. HTML pages, images, CSS stylesheets, which will be served directly, without any request to the backend.

Static files are stored in the wwwroot folder. The folder already contains some examples:

When requesting / the service will try to locate and serve one of default.htm, default.html, index.htm or index.html.

Adding a full web site to the reverse proxy

The following instructions show how to add a full static web site to the reverse proxy.

As an example target, we will use Azure IoT Remote Monitoring web user interface, a Node.js application that needs to be compiled in order to generate the static files optimized for the web.

  1. Clone the target project in a temporary folder:
    mkdir temp
    cd temp
    git clone 
  2. Remove the hardcoded hostname: (TODO: remove this step)
    cd pcs-remote-monitoring-webui
    echo "REACT_APP_BASE_SERVICE_URL=" > .env
  3. Build the Node.js code to get an optimized production build:
    cd pcs-remote-monitoring-webui
    npm install
    npm run build
  4. Copy the optimized site files into wwwroot:
    cd build
    rm -fR {REVERSE PROXY FOLDER}/ProxyAgent/wwwroot/*
    mv * {REVERSE PROXY FOLDER}/ProxyAgent/wwwroot/
  5. To test the web site:

    then point your browser to URL shown (e.g. http://localhost:9000)

Site content