See: Description
Interface | Description |
ContainerService |
A client-side representation for a container service.
ContainerService.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions related to a container service.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of container service definition stages.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a container service definition.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithAgentPool |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify an agent pool profile.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created,
but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithDiagnostics |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to enable diagnostics.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithGroup |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the resource group.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithLinux |
The stage of the container service definition allowing the start of defining Linux specific settings.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootUsername |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specific the Linux root username.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxSshKey |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specific the Linux SSH key.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithMasterDnsPrefix |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master DNS prefix label.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithMasterNodeCount |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master node count.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithMasterOSDiskSize |
The stage of a container service definition allowing to specify the master pool OS disk size.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithMasterStorageProfile |
The stage of a container service definition allowing to specify the master's virtual machine storage kind.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithMasterVMSize |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the master VM size.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithOrchestrator |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify orchestration type.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithServicePrincipalProfile |
The stage allowing properties for cluster service principals to be specified.
ContainerService.DefinitionStages.WithSubnet |
The stage of the container service definition allowing to specify the virtual network and subnet for the machines.
ContainerService.Update |
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that
can be modified.
ContainerService.UpdateStages |
Grouping of container service update stages.
ContainerService.UpdateStages.WithDiagnostics |
The stage of the container service update allowing to enable or disable diagnostics.
ContainerService.UpdateStages.WithUpdateAgentPoolCount |
The stage of the container service update allowing to specify the number of agents in the specified pool.
ContainerServiceAgentPool |
A client-side representation for a container service agent pool.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a container service agent pool definition as a part of a parent definition.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of container service agent pool definition stages as a part of parent container service definition.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a container service agent pool definition.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of a container service agent pool definition.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithLeafDomainLabel<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the DNS prefix.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithOSDiskSize<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS disk size.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithOSType<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS type.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithPorts<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool ports to be exposed.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithStorageProfile<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool storage kind.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithVirtualNetwork<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify a virtual network to be used for the agents.
ContainerServiceAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithVMSize<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent virtual machine size.
ContainerServices |
Entry point to container service management API.
KubernetesCluster |
A client-side representation for a managed Kubernetes cluster.
KubernetesCluster.Definition |
Interface for all the definitions related to a Kubernetes cluster.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of Kubernetes cluster definition stages.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a container service definition.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinition<ParentT> |
The Kubernetes cluster network profile definition.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages |
The Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify a network profile.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a network profile definition.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of a network profile definition.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithDnsServiceIP<ParentT> |
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify an IP address assigned to the Kubernetes DNS service.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithDockerBridgeCidr<ParentT> |
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range assigned to the
Docker bridge network.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithNetworkPolicy<ParentT> |
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify the network policy.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithPodCidr<ParentT> |
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range from which to
assign pod IPs when kubenet is used.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.NetworkProfileDefinitionStages.WithServiceCidr<ParentT> |
The stage of a network profile definition allowing to specify a CIDR notation IP range from which to
assign service cluster IPs.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithAddOnProfiles |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the cluster's add-on's profiles.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithAgentPool |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify an agent pool profile.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for
the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to
be specified.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithDnsPrefix |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the DNS prefix label.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithGroup |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the resource group.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootUsername |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specific the Linux root username.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithLinuxSshKey |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specific the Linux SSH key.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithNetworkProfile |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify a network profile.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithServicePrincipalClientId |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the service principal client ID.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithServicePrincipalProfile |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify the service principal secret.
KubernetesCluster.DefinitionStages.WithVersion |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster definition allowing to specify orchestration type.
KubernetesCluster.Update |
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
KubernetesCluster.UpdateStages |
Grouping of the Kubernetes cluster update stages.
KubernetesCluster.UpdateStages.WithAddOnProfiles |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the cluster's add-on's profiles.
KubernetesCluster.UpdateStages.WithNetworkProfile |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the cluster's network profile.
KubernetesCluster.UpdateStages.WithRBAC |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify if Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control is enabled or disabled.
KubernetesCluster.UpdateStages.WithUpdateAgentPoolCount |
The stage of the Kubernetes cluster update definition allowing to specify the number of agents in the specified pool.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool |
A client-side representation for a Kubernetes cluster agent pool.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a container service agent pool definition as a part of a parent definition.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of container service agent pool definition stages as a part of parent container service definition.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent virtual machine size.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithAgentPoolVirtualMachineCount<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the number of agents
(Virtual Machines) to host docker containers.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of a container service agent pool definition.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithMaxPodsCount<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the maximum number of pods that can run on a node.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithOSDiskSize<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS disk size.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithOSType<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify the agent pool OS type.
KubernetesClusterAgentPool.DefinitionStages.WithVirtualNetwork<ParentT> |
The stage of a container service agent pool definition allowing to specify a virtual network to be used for the agents.
KubernetesClusters |
Entry point to managed Kubernetes service management API.
KubernetesClusterUpgradeProfile |
The result of checking for the Kubernetes cluster's upgrade profile.
OrchestratorServiceBase |
A common representation for Azure container services orchestrators.
Class | Description |
ContainerServiceAgentPoolProfile |
Profile for the container service agent pool.
ContainerServiceCustomProfile |
Properties to configure a custom container service cluster.
ContainerServiceDiagnosticsProfile |
Profile for diagnostics on the container service cluster.
ContainerServiceLinuxProfile |
Profile for Linux VMs in the container service cluster.
ContainerServiceMasterProfile |
Profile for the container service master.
ContainerServiceNetworkProfile |
Profile of network configuration.
ContainerServiceOrchestratorProfile |
Profile for the container service orchestrator.
ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes |
Defines values for ContainerServiceOrchestratorTypes.
ContainerServiceServicePrincipalProfile |
Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for
manipulating Azure APIs.
ContainerServiceSshConfiguration |
SSH configuration for Linux-based VMs running on Azure.
ContainerServiceSshPublicKey |
Contains information about SSH certificate public key data.
ContainerServiceStorageProfileTypes |
Defines values for ContainerServiceStorageProfileTypes.
ContainerServiceVMDiagnostics |
Profile for diagnostics on the container service VMs.
ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes |
Defines values for ContainerServiceVMSizeTypes.
ContainerServiceWindowsProfile |
Profile for Windows VMs in the container service cluster.
CredentialResult |
The credential result response.
KeyVaultSecretRef |
Reference to a secret stored in Azure Key Vault.
KubernetesClusterAccessProfileRole |
Defines values for Kubernetes cluster access profile roles.
KubernetesVersion |
Defines values for Kubernetes versions.
ManagedClusterAADProfile |
AADProfile specifies attributes for Azure Active Directory integration.
ManagedClusterAddonProfile |
A Kubernetes add-on profile for a managed cluster.
ManagedClusterAgentPoolProfile |
Profile for the container service agent pool.
ManagedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile |
The list of available upgrade versions.
ManagedClusterServicePrincipalProfile |
Information about a service principal identity for the cluster to use for
manipulating Azure APIs.
NetworkPlugin |
Defines values for NetworkPlugin.
NetworkPolicy |
Defines values for NetworkPolicy.
OrchestratorProfile |
Contains information about orchestrator.
OrchestratorVersionProfile |
The profile of an orchestrator and its available versions.
OSType |
Defines values for OSType.
TagsObject |
Tags object for patch operations.
Enum | Description |
ContainerServiceMasterProfileCount |
The minimum valid number of master nodes.
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