See: Description
Interface | Description |
CdnEndpoint |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure CDN endpoint.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of CDN profile endpoint definition stages as a part of parent CDN profile definition.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages.AttachablePremium<ParentT> |
The final stage of the Premium Verizon endpoint definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages.AttachableStandard<ParentT> |
The final stage of a Standard endpoint definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages.Blank.PremiumEndpoint<ParentT> |
The stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin
for the CDN profile with teh Premium Verizon SKU.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages.Blank.StandardEndpoint<ParentT> |
The stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages.WithPremiumAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the CDN profile Premium Verizon endpoint definition.
CdnEndpoint.DefinitionStages.WithStandardAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the CDN profile Standard Akamai or Standard Verizon endpoint definition.
CdnEndpoint.Update |
The entirety of a CDN endpoint update as part of a CDN profile update.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages |
The entirety of a CDN profile endpoint definition as a part of a parent CDN profile update.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages.AttachablePremium<ParentT> |
The final stage of the Premium Verizon endpoint object definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages.AttachableStandard<ParentT> |
The final stage of the Standard endpoint object definition, at which it can be attached to the parent.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a CDN profile endpoint definition.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank.PremiumEndpoint<ParentT> |
The stage of the CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin
for CDN Profile with the Premium Verizon SKU.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank.StandardEndpoint<ParentT> |
The stage of the CDN profile endpoint definition allowing to specify the origin.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithPremiumAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of a CDN profile Premium Verizon endpoint definition.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithStandardAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the CDN profile Standard Akamai or Standard Verizon endpoint definition.
CdnEndpoint.UpdatePremiumEndpoint |
The stage of an CDN profile endpoint update allowing to specify endpoint properties.
CdnEndpoint.UpdateStandardEndpoint |
The stage of an CDN profile endpoint update allowing to specify endpoint properties.
CdnProfile |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure CDN profile.
CdnProfile.Definition |
The entirety of a CDN profile definition.
CdnProfile.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of CDN profile definition stages.
CdnProfile.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of a CDN profile definition.
CdnProfile.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created
but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
CdnProfile.DefinitionStages.WithGroup |
The stage of a CDN profile definition allowing the resource group to be specified.
CdnProfile.DefinitionStages.WithPremiumVerizonCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created
but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
CdnProfile.DefinitionStages.WithSku |
A CDN profile definition allowing the SKU to be specified.
CdnProfile.DefinitionStages.WithStandardCreate |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created
but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
CdnProfile.Update |
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
CdnProfile.UpdateStages |
Grouping of CDN manager update stages.
CdnProfile.UpdateStages.WithEndpoint |
The stage of a CDN profile update allowing to modify the endpoints for the profile.
CdnProfiles |
Entry point for CDN profile management API.
Class | Description |
CacheExpirationActionParameters |
Defines the parameters for the cache expiration action.
CheckNameAvailabilityInput |
Input of CheckNameAvailability API.
CheckNameAvailabilityResult |
Result of the custom domain validation.
CidrIpAddress |
CIDR Ip address.
CustomDomainParameters |
The customDomain JSON object required for custom domain creation or update.
CustomDomainResourceState |
Defines values for CustomDomainResourceState.
CustomDomainValidationResult |
CdnProfile.validateEndpointCustomDomain(String, String) action result. |
CustomHttpsProvisioningState |
Defines values for CustomHttpsProvisioningState.
CustomHttpsProvisioningSubstate |
Defines values for CustomHttpsProvisioningSubstate.
DeepCreatedOrigin |
The main origin of CDN content which is added when creating a CDN endpoint.
DeliveryRule |
A rule that specifies a set of actions and conditions.
DeliveryRuleAction |
An action for the delivery rule.
DeliveryRuleCacheExpirationAction |
Defines the cache expiration action for the delivery rule.
DeliveryRuleCondition |
A condition for the delivery rule.
DeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionCondition |
Defines the URL file extension condition for the delivery rule.
DeliveryRuleUrlPathCondition |
Defines the URL path condition for the delivery rule.
EdgeNode |
Provides information about edge node of CDN service.
EndpointPropertiesUpdateParametersDeliveryPolicy |
A policy that specifies the delivery rules to be used for an endpoint.
EndpointResourceState |
Defines values for EndpointResourceState.
ErrorResponse |
Error reponse indicates CDN service is not able to process the incoming
GeoFilter |
Rules defining user's geo access within a CDN endpoint.
IpAddressGroup |
CDN Ip address group.
LoadParameters |
Parameters required for content load.
Operation |
Operation that CDN service supports.
OperationDisplay |
The object that represents the operation.
OptimizationType |
Defines values for OptimizationType.
OriginResourceState |
Defines values for OriginResourceState.
ProfileResourceState |
Defines values for ProfileResourceState.
ProfileUpdateParameters |
Properties required to update a profile.
PurgeParameters |
Parameters required for content purge.
ResourceUsage |
Provides information about CDN resource usages.
Sku |
The pricing tier (defines a CDN provider, feature list and rate) of the CDN
SkuName |
Defines values for SkuName.
UrlFileExtensionConditionParameters |
Defines the parameters for the URL file extension condition.
UrlPathConditionParameters |
Defines the parameters for the URL path condition.
ValidateCustomDomainInput |
Input of the custom domain to be validated for DNS mapping.
ValidateProbeInput |
Input of the validate probe API.
Enum | Description |
GeoFilterActions |
Defines values for GeoFilterActions.
QueryStringCachingBehavior |
Defines values for QueryStringCachingBehavior.
ResourceType |
Defines values for ResourceType.
Exception | Description |
ErrorResponseException |
Exception thrown for an invalid response with ErrorResponse information.
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