See: Description
Interface | Description |
AppServiceCertificate |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure app service certificate.
AppServiceCertificate.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
AppServiceCertificate.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
AppServiceCertificate.DefinitionStages.Blank |
An app service certificate definition allowing region to be set.
AppServiceCertificate.DefinitionStages.WithCertificate |
An app service certificate definition allowing PFX certificate file to be set.
AppServiceCertificate.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
An app service certificate definition with sufficient inputs to create a new
app service certificate in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to
AppServiceCertificate.DefinitionStages.WithGroup |
An app service certificate definition allowing resource group to be set.
AppServiceCertificate.DefinitionStages.WithPfxFilePassword |
An app service certificate definition allowing PFX certificate password to be set.
AppServiceCertificateKeyVaultBinding |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App Service Key Vault binding.
AppServiceCertificateOrder |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App Service certificate order.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the app service certificate order definition stages.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.Blank |
An app service certificate order definition allowing resource group to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithAutoRenew |
An app service certificate order definition allowing auto-renew settings to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithCertificateSku |
An app service certificate order definition allowing SKU to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
An app service certificate order definition with sufficient inputs to create a new
app service certificate order in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithDomainVerification |
An app service certificate order definition allowing domain verification method to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithDomainVerificationFromWebApp |
An app service certificate order definition allowing more domain verification methods to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithHostName |
An app service certificate order definition allowing hostname to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithKeyVault |
An app service certificate order definition allowing more domain verification methods to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.DefinitionStages.WithValidYears |
An app service certificate order definition allowing valid years to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.Update |
The template for an app service certificate order update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.UpdateStages |
Grouping of all the app service certificate order update stages.
AppServiceCertificateOrder.UpdateStages.WithAutoRenew |
An app service certificate order definition allowing auto-renew settings to be set.
AppServiceCertificateOrders |
Entry point for app service certificate order management API.
AppServiceCertificates |
Entry point for certificate management API.
AppServiceDomain |
An immutable client-side representation of a domain.
AppServiceDomain.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the domain definition stages.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the domain definition.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.WithAdminContact |
A domain definition allowing admin contact to be set.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.WithAutoRenew |
A domain definition allowing auto-renew setting to be set.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.WithBillingContact |
A domain definition allowing billing contact to be set.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
A domain definition with sufficient inputs to create a new
domain in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.WithDomainPrivacy |
A domain definition allowing domain privacy to be set.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.WithRegistrantContact |
A domain definition allowing registrant contact to be set.
AppServiceDomain.DefinitionStages.WithTechContact |
A domain definition allowing tech contact to be set.
AppServiceDomain.Update |
The template for a domain update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
AppServiceDomain.UpdateStages |
Grouping of all the domain update stages.
AppServiceDomain.UpdateStages.WithAdminContact |
A domain definition allowing admin contact to be set.
AppServiceDomain.UpdateStages.WithAutoRenew |
A domain definition allowing auto-renew setting to be set.
AppServiceDomain.UpdateStages.WithBillingContact |
A domain definition allowing billing contact to be set.
AppServiceDomain.UpdateStages.WithDomainPrivacy |
A domain definition allowing domain privacy to be set.
AppServiceDomain.UpdateStages.WithTechContact |
A domain definition allowing tech contact to be set.
AppServiceDomains |
Entry point for domain management API.
AppServicePlan |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure App service plan.
AppServicePlan.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the app service plan definition.
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages.WithCapacity |
An app service plan definition allowing instance capacity to be set.
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
An app service plan definition with sufficient inputs to create a new
website in the cloud, but exposing additional optional inputs to
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages.WithGroup |
An app service plan definition allowing resource group to be set.
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages.WithOperatingSystem |
An app service plan definition allowing the operating system to be set.
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages.WithPerSiteScaling |
An app service plan definition allowing per site scaling configuration to be set.
AppServicePlan.DefinitionStages.WithPricingTier |
An app service plan definition allowing pricing tier to be set.
AppServicePlan.Update |
The template for a site update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
AppServicePlan.UpdateStages |
Grouping of all the site update stages.
AppServicePlan.UpdateStages.WithCapacity |
An app service plan definition allowing instance capacity to be set.
AppServicePlan.UpdateStages.WithPerSiteScaling |
An app service plan update allowing per site scaling configuration to be set.
AppServicePlan.UpdateStages.WithPricingTier |
An app service plan definition allowing pricing tier to be set.
AppServicePlans |
Entry point for App Service plan management API.
AppSetting |
An immutable client-side representation of an app setting on a web app.
ConnectionString |
An immutable client-side representation of a connection string on a web app.
DeploymentSlot |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App deployment slot.
DeploymentSlot.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
DeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the deployment slot definition stages.
DeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the deployment slot definition.
DeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages.WithConfiguration |
A deployment slot definition allowing the configuration to clone from to be specified.
DeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app /
deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional
inputs to specify.
DeploymentSlot.Update |
The template for a web app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
DeploymentSlots |
Entry point for Azure web app deployment slot management API.
DomainContact |
A domain contact definition.
DomainContact.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a domain contact definition.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of domain contact stages applicable as part of a domain creation.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a domain contact definition.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithAddressLine1<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing 1st line of address to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithAddressLine2<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing 2nd line of address to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the domain contact definition.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithCity<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing city to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithCountry<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing country to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithEmail<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing email to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithFaxNumber<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing fax number to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithFirstName<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing first name to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithJobTitle<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing job title to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithLastName<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing last name to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithMiddleName<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing middle name to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithOrganization<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing organization to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithPhoneCountryCode<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing phone country code to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithPhoneNumber<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing phone number to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithPostalCode<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing postal/zip code to be set.
DomainContact.DefinitionStages.WithStateOrProvince<ParentT> |
The stage of contact definition allowing state/province to be set.
DomainLegalAgreement |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure domain legal agreement.
FunctionApp |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App.
FunctionApp.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the function app definition stages.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the function app definition.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.ExistingAppServicePlanWithGroup |
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.NewAppServicePlanWithGroup |
A function app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
A function app definition with sufficient inputs to create a new
function app in the cloud, but exposing additional optional
inputs to specify.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.WithDailyUsageQuota |
A function app definition allowing daily usage quota to be specified.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.WithNewAppServicePlan |
A function app definition allowing app service plan to be set.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.WithRuntimeVersion |
A function app definition allowing runtime version to be specified.
FunctionApp.DefinitionStages.WithStorageAccount |
A function app definition allowing storage account to be specified.
FunctionApp.Update |
The template for a function app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
FunctionApp.UpdateStages |
Grouping of all the function app update stages.
FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithAppServicePlan |
A function app update allowing app service plan to be set.
FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithDailyUsageQuota |
A function app definition allowing daily usage quota to be specified.
FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithRuntimeVersion |
A function app update allowing runtime version to be specified.
FunctionApp.UpdateStages.WithStorageAccount |
A function app definition allowing storage account to be specified.
FunctionApps |
Entry point for web app management API.
FunctionDeploymentSlot |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Function App deployment slot.
FunctionDeploymentSlot.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
FunctionDeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the function deployment slot definition stages.
FunctionDeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the function deployment slot definition.
FunctionDeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages.WithConfiguration |
A function deployment slot definition allowing the configuration to clone from to be specified.
FunctionDeploymentSlot.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app /
deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional
inputs to specify.
FunctionDeploymentSlot.Update |
The template for a web app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
FunctionDeploymentSlots |
Entry point for Azure function app deployment slot management API.
FunctionEnvelope |
An immutable representation of function Information.
HostNameBinding |
An immutable representation of a host name binding.
HostNameBinding.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a hostname binding definition.
HostNameBinding.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of hostname binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
HostNameBinding.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a host name binding definition.
HostNameBinding.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the hostname binding definition.
HostNameBinding.DefinitionStages.WithDomain<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing domain to be specified.
HostNameBinding.DefinitionStages.WithHostNameDnsRecordType<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing DNS record type to be set.
HostNameBinding.DefinitionStages.WithSubDomain<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing sub-domain to be specified.
HostNameBinding.UpdateDefinition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a hostname binding definition as part of a web app update.
HostNameBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages |
Grouping of host name binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
HostNameBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a host name binding definition.
HostNameBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the hostname binding definition.
HostNameBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithDomain<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing domain to be specified.
HostNameBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithHostNameDnsRecordType<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing DNS record type to be set.
HostNameBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithSubDomain<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname binding definition allowing sub-domain to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding |
An immutable representation of an host name SSL binding.
HostNameSslBinding.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a hostname SSL binding definition.
HostNameSslBinding.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of hostname SSL binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
HostNameSslBinding.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a hostname SSL binding definition.
HostNameSslBinding.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the hostname SSL binding definition.
HostNameSslBinding.DefinitionStages.WithCertificate<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing certificate information to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding.DefinitionStages.WithHostname<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing hostname to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding.DefinitionStages.WithKeyVault<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing key vault for certificate store to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding.DefinitionStages.WithSslType<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing SSL type to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a hostname SSL binding definition as part of a web app update.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages |
Grouping of hostname SSL binding definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a hostname SSL binding definition.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the hostname SSL binding definition.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithCertificate<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing certificate information to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithHostname<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing hostname to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithKeyVault<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing key vault for certificate store to be specified.
HostNameSslBinding.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithSslType<ParentT> |
The stage of a hostname SSL binding definition allowing SSL type to be specified.
PublishingProfile |
Endpoints and credentials for publishing to a web app.
WebApp |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App.
WebApp.Definition |
Container interface for all the definitions that need to be implemented.
WebApp.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the web app definition stages.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.Blank |
The first stage of the web app definition.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.ExistingLinuxPlanWithGroup |
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.ExistingWindowsPlanWithGroup |
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when a new app service plan is to be created.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.NewAppServicePlanWithGroup |
A web app definition allowing resource group to be specified when an existing app service plan is used.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithCreate |
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app /
deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional
inputs to specify.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithCredentials |
A web app definition allowing docker registry credentials to be set.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithDockerContainerImage |
A web app definition allowing docker image source to be specified.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithNewAppServicePlan |
A web app definition allowing app service plan to be set.
WebApp.DefinitionStages.WithStartUpCommand |
A web app definition allowing docker startup command to be specified.
WebApp.Update |
The template for a web app update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
WebApp.UpdateStages |
Grouping of all the web app update stages.
WebApp.UpdateStages.WithAppServicePlan |
A web app update allowing app service plan to be set.
WebApp.UpdateStages.WithCredentials |
A web app update allowing docker hub credentials to be set.
WebApp.UpdateStages.WithDockerContainerImage |
A web app update allowing docker image source to be specified.
WebApp.UpdateStages.WithStartUpCommand |
A web app definition allowing docker startup command to be specified.
WebAppAuthentication |
A web app authentication configuration in a web app.
WebAppAuthentication.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a web app authentication definition.
WebAppAuthentication.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of web app authentication definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
WebAppAuthentication.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a web app authentication definition as part of a definition of a web app.
WebAppAuthentication.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app authentication definition.
WebAppAuthentication.DefinitionStages.WithAuthenticationProvider<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing detailed provider information to be specified.
WebAppAuthentication.DefinitionStages.WithDefaultAuthenticationProvider<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing the default authentication provider to be set.
WebAppAuthentication.DefinitionStages.WithExternalRedirectUrls<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing branch to be specified.
WebAppAuthentication.DefinitionStages.WithTokenStore<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing token store to be specified.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a web app authentication definition as part of a web app update.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinitionStages |
Grouping of web app authentication definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a web app authentication definition as part of a definition of a web app.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app authentication definition.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithAuthenticationProvider<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing detailed provider information to be specified.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithDefaultAuthenticationProvider<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing the default authentication provider to be set.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithExternalRedirectUrls<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing branch to be specified.
WebAppAuthentication.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithTokenStore<ParentT> |
A web app authentication definition allowing token store to be specified.
WebAppBase |
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure Web App or deployment slot.
WebAppBase.Definition<FluentT> |
The entirety of the web app base definition.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of all the site definition stages.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithAppSettings<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing app settings to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithAuthentication<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing authentication to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithClientAffinityEnabled<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing setting if client affinity is enabled.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithClientCertEnabled<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing setting if client cert is enabled.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithConnectionString<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing connection strings to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithCreate<FluentT> |
A site definition with sufficient inputs to create a new web app /
deployments slot in the cloud, but exposing additional optional
inputs to specify.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithDiagnosticLogging<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing diagnostic logging to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithHostNameBinding<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing host name binding to be specified.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithHostNameSslBinding<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing SSL binding to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithManagedServiceIdentity<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing System Assigned Managed Service Identity to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithScmSiteAlsoStopped<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing setting if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithSiteConfigs<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing other configurations to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithSiteEnabled<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing disabling the web app upon creation.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithSourceControl<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing source control to be set.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate<FluentT> |
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled web app allowing to
set access role for the identity.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing to add User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
WebAppBase.DefinitionStages.WithWebContainer<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing Java web container to be set.
WebAppBase.Update<FluentT> |
The template for a site update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages |
Grouping of all the web app update stages.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithAppSettings<FluentT> |
A web app update stage allowing app settings to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithAuthentication<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing authentication to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithClientAffinityEnabled<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if client affinity is enabled.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithClientCertEnabled<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if client cert is enabled.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithConnectionString<FluentT> |
A web app update stage allowing connection strings to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithDiagnosticLogging<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing diagnostic logging to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithHostNameBinding<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing host name binding to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithHostNameSslBinding<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing SSL binding to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithManagedServiceIdentity<FluentT> |
A web app definition stage allowing System Assigned Managed Service Identity to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithScmSiteAlsoStopped<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing setting if SCM site is also stopped when the web app is stopped.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSiteConfigs<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing other configurations to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSiteEnabled<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing disabling the web app upon creation.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSourceControl<FluentT> |
A web app update stage allowing source control to be set.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccess<FluentT> |
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled web app allowing to
set access role for the identity.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentityBasedAccess<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing to add User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
WebAppBase.UpdateStages.WithWebContainer<FluentT> |
The stage of the web app update allowing Java web container to be set.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs |
A web app diagnostic log configuration in a web app.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a web app diagnostic log definition.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of web app diagnostic log definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a web app diagnostic log definition as part of a definition of a web app.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithApplicationLogLevel<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing application log level to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithAttachForApplicationStorage<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for application logs stored in a Storage blob.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithAttachForWebServerFileSystem<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in the file system.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithAttachForWebServerStorage<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log definition, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in a Storage blob.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithDetailedErrorMessages<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing detailed error messages to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithDiagnosticLogging<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing the log source to be set.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithFailedRequestTracing<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing failed request tracing to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithQuota<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing web server file system logging quota to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithRetentionDays<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing retention days to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithStorageLocationForApplication<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing application log storage location to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.DefinitionStages.WithStorageLocationForWebServer<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log definition allowing web server log storage location to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateDefinition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a web app diagnostic log definition as part of a web app update.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages |
Grouping of web app diagnostic log update stages applicable as part of a web app update.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a web app diagnostic log update as part of a update of a web app.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.Update<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithApplicationLogLevel<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log level to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithAttachForApplicationStorage<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for application logs stored in a Storage blob.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithAttachForWebServerFileSystem<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in the file system.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithAttachForWebServerStorage<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app diagnostic log update, plus extra settings for web server logs stored in a Storage blob.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithDetailedErrorMessages<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing detailed error messages to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithDiagnosticLogging<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing the log source to be set.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithFailedRequestTracing<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing failed request tracing to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithoutStorageLocationForApplication<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log storage location to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithQuota<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing web server file system logging quota to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithRetentionDays<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing retention days to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithStorageLocationForApplication<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing application log storage location to be specified.
WebAppDiagnosticLogs.UpdateStages.WithStorageLocationForWebServer<ParentT> |
A web app diagnostic log update allowing web server log storage location to be specified.
WebApps |
Entry point for web app management API.
WebAppSourceControl |
An immutable representation of a web app source control configuration in a web app.
WebAppSourceControl.Definition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a web app source control definition.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of web app source control definition stages applicable as part of a web app creation.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a web app source control definition as part of a definition of a web app.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.GitHubWithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app source control definition that binds to a GitHub account.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app source control definition.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithBranch<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithGitHubAccessToken<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing GitHub access token to be specified.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithGitHubBranch<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
WebAppSourceControl.DefinitionStages.WithRepositoryType<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing repository type to be specified.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinition<ParentT> |
The entirety of a web app source control definition as part of a web app update.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages |
Grouping of web app source control definition stages applicable as part of a web app update.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank<ParentT> |
The first stage of a web app source control definition as part of an update of a web app.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.GitHubWithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app source control definition that binds to a GitHub account.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithAttach<ParentT> |
The final stage of the web app source control definition.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithBranch<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithGitHubAccessToken<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing GitHub access token to be specified.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithGitHubBranch<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing branch to be specified.
WebAppSourceControl.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithRepositoryType<ParentT> |
A web app source control definition allowing repository type to be specified.
WebDeployment |
A client-side representation allowing user to deploy to a web app through web deployment (MSDeploy).
WebDeployment.Definition |
The entirety of web deployment parameters definition.
WebDeployment.DefinitionStages |
Grouping of web deployment definition stages.
WebDeployment.DefinitionStages.WithAddOnPackage |
A web deployment definition stage allowing adding more packages.
WebDeployment.DefinitionStages.WithExecute |
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for
the resource to be created, but also allows
for any other optional settings to be specified.
WebDeployment.DefinitionStages.WithExistingDeploymentsDeleted |
A web deployment definition stage allowing specifying whether to delete existing deployments.
WebDeployment.DefinitionStages.WithPackageUri |
The first stage of a web deployment definition.
WebDeployment.DefinitionStages.WithSetParameters |
A web deployment definition stage allowing specifying parameters.
Class | Description |
AbnormalTimePeriod |
Class representing Abnormal Time Period identified in diagnosis.
Address |
Address information for domain registration.
AnalysisData |
Class Representing Detector Evidence used for analysis.
ApiDefinitionInfo |
Information about the formal API definition for the app.
ApplicationLogsConfig |
Application logs configuration.
AppServiceCertificateOrderPatchResource |
ARM resource for a certificate order that is purchased through Azure.
AppServiceCertificatePatchResource |
Key Vault container ARM resource for a certificate that is purchased through
AppServiceEnvironmentPatchResource |
ARM resource for a app service environment.
AppServicePlanPatchResource |
ARM resource for a app service plan.
AutoHealActions |
Actions which to take by the auto-heal module when a rule is triggered.
AutoHealCustomAction |
Custom action to be executed
when an auto heal rule is triggered.
AutoHealRules |
Rules that can be defined for auto-heal.
AutoHealTriggers |
Triggers for auto-heal.
AzureBlobStorageApplicationLogsConfig |
Application logs azure blob storage configuration.
AzureBlobStorageHttpLogsConfig |
Http logs to azure blob storage configuration.
AzureStorageInfoValue |
Azure Files or Blob Storage access information value for dictionary storage.
AzureTableStorageApplicationLogsConfig |
Application logs to Azure table storage configuration.
BackupSchedule |
Description of a backup schedule.
CertificateDetails |
SSL certificate details.
CertificatePatchResource |
ARM resource for a certificate.
CheckNameResourceTypes |
Defines values for CheckNameResourceTypes.
CloningInfo |
Information needed for cloning operation.
ConnStringInfo |
Database connection string information.
ConnStringValueTypePair |
Database connection string value to type pair.
Contact |
Contact information for domain registration.
CorsSettings |
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings for the app.
CsmMoveResourceEnvelope |
Object with a list of the resources that need to be moved and the resource
group they should be moved to.
CsmOperationDescriptionProperties |
Properties available for a Microsoft.Web resource provider operation.
CsmOperationDisplay |
Meta data about operation used for display in portal.
CsmPublishingProfileOptions |
Publishing options for requested profile.
CsmSlotEntity |
Deployment slot parameters.
DatabaseBackupSetting |
Database backup settings.
DatabaseType |
Defines values for DatabaseType.
DataSource |
Class representing data source used by the detectors.
DataTableResponseColumn |
Column definition.
DataTableResponseObject |
Data Table which defines columns and raw row values.
DefaultErrorResponse |
App Service error response.
DefaultErrorResponseError |
Error model.
DefaultErrorResponseErrorDetailsItem |
Detailed errors.
DeletedAppRestoreRequest |
Details about restoring a deleted app.
DetectorAbnormalTimePeriod |
Class representing Abnormal Time Period detected.
DetectorInfo |
Definition of Detector.
DiagnosticData |
Set of data with rendering instructions.
DiagnosticMetricSample |
Class representing Diagnostic Metric.
DiagnosticMetricSet |
Class representing Diagnostic Metric information.
Dimension |
Dimension of a resource metric.
DomainPatchResource |
ARM resource for a domain.
DomainPurchaseConsent |
Domain purchase consent object, representing acceptance of applicable legal
DomainRecommendationSearchParameters |
Domain recommendation search parameters.
EnabledConfig |
Enabled configuration.
EndpointDependency |
A domain name that a service is reached at, including details of the current
connection status.
EndpointDetail |
Current TCP connectivity information from the App Service Environment to a
single endpoint.
ErrorEntity |
Body of the error response returned from the API.
Experiments |
Routing rules in production experiments.
FileSystemApplicationLogsConfig |
Application logs to file system configuration.
FileSystemHttpLogsConfig |
Http logs to file system configuration.
FtpsState |
Defines values for FtpsState.
GeoDistribution |
A global distribution definition.
GlobalCsmSkuDescription |
A Global SKU Description.
HandlerMapping |
The IIS handler mappings used to define which handler processes HTTP
requests with certain extension.
HostingEnvironmentDeploymentInfo |
Information needed to create resources on an App Service Environment.
HostingEnvironmentProfile |
Specification for an App Service Environment to use for this resource.
HostName |
Details of a hostname derived from a domain.
HostNameSslState |
SSL-enabled hostname.
HttpLogsConfig |
Http logs configuration.
InAvailabilityReasonType |
Defines values for InAvailabilityReasonType.
IpSecurityRestriction |
IP security restriction on an app.
JavaVersion |
Defines values for Java versions.
LocalizableString |
Localizable string object containing the name and a localized value.
LogSpecification |
Log Definition of a single resource metric.
ManagedServiceIdentity |
Managed service identity.
ManagedServiceIdentityType |
Defines values for ManagedServiceIdentityType.
ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue |
The ManagedServiceIdentityUserAssignedIdentitiesValue model.
MetricAvailabilily |
Metric availability and retention.
MetricAvailability |
Retention policy of a resource metric.
MetricSpecification |
Definition of a single resource metric.
MigrateMySqlRequest |
MySQL migration request.
MSDeploy |
MSDeploy ARM PUT information.
MSDeployCore |
MSDeploy ARM PUT core information.
MSDeployLogEntry |
MSDeploy log entry.
NameValuePair |
Name value pair.
NetFrameworkVersion |
Defines values for .NET framework version.
NetworkAccessControlEntry |
Network access control entry.
PerfMonSample |
Performance monitor sample in a set.
PerfMonSet |
Metric information.
PhpVersion |
Defines values for PHP version.
PremierAddOnPatchResource |
ARM resource for a PremierAddOn.
PricingTier |
Defines App service pricing tiers.
PrivateAccessSubnet |
Description of a Virtual Network subnet that is useable for private site
PrivateAccessVirtualNetwork |
Description of a Virtual Network that is useable for private site access.
ProxyOnlyResource |
Azure proxy only resource.
PublishingProfileFormat |
Defines values for PublishingProfileFormat.
PythonVersion |
Defines values for Python version.
RampUpRule |
Routing rules for ramp up testing.
ReissueCertificateOrderRequest |
Class representing certificate reissue request.
RemoteVisualStudioVersion |
Defines values for remote visual studio version for remote debugging.
Rendering |
Instructions for rendering the data.
RenewCertificateOrderRequest |
Class representing certificate renew request.
RequestsBasedTrigger |
Trigger based on total requests.
ResourceMetricAvailability |
Metrics availability and retention.
ResourceMetricName |
Name of a metric for any resource .
ResourceMetricProperty |
Resource metric property.
ResourceMetricValue |
Value of resource metric.
ResourceNameAvailabilityRequest |
Resource name availability request content.
ResourceScopeType |
Defines values for ResourceScopeType.
ResponseMetaData |
The ResponseMetaData model.
RouteType |
Defines values for RouteType.
RuntimeStack |
Defines App service pricing tiers.
ScmType |
Defines values for ScmType.
ServiceSpecification |
Resource metrics service provided by Microsoft.Insights resource provider.
SiteCloneabilityCriterion |
An app cloneability criterion.
SiteConfig |
Configuration of an App Service app.
SiteLimits |
Metric limits set on an app.
SiteMachineKey |
MachineKey of an app.
SitePatchResource |
ARM resource for a site.
SiteSealRequest |
Site seal request.
SkuCapacity |
Description of the App Service plan scale options.
SkuDescription |
Description of a SKU for a scalable resource.
SkuName |
Defines values for SkuName.
SlotSwapStatus |
The status of the last successful slot swap operation.
SlowRequestsBasedTrigger |
Trigger based on request execution time.
SnapshotRecoverySource |
Specifies the web app that snapshot contents will be retrieved from.
SnapshotRestoreRequest |
Details about app recovery operation.
Solution |
Class Representing Solution for problems detected.
StackMajorVersion |
Application stack major version.
StackMinorVersion |
Application stack minor version.
StatusCodesBasedTrigger |
Trigger based on status code.
StorageMigrationOptions |
Options for app content migration.
SupportedTlsVersions |
Defines values for SupportedTlsVersions.
TopLevelDomainAgreementOption |
Options for retrieving the list of top level domain legal agreements.
TriggeredJobRun |
Triggered Web Job Run Information.
ValidateContainerSettingsRequest |
Container settings validation request context.
ValidateRequest |
Resource validation request content.
ValidateResourceTypes |
Defines values for ValidateResourceTypes.
ValidateResponseError |
Error details for when validation fails.
VirtualApplication |
Virtual application in an app.
VirtualDirectory |
Directory for virtual application.
VirtualIPMapping |
Virtual IP mapping.
VirtualNetworkProfile |
Specification for using a Virtual Network.
VnetParameters |
The required set of inputs to validate a VNET.
VnetValidationTestFailure |
A class that describes a test that failed during NSG and UDR validation.
WebContainer |
Defines values for Java web container.
WorkerPool |
Worker pool of an App Service Environment.
Enum | Description |
AccessControlEntryAction |
Defines values for AccessControlEntryAction.
AppServicePlanRestrictions |
Defines values for AppServicePlanRestrictions.
AutoHealActionType |
Defines values for AutoHealActionType.
AzureResourceType |
Defines values for AzureResourceType.
AzureStorageState |
Defines values for AzureStorageState.
AzureStorageType |
Defines values for AzureStorageType.
BackupItemStatus |
Defines values for BackupItemStatus.
BackupRestoreOperationType |
Defines values for BackupRestoreOperationType.
BuiltInAuthenticationProvider |
Defines values for BuiltInAuthenticationProvider.
CertificateOrderActionType |
Defines values for CertificateOrderActionType.
CertificateOrderStatus |
Defines values for CertificateOrderStatus.
CertificateProductType |
Defines values for CertificateProductType.
Channels |
Defines values for Channels.
CloneAbilityResult |
Defines values for CloneAbilityResult.
ComputeModeOptions |
Defines values for ComputeModeOptions.
ConnectionStringType |
Defines values for ConnectionStringType.
ContinuousWebJobStatus |
Defines values for ContinuousWebJobStatus.
CustomHostNameDnsRecordType |
Defines values for CustomHostNameDnsRecordType.
DnsType |
Defines values for DnsType.
DnsVerificationTestResult |
Defines values for DnsVerificationTestResult.
DomainStatus |
Defines values for DomainStatus.
DomainType |
Defines values for DomainType.
FrequencyUnit |
Defines values for FrequencyUnit.
HostingEnvironmentStatus |
Defines values for HostingEnvironmentStatus.
HostNameType |
Defines values for HostNameType.
HostType |
Defines values for HostType.
InternalLoadBalancingMode |
Defines values for InternalLoadBalancingMode.
IpFilterTag |
Defines values for IpFilterTag.
IssueType |
Defines values for IssueType.
KeyVaultSecretStatus |
Defines values for KeyVaultSecretStatus.
LogLevel |
Defines values for LogLevel.
ManagedPipelineMode |
Defines values for ManagedPipelineMode.
MSDeployLogEntryType |
Defines values for MSDeployLogEntryType.
MSDeployProvisioningState |
Defines values for MSDeployProvisioningState.
MySqlMigrationType |
Defines values for MySqlMigrationType.
NotificationLevel |
Defines values for NotificationLevel.
OperatingSystem |
Defines values for AppServiceOperatingSystem.
OperationStatus |
Defines values for OperationStatus.
PlatformArchitecture |
Defines values for app service platform architecture.
ProvisioningState |
Defines values for ProvisioningState.
PublicCertificateLocation |
Defines values for PublicCertificateLocation.
RedundancyMode |
Defines values for RedundancyMode.
RenderingType |
Defines values for RenderingType.
RepositoryType |
The type of a repository.
SiteAvailabilityState |
Defines values for SiteAvailabilityState.
SiteExtensionType |
Defines values for SiteExtensionType.
SiteLoadBalancing |
Defines values for SiteLoadBalancing.
SolutionType |
Defines values for SolutionType.
SslState |
Defines values for SslState.
StatusOptions |
Defines values for StatusOptions.
TriggeredWebJobStatus |
Defines values for TriggeredWebJobStatus.
UnauthenticatedClientAction |
Defines values for UnauthenticatedClientAction.
UsageState |
Defines values for UsageState.
WebJobType |
Defines values for WebJobType.
WorkerSizeOptions |
Defines values for WorkerSizeOptions.
Exception | Description |
DefaultErrorResponseException |
Exception thrown for an invalid response with DefaultErrorResponse
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