See: Description
Class | Description |
AccountListNodeAgentSkusHeaders |
Defines headers for ListNodeAgentSkus operation.
AccountListNodeAgentSkusNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNodeAgentSkusNext operation.
AccountListNodeAgentSkusOptions |
Additional parameters for the Account_listNodeAgentSkus operation.
AffinityInformation |
A locality hint that can be used by the Batch service to select a compute
node on which to start a task.
ApplicationGetHeaders |
Defines headers for Get operation.
ApplicationGetOptions |
Additional parameters for the Application_get operation.
ApplicationListHeaders |
Defines headers for List operation.
ApplicationListNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNext operation.
ApplicationListOptions |
Additional parameters for the Application_list operation.
ApplicationPackageReference |
A reference to an application package to be deployed to compute nodes.
ApplicationSummary |
Contains information about an application in an Azure Batch account.
AuthenticationTokenSettings |
The settings for an authentication token that the task can use to perform
Batch service operations.
AutoPoolSpecification |
Specifies characteristics for a temporary 'auto pool'.
AutoScaleRun |
The results and errors from an execution of a pool autoscale formula.
AutoScaleRunError |
An error that occurred when executing or evaluating a pool autoscale
AutoUserSpecification |
Specifies the parameters for the auto user that runs a task on the Batch
BatchError |
An error response received from the Azure Batch service.
BatchErrorDetail |
An item of additional information included in an Azure Batch error response.
Certificate |
A certificate that can be installed on compute nodes and can be used to
authenticate operations on the machine.
CertificateAddHeaders |
Defines headers for Add operation.
CertificateAddOptions |
Additional parameters for the Certificate_add operation.
CertificateAddParameter |
A certificate that can be installed on compute nodes and can be used to
authenticate operations on the machine.
CertificateCancelDeletionHeaders |
Defines headers for CancelDeletion operation.
CertificateCancelDeletionOptions |
Additional parameters for the Certificate_cancelDeletion operation.
CertificateDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Delete operation.
CertificateDeleteOptions |
Additional parameters for the Certificate_delete operation.
CertificateGetHeaders |
Defines headers for Get operation.
CertificateGetOptions |
Additional parameters for the Certificate_get operation.
CertificateListHeaders |
Defines headers for List operation.
CertificateListNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNext operation.
CertificateListOptions |
Additional parameters for the Certificate_list operation.
CertificateReference |
A reference to a certificate to be installed on compute nodes in a pool.
CloudJob |
An Azure Batch job.
CloudJobSchedule |
A job schedule that allows recurring jobs by specifying when to run jobs and
a specification used to create each job.
CloudPool |
A pool in the Azure Batch service.
CloudServiceConfiguration |
The configuration for nodes in a pool based on the Azure Cloud Services
CloudTask |
An Azure Batch task.
CloudTaskListSubtasksResult |
The result of listing the subtasks of a task.
ComputeNode |
A compute node in the Batch service.
ComputeNodeAddUserHeaders |
Defines headers for AddUser operation.
ComputeNodeAddUserOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_addUser operation.
ComputeNodeDeleteUserHeaders |
Defines headers for DeleteUser operation.
ComputeNodeDeleteUserOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_deleteUser operation.
ComputeNodeDisableSchedulingHeaders |
Defines headers for DisableScheduling operation.
ComputeNodeDisableSchedulingOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_disableScheduling operation.
ComputeNodeEnableSchedulingHeaders |
Defines headers for EnableScheduling operation.
ComputeNodeEnableSchedulingOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_enableScheduling operation.
ComputeNodeEndpointConfiguration |
The endpoint configuration for the compute node.
ComputeNodeError |
An error encountered by a compute node.
ComputeNodeGetHeaders |
Defines headers for Get operation.
ComputeNodeGetOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_get operation.
ComputeNodeGetRemoteDesktopHeaders |
Defines headers for GetRemoteDesktop operation.
ComputeNodeGetRemoteDesktopOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_getRemoteDesktop operation.
ComputeNodeGetRemoteLoginSettingsHeaders |
Defines headers for GetRemoteLoginSettings operation.
ComputeNodeGetRemoteLoginSettingsOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_getRemoteLoginSettings operation.
ComputeNodeGetRemoteLoginSettingsResult |
The remote login settings for a compute node.
ComputeNodeInformation |
Information about the compute node on which a task ran.
ComputeNodeListHeaders |
Defines headers for List operation.
ComputeNodeListNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNext operation.
ComputeNodeListOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_list operation.
ComputeNodeRebootHeaders |
Defines headers for Reboot operation.
ComputeNodeRebootOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_reboot operation.
ComputeNodeReimageHeaders |
Defines headers for Reimage operation.
ComputeNodeReimageOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_reimage operation.
ComputeNodeUpdateUserHeaders |
Defines headers for UpdateUser operation.
ComputeNodeUpdateUserOptions |
Additional parameters for the ComputeNode_updateUser operation.
ComputeNodeUser |
A user account for RDP or SSH access on a compute node.
ContainerConfiguration |
The configuration for container-enabled pools.
ContainerRegistry |
A private container registry.
DataDisk |
Settings which will be used by the data disks associated to compute nodes in
the pool.
DeleteCertificateError |
An error encountered by the Batch service when deleting a certificate.
EnvironmentSetting |
An environment variable to be set on a task process.
ErrorMessage |
An error message received in an Azure Batch error response.
ExitCodeMapping |
How the Batch service should respond if a task exits with a particular exit
ExitCodeRangeMapping |
A range of exit codes and how the Batch service should respond to exit codes
within that range.
ExitConditions |
Specifies how the Batch service should respond when the task completes.
ExitOptions |
Specifies how the Batch service responds to a particular exit condition.
FileDeleteFromComputeNodeHeaders |
Defines headers for DeleteFromComputeNode operation.
FileDeleteFromComputeNodeOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_deleteFromComputeNode operation.
FileDeleteFromTaskHeaders |
Defines headers for DeleteFromTask operation.
FileDeleteFromTaskOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_deleteFromTask operation.
FileGetFromComputeNodeHeaders |
Defines headers for GetFromComputeNode operation.
FileGetFromComputeNodeOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_getFromComputeNode operation.
FileGetFromTaskHeaders |
Defines headers for GetFromTask operation.
FileGetFromTaskOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_getFromTask operation.
FileGetPropertiesFromComputeNodeHeaders |
Defines headers for GetPropertiesFromComputeNode operation.
FileGetPropertiesFromComputeNodeOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_getPropertiesFromComputeNode operation.
FileGetPropertiesFromTaskHeaders |
Defines headers for GetPropertiesFromTask operation.
FileGetPropertiesFromTaskOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_getPropertiesFromTask operation.
FileListFromComputeNodeHeaders |
Defines headers for ListFromComputeNode operation.
FileListFromComputeNodeNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listFromComputeNodeNext operation.
FileListFromComputeNodeOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_listFromComputeNode operation.
FileListFromTaskHeaders |
Defines headers for ListFromTask operation.
FileListFromTaskNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listFromTaskNext operation.
FileListFromTaskOptions |
Additional parameters for the File_listFromTask operation.
FileProperties |
The properties of a file on a compute node.
ImageReference |
A reference to an Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace image or a custom Azure
Virtual Machine image.
InboundEndpoint |
An inbound endpoint on a compute node.
InboundNATPool |
A inbound NAT pool that can be used to address specific ports on compute
nodes in a Batch pool externally.
JobAddHeaders |
Defines headers for Add operation.
JobAddOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_add operation.
JobAddParameter |
An Azure Batch job to add.
JobConstraints |
The execution constraints for a job.
JobDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Delete operation.
JobDeleteOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_delete operation.
JobDisableHeaders |
Defines headers for Disable operation.
JobDisableOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_disable operation.
JobDisableParameter |
Options when disabling a job.
JobEnableHeaders |
Defines headers for Enable operation.
JobEnableOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_enable operation.
JobExecutionInformation |
Contains information about the execution of a job in the Azure Batch
JobGetAllLifetimeStatisticsHeaders |
Defines headers for GetAllLifetimeStatistics operation.
JobGetAllLifetimeStatisticsOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_getAllLifetimeStatistics operation.
JobGetHeaders |
Defines headers for Get operation.
JobGetOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_get operation.
JobGetTaskCountsHeaders |
Defines headers for GetTaskCounts operation.
JobGetTaskCountsOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_getTaskCounts operation.
JobListFromJobScheduleHeaders |
Defines headers for ListFromJobSchedule operation.
JobListFromJobScheduleNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listFromJobScheduleNext operation.
JobListFromJobScheduleOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_listFromJobSchedule operation.
JobListHeaders |
Defines headers for List operation.
JobListNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNext operation.
JobListOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_list operation.
JobListPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatusHeaders |
Defines headers for ListPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus operation.
JobListPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatusNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatusNext
JobListPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatusOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_listPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus
JobManagerTask |
Specifies details of a Job Manager task.
JobPatchHeaders |
Defines headers for Patch operation.
JobPatchOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_patch operation.
JobPatchParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a job.
JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation |
The status of the Job Preparation and Job Release tasks on a compute node.
JobPreparationTask |
A Job Preparation task to run before any tasks of the job on any given
compute node.
JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation |
Contains information about the execution of a Job Preparation task on a
compute node.
JobReleaseTask |
A Job Release task to run on job completion on any compute node where the
job has run.
JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation |
Contains information about the execution of a Job Release task on a compute
JobScheduleAddHeaders |
Defines headers for Add operation.
JobScheduleAddOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_add operation.
JobScheduleAddParameter |
A job schedule that allows recurring jobs by specifying when to run jobs and
a specification used to create each job.
JobScheduleDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Delete operation.
JobScheduleDeleteOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_delete operation.
JobScheduleDisableHeaders |
Defines headers for Disable operation.
JobScheduleDisableOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_disable operation.
JobScheduleEnableHeaders |
Defines headers for Enable operation.
JobScheduleEnableOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_enable operation.
JobScheduleExecutionInformation |
Contains information about jobs that have been and will be run under a job
JobScheduleExistsHeaders |
Defines headers for Exists operation.
JobScheduleExistsOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_exists operation.
JobScheduleGetHeaders |
Defines headers for Get operation.
JobScheduleGetOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_get operation.
JobScheduleListHeaders |
Defines headers for List operation.
JobScheduleListNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNext operation.
JobScheduleListOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_list operation.
JobSchedulePatchHeaders |
Defines headers for Patch operation.
JobSchedulePatchOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_patch operation.
JobSchedulePatchParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a job schedule.
JobScheduleStatistics |
Resource usage statistics for a job schedule.
JobScheduleTerminateHeaders |
Defines headers for Terminate operation.
JobScheduleTerminateOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_terminate operation.
JobScheduleUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for Update operation.
JobScheduleUpdateOptions |
Additional parameters for the JobSchedule_update operation.
JobScheduleUpdateParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a job schedule.
JobSchedulingError |
An error encountered by the Batch service when scheduling a job.
JobSpecification |
Specifies details of the jobs to be created on a schedule.
JobStatistics |
Resource usage statistics for a job.
JobTerminateHeaders |
Defines headers for Terminate operation.
JobTerminateOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_terminate operation.
JobTerminateParameter |
Options when terminating a job.
JobUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for Update operation.
JobUpdateOptions |
Additional parameters for the Job_update operation.
JobUpdateParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a job.
LinuxUserConfiguration |
Properties used to create a user account on a Linux node.
MetadataItem |
A name-value pair associated with a Batch service resource.
MultiInstanceSettings |
Settings which specify how to run a multi-instance task.
NameValuePair |
Represents a name-value pair.
NetworkConfiguration |
The network configuration for a pool.
NetworkSecurityGroupRule |
A network security group rule to apply to an inbound endpoint.
NodeAgentSku |
A node agent SKU supported by the Batch service.
NodeDisableSchedulingParameter |
Options for disabling scheduling on a compute node.
NodeFile |
Information about a file or directory on a compute node.
NodeRebootParameter |
Options for rebooting a compute node.
NodeReimageParameter |
Options for reimaging a compute node.
NodeRemoveParameter |
Options for removing compute nodes from a pool.
NodeUpdateUserParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a user account on a node.
OSDisk |
Settings for the operating system disk of the virtual machine.
OutputFile |
A specification for uploading files from an Azure Batch node to another
location after the Batch service has finished executing the task process.
OutputFileBlobContainerDestination |
Specifies a file upload destination within an Azure blob storage container.
OutputFileDestination |
The destination to which a file should be uploaded.
OutputFileUploadOptions |
Details about an output file upload operation, including under what
conditions to perform the upload.
PageImpl<T> |
An instance of this class defines a page of Azure resources and a link to
get the next page of resources, if any.
PoolAddHeaders |
Defines headers for Add operation.
PoolAddOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_add operation.
PoolAddParameter |
A pool in the Azure Batch service to add.
PoolDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Delete operation.
PoolDeleteOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_delete operation.
PoolDisableAutoScaleHeaders |
Defines headers for DisableAutoScale operation.
PoolDisableAutoScaleOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_disableAutoScale operation.
PoolEnableAutoScaleHeaders |
Defines headers for EnableAutoScale operation.
PoolEnableAutoScaleOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_enableAutoScale operation.
PoolEnableAutoScaleParameter |
Options for enabling automatic scaling on a pool.
PoolEndpointConfiguration |
The endpoint configuration for a pool.
PoolEvaluateAutoScaleHeaders |
Defines headers for EvaluateAutoScale operation.
PoolEvaluateAutoScaleOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_evaluateAutoScale operation.
PoolEvaluateAutoScaleParameter |
Options for evaluating an automatic scaling formula on a pool.
PoolExistsHeaders |
Defines headers for Exists operation.
PoolExistsOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_exists operation.
PoolGetAllLifetimeStatisticsHeaders |
Defines headers for GetAllLifetimeStatistics operation.
PoolGetAllLifetimeStatisticsOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_getAllLifetimeStatistics operation.
PoolGetHeaders |
Defines headers for Get operation.
PoolGetOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_get operation.
PoolInformation |
Specifies how a job should be assigned to a pool.
PoolListHeaders |
Defines headers for List operation.
PoolListNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNext operation.
PoolListOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_list operation.
PoolListUsageMetricsHeaders |
Defines headers for ListUsageMetrics operation.
PoolListUsageMetricsNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listUsageMetricsNext operation.
PoolListUsageMetricsOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_listUsageMetrics operation.
PoolPatchHeaders |
Defines headers for Patch operation.
PoolPatchOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_patch operation.
PoolPatchParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a pool.
PoolRemoveNodesHeaders |
Defines headers for RemoveNodes operation.
PoolRemoveNodesOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_removeNodes operation.
PoolResizeHeaders |
Defines headers for Resize operation.
PoolResizeOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_resize operation.
PoolResizeParameter |
Options for changing the size of a pool.
PoolSpecification |
Specification for creating a new pool.
PoolStatistics |
Contains utilization and resource usage statistics for the lifetime of a
PoolStopResizeHeaders |
Defines headers for StopResize operation.
PoolStopResizeOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_stopResize operation.
PoolUpdatePropertiesHeaders |
Defines headers for UpdateProperties operation.
PoolUpdatePropertiesOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_updateProperties operation.
PoolUpdatePropertiesParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a pool.
PoolUpgradeOSHeaders |
Defines headers for UpgradeOS operation.
PoolUpgradeOSOptions |
Additional parameters for the Pool_upgradeOS operation.
PoolUpgradeOSParameter |
Options for upgrading the operating system of compute nodes in a pool.
PoolUsageMetrics |
Usage metrics for a pool across an aggregation interval.
RecentJob |
Information about the most recent job to run under the job schedule.
ResizeError |
An error that occurred when resizing a pool.
ResourceFile |
A file to be downloaded from Azure blob storage to a compute node.
ResourceStatistics |
Statistics related to resource consumption by compute nodes in a pool.
Schedule |
The schedule according to which jobs will be created.
StartTask |
A task which is run when a compute node joins a pool in the Azure Batch
service, or when the compute node is rebooted or reimaged.
StartTaskInformation |
Information about a start task running on a compute node.
SubtaskInformation |
Information about an Azure Batch subtask.
TaskAddCollectionHeaders |
Defines headers for AddCollection operation.
TaskAddCollectionOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_addCollection operation.
TaskAddCollectionParameter |
A collection of Azure Batch tasks to add.
TaskAddCollectionResult |
The result of adding a collection of tasks to a job.
TaskAddHeaders |
Defines headers for Add operation.
TaskAddOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_add operation.
TaskAddParameter |
An Azure Batch task to add.
TaskAddResult |
Result for a single task added as part of an add task collection operation.
TaskConstraints |
Execution constraints to apply to a task.
TaskContainerExecutionInformation |
Contains information about the container which a task is executing.
TaskContainerSettings |
The container settings for a task.
TaskCounts |
The task counts for a job.
TaskDeleteHeaders |
Defines headers for Delete operation.
TaskDeleteOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_delete operation.
TaskDependencies |
Specifies any dependencies of a task.
TaskExecutionInformation |
Information about the execution of a task.
TaskFailureInformation |
Information about a task failure.
TaskGetHeaders |
Defines headers for Get operation.
TaskGetOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_get operation.
TaskIdRange |
A range of task IDs that a task can depend on.
TaskInformation |
Information about a task running on a compute node.
TaskListHeaders |
Defines headers for List operation.
TaskListNextOptions |
Additional parameters for the listNext operation.
TaskListOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_list operation.
TaskListSubtasksHeaders |
Defines headers for ListSubtasks operation.
TaskListSubtasksOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_listSubtasks operation.
TaskReactivateHeaders |
Defines headers for Reactivate operation.
TaskReactivateOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_reactivate operation.
TaskSchedulingPolicy |
Specifies how tasks should be distributed across compute nodes.
TaskStatistics |
Resource usage statistics for a task.
TaskTerminateHeaders |
Defines headers for Terminate operation.
TaskTerminateOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_terminate operation.
TaskUpdateHeaders |
Defines headers for Update operation.
TaskUpdateOptions |
Additional parameters for the Task_update operation.
TaskUpdateParameter |
The set of changes to be made to a task.
UsageStatistics |
Statistics related to pool usage information.
UserAccount |
Properties used to create a user used to execute tasks on an Azure Batch
UserIdentity |
The definition of the user identity under which the task is run.
VirtualMachineConfiguration |
The configuration for compute nodes in a pool based on the Azure Virtual
Machines infrastructure.
WindowsConfiguration |
Windows operating system settings to apply to the virtual machine.
Enum | Description |
AccessScope |
Defines values for AccessScope.
AllocationState |
Defines values for AllocationState.
AutoUserScope |
Defines values for AutoUserScope.
CachingType |
Defines values for CachingType.
CertificateFormat |
Defines values for CertificateFormat.
CertificateState |
Defines values for CertificateState.
CertificateStoreLocation |
Defines values for CertificateStoreLocation.
CertificateVisibility |
Defines values for CertificateVisibility.
ComputeNodeDeallocationOption |
Defines values for ComputeNodeDeallocationOption.
ComputeNodeFillType |
Defines values for ComputeNodeFillType.
ComputeNodeRebootOption |
Defines values for ComputeNodeRebootOption.
ComputeNodeReimageOption |
Defines values for ComputeNodeReimageOption.
ComputeNodeState |
Defines values for ComputeNodeState.
DependencyAction |
Defines values for DependencyAction.
DisableComputeNodeSchedulingOption |
Defines values for DisableComputeNodeSchedulingOption.
DisableJobOption |
Defines values for DisableJobOption.
ElevationLevel |
Defines values for ElevationLevel.
ErrorCategory |
Defines values for ErrorCategory.
InboundEndpointProtocol |
Defines values for InboundEndpointProtocol.
JobAction |
Defines values for JobAction.
JobPreparationTaskState |
Defines values for JobPreparationTaskState.
JobReleaseTaskState |
Defines values for JobReleaseTaskState.
JobScheduleState |
Defines values for JobScheduleState.
JobState |
Defines values for JobState.
NetworkSecurityGroupRuleAccess |
Defines values for NetworkSecurityGroupRuleAccess.
OnAllTasksComplete |
Defines values for OnAllTasksComplete.
OnTaskFailure |
Defines values for OnTaskFailure.
OSType |
Defines values for OSType.
OutputFileUploadCondition |
Defines values for OutputFileUploadCondition.
PoolLifetimeOption |
Defines values for PoolLifetimeOption.
PoolState |
Defines values for PoolState.
SchedulingState |
Defines values for SchedulingState.
StartTaskState |
Defines values for StartTaskState.
StorageAccountType |
Defines values for StorageAccountType.
SubtaskState |
Defines values for SubtaskState.
TaskAddStatus |
Defines values for TaskAddStatus.
TaskCountValidationStatus |
Defines values for TaskCountValidationStatus.
TaskExecutionResult |
Defines values for TaskExecutionResult.
TaskState |
Defines values for TaskState.
Exception | Description |
BatchErrorException |
Exception thrown for an invalid response with BatchError information.
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