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007. Deduplication of messages

Feature: #946

Date: 10 January 2022

Authors: Spyros Giannakakis, Patrick Schuler

Status: Accepted


LoRaWan is a broadcast protocol. As such, a message sent from a device can be picked up by multiple concentrators which would then pass it upstream more than once. For some use-cases, sending upstream duplicate messages is not acceptable. With this ADR we provide an overview of the deduplication strategies employed in the Azure IoT Edge Starter Kit. The goal is also to provide insights as to how we arrived at the current solution.


  • (Leaf) device: a sensor that measures and transmits IoT telemetry data
  • Concentrator or station - LoRa Basics Station (LBS): converts from/to LoRa messages (demodulation/modulation)
  • Gateway or network server - LoRa Network Server (LNS): IoT Edge enabled device connected to IoTHub
  • FrameCounter strategy: can be single or multi gateway which is also the default. In single mode a device is connected to a specific gateway. Any other gateway that receives messages from this device drops them immediately.
  • Deduplication strategy: indicates how duplicate messages should be handled.
    • Drop: drops messages without further processing upstream nor downstream
    • Mark: marks messages as duplicates but allows them upstream to IoTHub. The main use-case for this is to triangulate the location of sensors based on the signal strength.
    • None (default): allows duplicates to pass upstream without marking them.

Goals of the deduplication

Besides dropping duplicates correctly, we must:

  • Avoid calling the Azure Function more than required to not incur extra costs or performance/scale overhead.
  • Support existing features like Mark, resubmissions etc.


We employ deduplication on 2 levels: on a single network server and across multiple network servers.

1. Deduplication on the network server level

At this level we rely on information we have locally on the network server to detect duplicates. No calls to external services need to be made for the detection. In scope for this deduplication are:

  • data messages (requiring confirmation or not)
  • join requests
  • Class A and C devices

For the detection, a in-memory cache is utilised with a sliding expiration of 1 minute. The value of the cache entry is always the concentrator from where we received the message. The key depends on the type of message (data or join message).

a. Data messages

The relevant fields used for duplicate detection are the DevEui of the device the message came from, Mic and frame counter from the message.

Duplicates from different concentrators

This deduplication ensures that messages coming from different concentrators connected to the same network server are handled correctly.

The most basic topology showcasing this scenario is the following:

flowchart LR; Device-->LBS1; Device-->LBS2; LBS1-->LNS; LBS2-->LNS;
  1. LNS receives message A from LBS1 for the first time. Message is marked as NonDuplicate and a cache entry is created.
  2. LNS receives again message A this time from LBS2. LNS checks its local cache. If it's a cache miss, the message is marked as a NonDuplicate and considered as a new telemetry. This can happen for example if the second message takes longer than the retention period to arrive. If it's a cache hit, the following happens:
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR state if_drop <<choice>> [*] --> Is_strategy_drop Is_strategy_drop --> if_drop if_drop --> True if_drop --> False True --> Duplicate False --> SoftDuplicate
Duplicates from the same concentrator

Under special circumstances, a network server might receive the same message multiple times from the same concentrator. These circumstances can be:

  • a message that needs confirmation that was not confirmed in due time (missed window)
  • a restarted device that happens to send the same measurement
  • replay attacks

The most basic topology showcasing this scenario is the following:

flowchart LR; Device-->LBS-->LNS;
  • LNS receives message A from LBS for the first time. Message is marked as NonDuplicate and a cache entry is created.
  • LNS receives again message A from the same LBS. LNS checks its local cache. If it's a cache miss, it's marked as a NonDuplicate as before. If it's a cache hit the message is marked as DuplicateDueToResubmission independently of which deduplication strategy is used.

Further processing of messages based on their duplication status

Short version
Status Upstream Downstream
DuplicateDueToResubmission depends depends

where ✔ indicates that the message is processed and ❌ indicates message is dropped.

Longer version

If message is NonDuplicate: Upstream✔, Downstream✔ (if requires confirmation)
We always want to process unique messages up and if they need to, also downstream.

If message is SoftDuplicate: Upstream✔, Downstream❌.
We want to be aware of such messages on IoTHub but we skip sending downstream if they need confirmation because of possible collisions on the air.

If message is marked as DuplicateDueToResubmission:

  • if it requires confirmation the following check happens:
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR state if_drop <<choice>> [*] --> Is_strategy_drop Is_strategy_drop --> if_drop if_drop --> True if_drop --> False True --> Upstream❌,Downstream✔ False --> Upstream✔,Downstream✔
  • if it does not require confirmation the following check happens:
stateDiagram-v2 direction LR state if_drop <<choice>> [*] --> Is_strategy_drop Is_strategy_drop --> if_drop if_drop --> True if_drop --> False True --> Upstream❌,Downstream❌ False --> Upstream_when_first_message✔,Downstream❌


  • For the first message (frame counter 1) we allow resending upstream because this could indicate a restarted device that simply sent the same measurement. The case that this happens for subsequent messages (framecounter > 1) within the retention period of the cache (1 minute) is unlikely and would more likely indicate a replay attack. These messages are dropped from the request validation logic.
  • Since this message doesn't need confirmation, no downstream messages are sent in any case.

Finally, if message is Duplicate: Upstream❌, Downstream❌
We do not want to process the message further, no calls to the Azure Function or IoTHub happen.

b. Join requests

Here we are detecting requests as duplicates based on their AppEui (aka JoinEui), DevEui and DevNonce. If there is a cache hit (a request with the same values for these fields within the retention period of the cache) the request is considered a Duplicate and dropped immediately. We are not differentiating the cases of SoftDuplicate and DuplicateDueToResubmission here as we do for data messages.

General notes

  • Deduplication at this level is one of the first things that happen before a request is processed. We considered even moving this higher up the processing stack when we construct the LNS DTOs. The problem with this approach was that at that stage we don't yet have the deduplication strategy information. The strategy affects the decision making as we saw before and it is stored on the device twin which is available later on the processing stack.
  • The frame counter strategy does not influence the way this deduplication works but influences the deduplication between network servers (below).
  • This logic is tested with a combination of unit, integration and E2E tests.

2. Deduplication between different network servers

At this deduplication we ensure that duplicate messages coming from different network servers are handled correctly. The categorization happens from an Azure Function where we need to send some metadata of the messages.

If a device is not configured for a single gateway (i.e. no gateway is assigned) we reach out to the function to determine, if a particular message from a device was already processed.

flowchart LR; Device-->LBS1-->LNS1-->Function-->Redis; Device-->LBS2-->LNS2-->Function-->Redis;
  1. Message A from Device 1 arrives at LNS 1
  2. Message A from Device 1 arrives at LNS 2
  3. LNS 1 calls the function
  4. The function receives a lock on redis and tries to read the state of the message - the key is composed out of the Dev EUI and the Gateway Id
  5. The last processed FcntUp is compared to the Message's FcntUp
  6. We mark the request to be duplicate=false in the following cases:
    1. The incoming FcntUp is > than the cached FcntUp
    2. The incoming FcntUp is == to the cached FcntUp and the Gateway Id matches (reprocessing)
  7. Other cases are considered duplicates and the result contains the processing gateway id

Once the LNS receives the result, it does apply different actions based on the deduplication strategy selected for the device.

Upstream Processing

Note: all cases are describing the action, when receiving the information that the message is a duplicate.

  1. Drop: Stop processing.
  2. Mark: Mark the message "DupMsg": true.
  3. None: Process every message without marking.

Downstream Processing

The downstream processing is different in that it is not depending on the deduplication strategy. We only ever send a single downstream message, if we have to. Also this is driven by the function. In the same process, we determine, if we are the first gateway to process the message. Only that gateway will receive a fcnt down to confirm the message. All other gateways, will not receive a fcnt down.

Last update: 2022-01-26
Created: 2022-01-12
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