Class: BlobResult


The BlobResult class is used to store the blob information.

new BlobResult( [container] [, name])

Creates a new BlobResult object.

Name Type Argument Description
container string <optional>

The container name.

name string <optional>

The blob name.

Name Type Description
container string

The container name.

name string

The blob name.

metadata object

The metadata key/value pair.

etag string

The etag.

lastModified string

The date/time that the blob was last modified.

contentLength string

The size of the blob in bytes.

blobType string

The blob type.

isIncrementalCopy boolean

If the blob is incremental copy blob.

requestId string

The request id.

sequenceNumber string

The current sequence number for a page blob.

contentRange string

The content range.

committedBlockCount string

The committed block count.

serverEncrypted string

If the blob data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm. true/false.

contentSettings object

The content settings.

Name Type Description
contentType string

The content type.

contentEncoding string

The content encoding.

contentLanguage string

The content language.

cacheControl string

The cache control.

contentDisposition string

The content disposition.

contentMD5 string

The content MD5 hash.

lease object

The lease information.

Name Type Description
id string

The lease id.

status string

The lease status.

state string

The lease state.

duration string

The lease duration.

copy object

The copy information.

Name Type Description
id string

The copy id.

status string

The copy status.

completionTime string

The copy completion time.

statusDescription string

The copy status description.

destinationSnapshot string

The snapshot time of the last successful incremental copy snapshot for this blob.

progress string

The copy progress.

source string

The copy source.
