Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for C++  7.5.0
The Microsoft Azure Storage Client Library for C++ is a library for working with the Azure Storage Services in C++.
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azure::storage::shared_access_policy Class Reference

Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature. More...

Inheritance diagram for azure::storage::shared_access_policy:
azure::storage::account_shared_access_policy azure::storage::blob_shared_access_policy azure::storage::file_shared_access_policy azure::storage::queue_shared_access_policy azure::storage::table_shared_access_policy


class  ip_address_or_range
 Specifies either a single IP Address or a single range of IP Addresses (a minimum and a maximum, inclusive.) More...

Public Types

enum  protocols { https_only = 0x1, https_or_http = 0x2 }
 Specifies the set of possible signed protocols for a shared access account policy. More...

Public Member Functions

utility::string_t protocols_to_string () const
 Get a canonical string representation of the protocols for a shared access policy. More...
utility::string_t permissions_to_string () const
 Get a canonical string representation of the permissions for a shared access policy. More...
void set_permissions_from_string (const utility::string_t &value)
 Sets the permissions from the given string. More...
void set_permissions (uint8_t value)
 Sets the permissions from the specified permissions. More...
uint8_t permission () const
 Gets the permissions for the shared access policy. More...
void set_start (utility::datetime value)
 Sets the start time for the shared access policy. More...
utility::datetime start () const
 Gets the start time for the shared access policy. More...
void set_expiry (utility::datetime value)
 Sets the expiry time for the shared access policy. More...
utility::datetime expiry () const
 Gets the expiry time for the shared access policy. More...
bool is_valid () const
 Indicates whether the azure::storage::shared_access_policy object is valid. More...
void set_protocol (protocols value)
 Sets the allowed protocols for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy. More...
protocols protocol () const
 Gets the allowed protocols for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy. More...
void set_address_or_range (ip_address_or_range value)
 Sets the allowed IP address or IP address range for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy. More...
const ip_address_or_rangeaddress_or_range () const
 Gets the allowed IP address or IP address range for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy. More...

Detailed Description

Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ protocols

Specifies the set of possible signed protocols for a shared access account policy.


Permission to use SAS only through https granted.


Permission to use SAS through https or http granted. Equivalent to not specifying any permission at all.

Member Function Documentation

◆ address_or_range()

const ip_address_or_range& azure::storage::shared_access_policy::address_or_range ( ) const

Gets the allowed IP address or IP address range for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy.

The allowed IP address or IP address range for the shared access policy.

◆ expiry()

utility::datetime azure::storage::shared_access_policy::expiry ( ) const

Gets the expiry time for the shared access policy.

The expiry time for the shared access policy.

◆ is_valid()

bool azure::storage::shared_access_policy::is_valid ( ) const

Indicates whether the azure::storage::shared_access_policy object is valid.

true if the azure::storage::shared_access_policy object is valid; otherwise, false.

◆ permission()

uint8_t azure::storage::shared_access_policy::permission ( ) const

Gets the permissions for the shared access policy.

The permissions for the shared access policy.

◆ permissions_to_string()

utility::string_t azure::storage::shared_access_policy::permissions_to_string ( ) const

Get a canonical string representation of the permissions for a shared access policy.

◆ protocol()

protocols azure::storage::shared_access_policy::protocol ( ) const

Gets the allowed protocols for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy.

The allowed protocols for the shared access policy.

◆ protocols_to_string()

utility::string_t azure::storage::shared_access_policy::protocols_to_string ( ) const

Get a canonical string representation of the protocols for a shared access policy.

◆ set_address_or_range()

void azure::storage::shared_access_policy::set_address_or_range ( ip_address_or_range  value)

Sets the allowed IP address or IP address range for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy.

valueThe allowed IP address or IP address range for the shared access policy.

◆ set_expiry()

void azure::storage::shared_access_policy::set_expiry ( utility::datetime  value)

Sets the expiry time for the shared access policy.

valueThe expiry time for the shared access policy.

◆ set_permissions()

void azure::storage::shared_access_policy::set_permissions ( uint8_t  value)

Sets the permissions from the specified permissions.

valueThe permissions for the shared access policy.

◆ set_permissions_from_string()

void azure::storage::shared_access_policy::set_permissions_from_string ( const utility::string_t &  value)

Sets the permissions from the given string.

valueThe permissions for the shared access policy.

◆ set_protocol()

void azure::storage::shared_access_policy::set_protocol ( protocols  value)

Sets the allowed protocols for a shared access signature associated with this shared access policy.

valueThe allowed protocols for the shared access policy.

◆ set_start()

void azure::storage::shared_access_policy::set_start ( utility::datetime  value)

Sets the start time for the shared access policy.

valueThe start time for the access policy.

◆ start()

utility::datetime azure::storage::shared_access_policy::start ( ) const

Gets the start time for the shared access policy.

The start time for the access policy.