TODO: This section needs to be driven by code in the Core library.

API Implementation

This section describes guidelines for implementing Azure SDK client libraries. Please note that some of these guidelines are automatically enforced by code generation tools.

Service Client

When configuring your client library, particular care must be taken to ensure that the consumer of your client library can properly configure the connectivity to your Azure service both globally (along with other client libraries the consumer is using) and specifically with your client library.

TODO: add a brief mention of the approach to implementing service clients.

Service Methods

TODO: Briefly introduce that service methods are implemented via an HttpPipeline instance. Mention that much of this is done for you using code generation.


The following example shows a typical way of using HttpPipeline to implement a service call method. The HttpPipeline will handle common HTTP requirements such as the user agent, logging, distributed tracing, retries, and proxy configuration.

TODO: Show an example of invoking the pipeline

HttpPipelinePolicy/Custom Policies

The HTTP pipeline includes a number of policies that all requests pass through. Examples of policies include setting required headers, authentication, generating a request ID, and implementing proxy authentication. HttpPipelinePolicy is the base type of all policies (plugins) of the HttpPipeline. This section describes guidelines for designing custom policies.

TODO: Show how to customize a pipeline

Service Method Parameters

TODO: This section needs to be driven by code in the Core library.

Parameter Validation

In addition to general parameter validation guidelines:

TODO: Briefly show common patterns for parameter validation

Supporting Types

TODO: This section needs to be driven by code in the Core library.


TODO: This section needs to be driven by code in the Core library.

JSON Serialization

TODO: This section needs to be driven by code in the Core library.

Enumeration-like Structs

TODO: Add section> TODO: Add section

Using Azure Core Types

TODO: Add section> TODO: Add section

SDK Feature Implementation


TODO: This section needs to be driven by code in the Core library.


TODO: Add section> TODO: Add section

Rust Logging specific details

TODO: Add section

Distributed Tracing

TODO: Add section


TODO: Add section


TODO: Add section

Language-specific other

TODO: Add section

Complexity Management

TODO: Add section


TODO: Add section


TODO: Add section

Type Safety Recommendations

TODO: Add section

Const and Reference members

TODO: Add section

Integer sizes

TODO: Add section

Secure functions

TODO: Add section


TODO: Add section

Physical Design

TODO: Add section

Class Types (including unions and structs)

TODO: Add section


We use a common build and test pipeline to provide for automatic distribution of client libraries. To support this, we use common tooling.

TODO: Add section> TODO: Add section

Supported platforms

DO support the following platforms and associated compilers when implementing your client library.


TODO: Add support matrix


TODO: Add support matrix


TODO: Add support matrix