Azure SDK에 대한 릴리스 정책은 기본 서비스의 배포 주기에 따라 다른 SDK 패키지를 릴리스해야 하는 필요성을 수용합니다.

Exit Criteria

다음은 서비스 SDK의 새 버전을 릴리스할 때 필요한 필수 작업입니다.

1) 언어 커버리지

시장 데이터 및 고객 참여 연구에 따르면, 클라우드 서비스 제공업체(CSP)가 SDK 및 도구를 통해 여러 프로그래밍 언어를 지원하고 동시에 좋은 개발자 경험을 제공하는지는 업체를 선택하는 고객의 결정에 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 반대로 ‘시작하기’ 문서가 매끄럽지 않거나 총 소유 비용이 만족스럽지 못하다면 고객은 다른 업체를 선택할 것 입니다. Azure가 지원하는 주요 언어들은 모든 Azure 서비스에 일관된 경험을 제공해야 합니다. 서비스 별로 각기 다른 언어를 사용하는 고객의 요구 사항에 그때그때 대응하는 것에 그치지 않고, 고객과 Azure 간 신뢰의 기반을 만들자는 선언에 가깝습니다.

우리는 Azure 서비스를 활용하고 상호 작용하는 Azure 개발자에게 훌륭한 경험을 제공하기 위해 고품질 SDK를 제공하고자 합니다.

현재 우리는 모든 azure 서비스에 대해 다음과 같은 기본 언어 SDK 각각에 대한 SDK를 빌드하고 지원하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

  • Java
  • .NET
  • Python
  • TS/JS

비즈니스 시나리오와 중요한 고객 요구에 따라 추가 언어를 지원하는 것이 좋습니다. 기본으로 지원하지 않는 언어는 Azure SDK 팀 외부의 기여에 훨씬 더 많이 의존합니다.

2) 변경 로그 및 마이그레이션 가이드

SDK 사용자를 릴리즈되는 새 버전으로 신속하게 전환하려면 이전 버전의 변경 사항에 대한 명확한 설명과 문서화가 필요합니다. 문서의 유형과 세분성은 릴리스의 유형과 범위에 따라 다릅니다.

새로운 스텐다드 업그레이드 릴리스

여기는 기존 Azure SDK를 새 SDK 표준으로 업그레이드하는 경우가 포함됩니다. 이러한 릴리스에는 일반적으로 기존 SDK의 구조, 인터페이스 및 동작 측면에 대한 주요 수정 사항이 포함됩니다. 이러한 업데이트에는 사용자가 새 SDK 버전의 이점, 변경 사항 및 제공 사항을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 상세하고 상세한 포팅 가이드가 필요합니다. 필요한 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

DO 마이그레이션 가이드 템플릿을 참고하여 각 프로그래밍 언어 SDK에 대한 마이그레이션 가이드를 작성합니다.

DO 이 버전의 SDK로 마이그레이션할 때의 이점을 설명하는 “장점” 섹션을 포함합니다.

DO 서비스가 포함된 최상위 디렉토리에 있는 SDK 레포지토리에 해당 가이드를 배치합니다.

예시 포팅 가이드를 찾을 수 있습니다 here.

(참고) Archboard에서 승인을 얻으려면 마이그레이션 가이드 생성이 필요합니다.

New version release

Ensuring that a file is both available and formatted appropriately is mandatory and will be used in automatically generating formatted release notes on each GitHub release.

DO maintain a changelog for every package.

DO file should be added in the root folder of the library.

DO name changelogs with all caps except for the extension, i.e.

DO follow the format in the guidelines section below Change Logs.

3) Blogs & Samples

Advertising our SDKs is key to increasing their adoption and getting their latest and greatest features to the hands of their users. the following steps should be taken once the new version is live:

  • Adding a blog entry on the Azure SDK blog site by contacting the admins.
  • working with the Azure service team for which you’re building this version of the SDK to advertise the release through their official communication channels.
  • ensuring that you have Solid samples in the SDK repository demonstrating the use of this new version.

4) Payload Backwards Compatibility

A manual migration test should be developed to ensure that payloads and data fed into the previous version of the SDK are gracefully handled when fed to the new SDK.

5) Updating package manager references

When releasing any new version of an SDK follow best practices of the language specific package managers to ensure that this new version’s visibility is elevated and recommended by default to the users.


The terms “SDK”, “SDK Component”, “library” and “package” are used throughout this document and are defined in the design guidelines.

Supported registries

We release client libraries to the following registries:

  • NuGet (.NET)
  • PyPi (Python)
  • npm (TypeScript)
  • Maven (Android, Java)

We recommend that you use a package manager that supports these registries.

Git Tagging

For language repositories which contain multiple packages, releases for each package are tagged in the format <package-name>_<package-version>.

For language repositories where the repo is the primary shipping unit, the releases should be tagged in the format <release-version> (i.e. 1.0.0-beta.1). If there are other secondary assets that also ship from the same repo then those assets should use an identifier for those assets and the version <identifier-name>_<release-version> (i.e. tools_1.0.0-beta.1).

GitHub Releases

We use GitHub releases as a convenient place to put release notes. The change log and any additional notes will be available here. We automatically publish release notes to a GitHub release if the changelog guidance below is followed. No artifacts are published to the GitHub release. Instead, use a supported package registry.

Change Logs

Every library should contain a file exactly named in the folder for each library. Generally in sdk/<service>/<package> folder.

In order for consistency across our SDKs and to enable automation to validate and parse these changelogs the files must use the following format.

# Release History

## <version X.Y.Z[-beta.N]> (<Unreleased|YYYY-MM-DD>)
### Features Added
- <for new features to be called out in release notes>

### Breaking Changes
- <for changes to be called out in release notes including>
- <Changed: for changes that break existing functionality>
- <Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features>
- <Removed: for now removed features>

### Bugs Fixed
- <for important bug fixes to be called out in release notes, especially for fixes that the developer will notice or need to react to in some way>
- <Security: for any security fixes>

### Other Changes
- <for any bug fixes or other changes that are not important enough to include in release notes>

## <older version> (<Release Date>)
- <content/changes for the older release>

... older release details trail off into history below

In order to automatically pull the relevant content (see mentions of release notes above) from the change log entries to produce our release notes the formatting of the headers needs to exactly match the format above (i.e. ### Features Added, ### Breaking Changes, ### Bugs Fixed). For more details on the general release notes see the Release Notes Guidance.

For more information on general change log guidelines see keep a changelog.

Example change log:

# Release History

## 12.1.0 (Unreleased)
### Features Added
- check to enforce TokenCredential is used only over HTTPS

### Breaking Changes
- Support using SAS token from connection string

### Bugs Fixed
- Issue where AccountName on BlobUriBuilder would not be populated
  for non-IP style Uris ([#8638](

## 12.0.0 (2019-11-25)
### Breaking Changes
- Added support for the new low-priority node type.
- Number of operations and models to better align with other client
  libraries and the .NET Framework Design Guidelines

### Other Changes
- Parallel upload/download performance improvements

☑️ YOU SHOULD link to GitHub issues (full URL) that were fixed in that release going forward (i.e. do not backfill older issues). See example above under the ### Bugs Fixed heading.

For clarity, a change log entry is simply the header + content up to the next release header OR EOF. During release, if there exists a changelog entry with a version specifier matching that of the currently releasing package, that changelog entry will be added as the body of the GitHub release.

Changelog Entries for GA releases

When doing a switch from a beta to a GA release there are often very few changes which can be misleading to customers, as they might not think there are many changes. Instead when doing a GA release it is recommended that we either squash all the beta notes into the GA changelog entry or add a comment similar to Includes all changes from X.Y.Z-beta.A to X.Y.Z.beta.B so that it is clear that all those changes are included.

Release Cycle

The release cycle of each SDK Component may vary based on the needs of the underlying service. The Azure SDK team recommends:

  • Avoiding breaking changes (major releases) under most circumstances
  • Minor releases quarterly or less
  • Patch releases as soon as bug fixes are available
  • Rev a minor release for each new Azure API version

Package Versioning

The team makes every effort to follow SemVer for versioning. In a nutshell, SemVer is defined as Major.Minor.Patch, where:

  • Changes to the major digit (1.X.Y to 2.X.Y) indicate that breaking changes have been introduced. Breaking changes are exceptional and require review and approval by the architecture board.
  • Increments to the minor digit (1.1.X to 1.2.X) indicate the addition of new apis or features.
  • Increments to the patch number (1.1.1 to 1.1.2) indicate a set of new compatible fixes.

In addition to the stable GA releases the team also has prereleases of a package to allow the community to try new features early and give feedback.

  • Alpha releases are sometimes referred to as dev releases and use a prerelease label that contains a date stamp similar to -alpha-YYYYMMDD.r. This ensures the versions are unique as they will often be published daily. These are often published to an isolated registry depending on the language ecosystem. These releases are based on the latest committed code changes and should not be used for production dependencies. They are very volatile and change from version-to-version. These are mostly useful for temporarily working around an issue or testing out the latest library changes.
  • Beta releases use a prerelease label like -beta.X and are published to the most common public registry for each language ecosystem. These releases are less volatile and released less often then alpha releases. These are usually used before releasing a new minor or major GA release. Beta releases may have breaking changes from the previous beta but should not have breaking changes from the last GA release. Once a package has released to GA, any breaking changes require an exception and approval from the architecture board.

While all the languages follow the general versioning scheme, they each have slight differences based on their ecosystem, for those differences see the individual language sections below.

NOTE: Given that alpha releases have versions based on the day they will often times have newer changes then beta releases. This means that if you want to consume the latest changes from an alpha release you need to take care and avoid accidently consuming the latest beta release. Each language section gives an example of how to consume the latest alpha version for each language ecosystem.

Incrementing after release

Immediately after a package ships the source definition of the package version should be incremented in source control. It’s safer to have N+1 in main than N. Package increment after release happens automatically as part of the release pipelines.

Beta Release: Increment the beta number on the package (e.g. 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2) appropriate to the versioning scheme for the language (see below for language-specific version formatting). Breaking changes are allowed between beta versions.

GA Release: Some languages bump the minor and others bump the patch version please see specific guidelines below based on your language. Breaking changes (which might increment the major version number) are not allowed after a GA release without an exception and review by the architecture board.

GA Hotfix Release: Some languages bump the patch version and others have specific conventions see guidelines below based on your language. See Hotfix Branches for branching strategy of hotfixes.

Consistent Dependency Versions

Before release for all languages ensure that all packages which depend on another package use the same version of the package on which they depend. Consistent dependency versioning is required for both internal and external dependencies.

For example, if Packages B and C depend on Package A at 1.0.0 and then Package B upgrades to Package A at 2.0.0 and Package B is released, Package C should also be upgraded to use Package A at 2.0.0 before Package C is released. Once Package B’s dependency information is changed Package C’s dependency information should also change and if they cannot be changed together, an issue should be opened to track changing Package C’s dependencies.

Packages should not upgrade dependencies immediately after every release. Packages should only upgrade if there is a need. That is, after a package releases (e.g. Package A), other packages which depend on that package (e.g. Package B and Package C) do not immediately update to require the latest released version of the released package. Later, if either Package B or C needs features in a newer version of Package A then both Packages B and C should be modified to point to the same newer version of Package A.

Each language repo uses a badge for analysis of dependencies on main including highlights for inconsistent dependencies.

Component Build Status
Java Dependencies
JS Dependencies
Python Dependencies
.NET Dependencies

Packages which depend on beta versions should pin specifically to the beta version on which they depend because beta releases may contain breaking changes.

Packages should try to avoid source level dependencies to other projects that don’t ship in the same pipeline and instead rely on binary/package dependencies. This is to help avoid accidently taking dependencies on new features in other libraries and enable each library to ship independent of the others in the repo. If new dependencies are required extra care should be taken to ship the lower level dependencies before shipping the higher level libraries to make sure the entire dependency chain is shipped. To help ensure we don’t end up with broken dependency versions we have enabled Min/Max testing in each repo to ensure we test the lower end and the upper end of our dependency range for the dependencies our packages say they support.

Dependent packages in a Unified Pipeline

In cases where packages have dependencies and are built in the same pipeline, dependency versions can track the current version of the packages on which they depend.

For example, if Package A and Package B are built in the same Unified Pipeline and Package A is at version 1.0.0-beta.2, Package B’s dependency on Package A should track Package A’s version (i.e. 1.0.0-beta.2) such that both packages can be built and released from the same pipeline at the same time.



Python version numbers follow the guidance in PEP 440 for versioning Python packages. This means that regular releases follow the above specified SemVer format. Beta releases follow the PEP 440 specification for pre-releases:

  • X.Y.ZaYYYYMMDDrrr (rrr is based on the number of builds performed on the given day and it is zero-padded with a valid range starting at 001 and ends at 999) used for daily alpha releases.
  • X.Y.ZbN used for beta releases.

Beta packages will be published PyPi. Alpha packages will be published to the isolated azure-sdk-for-python DevOps feed. To consume an alpha package you should either pin to a specific version or use a version specifier like "package-name">=X.Y.Za,<X.Y.Zb to get the latest alpha release while avoiding any potential beta versions which might contain older changes.

Incrementing after release (Python)

Beta Release: 1.0.0b1 -> 1.0.0b2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.1.0 ->

Floating GA dependencies: Use <X+1.0.0,>=X.0.0 to float dependencies where X is the major release upon which the package depends and X+1 is the next major version.

In rare cases where a customer cannot take all the latest patch versions with all the bug fixes for a particular major/minor release, but there is a critical fix necessary, we will publish a hotfix package in the format X.Y.Z.N where N increments with each successive hotfix. In this case it is expected that the customer will pin the particular hotfix version they wish to use.


The JavaScript community generally follows SemVer. When publishing an npm package, npm distribution tags can be specified. If none is provided, the latest tag gets used by default by the npm publish command.

Below are the guidelines for versions and tags to use:

  • GA releases will follow SemVer and the published package should have the tag latest.
    • If a hotfix is being shipped for a version older than the current GA version, then ensure that the hotfix gets no tags. One way to do this is to use a dummy tag when publishing and deleting the tag afterwards.
    • If a package has moved from beta to GA, ensure that the next tag is deleted.
  • Beta releases will use the format X.Y.Z-beta.N for version and the published package should have the tag next.
    • Additionally, use the latest tag only if the package has never had a GA release.
  • Daily alpha releases will use the format X.Y.Z-alpha.YYYYMMDD.r (r is based on the number of builds performed on the given day) and the latest published package will have the dev tag and published to npm. To consume a alpha package either pin to a specific version or use the dev tag as the version.
Incrementing after release (JS)

Beta Release: 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.0-hotfix.1

Floating GA dependencies: Use ^X.0.0 to float dependencies where X is the major release upon which the package depends.

Generally, customers are expected to use caret or tilde ranges. Caret ranges (e.g. ^1.0.0) allow them to take all non-breaking changes for a package and tilde ranges (~1.0.0) allow them to take all minor bugfixes for a particular major/minor release.

In rare cases where a customer does not wish to take all bugfixes for a particular major/minor release (i.e. the tilde range ~X.Y.0 is not sufficient), but there is a critical fix necessary, we will publish a hotfix package in the format X.Y.0-hotfix.N where N increments with each successive hotfix. In this case it is expected that the customer will pin the particular hotfix version they wish to use in their package.json.

In general, packages that have GA’d are not expected to have additional beta releases unless the underlying service releases preview functionality or the package undergoes significant churn as part of a major version change.

Packages which depend on a released package should float to the latest compatible major version (e.g. ^1.0.0). Because we’re using SemVer only breaking changes alter the major version number and all minor and patch changes should be compatible. The version number should only be updated for a major version change.

Dependencies older than the latest published version can be listed by running the following commands:

rush unlink
git clean -xdf
rush update --full


NuGet supports designating a package as ‘pre-release’. In this ecosystem, pre-release packages will have daily build numbers in the format:

  • X.Y.Z-alpha.YYYYMMDD.r (r is based on the number of builds done in a given day) for daily alpha releases.
  • X.Y.Z-beta.N for beta releases.

Beta packages will be published to NuGet with the pre-release designation. Alpha packages will be published to the isolated azure-sdk-for-net DevOps feed. To consume an alpha package you should either pin to a specific version or use a version specifier like X.Y.Z-alpha* to get the latest alpha release while avoiding any potential beta versions which might contain older changes.

Incrementing after release (.NET)

Beta Release: 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0-beta.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1

Floating GA dependencies: Use the exact version number to specify the lowest version of the package which contains the features upon which you depend.


Maven supports the convention MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-QUALIFIER, which doesn’t support SemVer 2 sorting for pre-releases so we have to use a special convention based on their versioning code. The preferred format for version numbers is:

  • X.Y.Z-alpha.YYYYMMDD.r (r is based on the number of builds performed on the given day) for daily alpha releases.
  • X.Y.Z-beta.N for beta releases.

Beta packages are published directly to the Maven central registry. Alpha packages will be published to the isolated azure-sdk-for-java DevOps feed. To consume an alpha package you should either pin to a specific version or use a version specifier like (X.Y.Z-alpha, X.Y.Z-beta) to get the latest alpha release while avoiding any potential beta versions which might contain older changes.

Incrementing after release (Java)

Beta Release: 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0-beta.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1

Floating GA dependencies: Use the exact version number to specify the lowest version of the package which contains the features upon which you depend.


C++ releases the source code of the package via releases on github. It currently does not ship packages to any package managers.

A C++ release includes a Tag and Release (e.g. azure-core_1.0.0-beta.1) on GitHub and documentation as GitHub Pages (e.g. azure-core_1.0.0-beta.1).

Incrementing after release (C++)

Preview release: 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0-beta.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1

Embedded C

C99 releases the source code of the repository in a single unit of source code. It does not ship packages to any package managers. Because the C repo ships from the main branch, code going into the main branch must be in a completed state and ready to ship.

An Embedded C release includes a Tag and Release (e.g. 1.0.0-preview.5) on GitHub and documentation as GitHub Pages (e.g. 1.0.0-preview.5).

Incrementing after release (Embedded C)

Preview release: 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0-beta.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1


Maven supports the convention MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-QUALIFIER, which doesn’t support SemVer 2 sorting for pre-releases so we have to use a special convention based on their versioning code. The preferred format for version numbers is:

  • X.Y.Z-alpha.YYYYMMDD.r (r is based on the number of builds performed on the given day) for daily alpha releases.
  • X.Y.Z-beta.N for beta releases.

Beta packages are published directly to the Maven central registry. Alpha packages will be published to the isolated azure-sdk-for-android DevOps feed. To consume an alpha package you should either pin to a specific version or use a version specifier like (X.Y.Z-alpha, X.Y.Z-beta) to get the latest alpha release while avoiding any potential beta versions which might contain older changes.

Incrementing after release (Android)

Beta Release: 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0-beta.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1


iOS releases the source code of the repository in a single unit of source code. It supports only the Swift Package Manager and does not ship packages to any package registry. Because the iOS repo ships from the main branch, code going into the main branch must be in a completed state and ready to ship.

An iOS release includes a Tag and Release (e.g. 1.0.0-beta.2) on GitHub and documentation as GitHub Pages.

Incrementing after release (iOS)

Preview release: 1.0.0-beta.1 -> 1.0.0-beta.2

GA Release: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.0-beta.1

GA Hotfix Release: 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1


Go releases the source code of the repository in a single unit of source code. It does not ship packages to any package managers. Because the Go repo ships from the main branch, code going into the main branch must be in a completed state and ready to ship.

A Go release includes a Tag and Release (e.g. sdk/azcore/v0.13.0) on GitHub and documentation in (e.g. sdk/azcore).

Release tags for Go are made up of a prefix and a version. The prefix points to the module in the repository, while the version is the semantic import version for release. Read more about Go tags for release here.

Incrementing after release (Go)

Preview release: sdk/<module path>/v0.1.0. -> v0.2.0

GA Release: sdk/<module path>/v1.1.0 -> v1.2.0

GA Hotfix Release: v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1

Beta Releases and GA Graduation

The Azure SDK team may choose to create a beta release for several reasons:

  • Service itself has features in preview and client library must be updated accordingly
  • Testing and receiving feedback on new API designs
  • Stress and performance testing for new SDK features is incomplete

To create a beta, the release must:

  • Have initial documentation.
    • Full API documentation.
    • A quick start guide for using the SDK.
    • How to guides for champion scenarios.
  • Have a clear README file with guidelines for how the community can submit feedback.

  • Receive an initial Architecture Board review.

  • Receive an initial design review from the service team (may be combined with architecture review).

  • Ratify shipping dependencies with the service team.
    • If the service must ship before the SDK can ship, establish timeline for preview and GA in the service.
    • If the SDK contains customer-critical features, establish which features these are and what customer expectations exist.
  • If changes are substantial, refer to internal documentation for starting a release notification process in support.

  • All service features supported by the SDK must be publicly available.

  • Support for at least 2 languages. Preferably, support one statically typed language (such as C# or Java) and one dynamically typed language (such as TypeScript or Python).

To graduate to GA, a beta release must:

  • Support all four tier-1 languages (.NET, Java, Python, TypeScript) unless there is a good (and documented) reason to not include support for one of the languages.

  • Have final documentation.
    • Conceptual documentation for how the service works.
    • Samples of common uses cases for the service.
  • Have a beta release available for at least one month to allow for community feedback.

  • Have no known critical bugs.

  • Have three reference customers external to the Azure organization who have given feedback on the library.

  • Rely on non-preview API versions.

  • Pass stress and performance testing and have unit, functional, performance and stress tests meeting maturity stage 1 or higher.

  • Receive a final Architecture Board review.

  • Receive final design sign-off from service team.