Class HttpPipelineBuilder

  • public class HttpPipelineBuilder
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class provides a fluent builder API to help aid the configuration and instantiation of the HttpPipeline, calling build constructs an instance of the pipeline.

    A pipeline is configured with a HttpClient that sends the request, if no client is set a default is used. A pipeline may be configured with a list of policies that are applied to each request.

    Create a pipeline without configuration

     new HttpPipelineBuilder()

    Create a pipeline using the default HTTP client and a retry policy

     new HttpPipelineBuilder()
         .policies(new RetryPolicy())
    See Also:
    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpPipelineBuilder

        public HttpPipelineBuilder()
        Creates a new instance of HttpPipelineBuilder that can configure options for the HttpPipeline before creating an instance of it.
    • Method Detail

      • build

        public HttpPipeline build()
        Creates a HttpPipeline based on options set in the Builder. Every time build() is called, a new instance of HttpPipeline is created. If HttpClient is not set then the default HttpClient is used.
        A HttpPipeline with the options set from the builder.
      • httpClient

        public HttpPipelineBuilder httpClient​(HttpClient httpClient)
        Sets the HttpClient that the pipeline will use to send requests.
        httpClient - The HttpClient the pipeline will use when sending requests.
        The updated HttpPipelineBuilder object.
      • policies

        public HttpPipelineBuilder policies​(HttpPipelinePolicy... policies)
        Adds policies to the set of policies that the pipeline will use when sending requests.
        policies - Policies to add to the policy set.
        The updated HttpPipelineBuilder object.