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Interface CosmosClientOptions


  • CosmosClientOptions



Optional agent

agent: Agent

An optional custom http(s) Agent to be used in NodeJS enironments Use an agent such as https://github.com/TooTallNate/node-proxy-agent if you need to connect to Cosmos via a proxy

Optional connectionPolicy

connectionPolicy: ConnectionPolicy

An instance of ConnectionPolicy class. This parameter is optional and the default connectionPolicy will be used if omitted.

Optional consistencyLevel

consistencyLevel: keyof ConsistencyLevel

An optional parameter that represents the consistency level. It can take any value from ConsistencyLevel.

Optional defaultHeaders

defaultHeaders: CosmosHeaders


endpoint: string

The service endpoint to use to create the client.

Optional key

key: string

The account master or readonly key

Optional permissionFeed

permissionFeed: PermissionDefinition[]

An array of Permission objects.

Optional plugins

plugins: PluginConfig[]

Optional resourceTokens

resourceTokens: object

An object that contains resources tokens. Keys for the object are resource Ids and values are the resource tokens.

Type declaration

  • [resourcePath: string]: string

Optional tokenProvider

tokenProvider: TokenProvider

A user supplied function for resolving header authorization tokens. Allows users to generating their own auth tokens, potentially using a separate service

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