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Start a shell session

If not done, clone the azurehpc repo and use the azhop/spack branch

git clone 

Start an interactive job on a compute node

qsub -l select=1:slot_type=hpc -I

Load Spack environment and modules

. ~/spack/share/spack/
module use /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles

Create the azhop spack repo


Configure the OPM packages


Build OPM => this can take 30+ minutes


Get test data

cd /lustre
mkdir <user_alias>
cd <user_alias>
git clone

Run a flow job

cp ~/azurehpc/experimental/azhop/opm/ .

Change the input file path to /lustre/alias/… and select the number of nodes you want to run on (<4 as this is a small model)

Submit your job and check for the result in the ~/OPM.* file

qsub ~/ 
qstat -fx <jobid>
pbsnodes -avS

Start a Remote Desktop session and connect

ResInsight have been installed in the image but ideally, we want this to be done thru loading modules

Start ResInsight

vglrun ResInsight

In ResInsight import the eclipse case named NORNE_ATW2013.EGRID

This file is the output result of the OPM job and should be located in the /lustre//opm-data/norne/out_parallel directory