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These instructions build OpenFOAM with spack. This assumes the installation has been setup as described here.

Build time is improved if a local disk is used. Check if your local ~/.spack/config.yaml contains a build_stage entry for /mnt/resource/$user/spack-stage otherwise add it with the following command:

sed '/^  build_stage:$/a \ \ \ \ - /mnt/resource/$user/spack-stage' $HOME/spack/etc/spack/defaults/config.yaml

Start an interactive job on a compute node

qsub -l select=1:slot_type=hb120v2 -I

Note: alternatively you could create a code-server session instead from the ondemand dashboard.

Set up the spack environment

To set up your environment with Spack, run the following:

. ~/spack/share/spack/
module use /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles

Building OpenFOAM

This example will use OpenFOAM v8. First install:

spack install openfoam-org@8

Running the motorbike tutorial on a single node

The tutorials distributed with OpenFOAM should usually fit on a single node. In the same session you can copy and run the motorbike tutorial. First, load openfoam-org into the environment:

spack load openfoam-org@8

Copy the motorbike tutorial into scratch space:

mkdir -p /lustre/$USER
cd /lustre/$USER
cp -r $WM_PROJECT_DIR/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/motorBike .

Run the tutorial:

cd motorBike

Running multi node cases

This example with use a DrivAer car geometry and is available in the development branch of the OpenFOAM repository. The instructions below will download the case and apply patches to run with OpenFOAM v8.

First, pull the latest development branch of OpenFOAM:

mkdir -p $tmp_dir
pushd $tmp_dir
git clone

Now copy the drivaerFastback tutorial:

mkdir $scratch_dir
cp -r $tmp_dir/OpenFOAM-dev/tutorials/incompressible/simpleFoam/drivaerFastback $scratch_dir/drivaerFastback

The following updates are needed:

Below are the commands:

cd $scratch_dir/drivaerFastback
sed -i '/RunFunctions/a source <(declare -f runParallel | sed "s/mpirun/mpirun \\\$FOAM_MPIRUN_FLAGS/g")' Allrun
sed -i 's#/bin/sh#/bin/bash#g' Allrun
# decompress the geometry
gunzip constant/geometry/*
mv constant/geometry constant/triSurface
sed -i 's/# runApplication reconstructPar/runApplication reconstructPar/g' Allrun

Now, create a PBS submit script, When running on multiple nodes it is necessary to export all the OpenFOAM environment variables (unless you add loading the modules in .bashrc). This is done with the FOAM_MPIRUN_FLAGS that are added to the runParallel in the last step. The script will run for the number of cores specified to PBS (select x mpiprocs):

. ~/spack/share/spack/
module use /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles
spack load openfoam-org
export FOAM_MPIRUN_FLAGS="-hostfile $PBS_NODEFILE $(env |grep 'WM_\|FOAM' | cut -d'=' -f1 | sed 's/^/-x /g' | tr '\n' ' ') -x MPI_BUFFER_SIZE --report-bindings --map-by ppr:${ranks_per_numa}:numa"
$PBS_O_WORKDIR/Allrun -cores $(wc -l <$PBS_NODEFILE)

Note: this assumes running 120 ranks per node - change the ranks_per_numa when running with fewer (e.g. ppn=60 -> ranks_per_numa=2, ppn=30 -> ranks_per_numa=1).

Submit the script:

qsub -l select=${nodes}:slot_type=hb120v2:ncpus=120:mpiprocs=${ppn},place=scatter:excl


ParaView can be used for visualization of OpenFOAM cases. To install ParaView, download the installer from here. The tgz installer can be used that only requires extracting.

Start a remote desktop session from the portal. Navigate to the case directory and create a case.foam file:

touch case.foam

This is needed to enable ParaView to open the case.

Make sure you launch ParaView with vglrun, e.g.

cd /mnt/resource/$USER/drivaerFastback
touch case.foam
vglrun $HOME/ParaView-5.9.0-MPI-Linux-Python3.8-64bit/bin/paraview