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Marketplace deployment

AzHop is now available in the Azure Marketplace allowing you to deploy the solution utilizing the installation process that you are familiar with like any other package in the Azure Marketplace. With this tutorial you will deploy the necessary architecture for AzHop to work in Azure. This tutorial with create the following resources.

Deployment steps

Open your Microsoft Azure account and then go to the Azure Marketplace and type “Azhop” then Enter. From the search results select AzHop and then click on Create.



In the basics tab input the following parameters:

By default, this deployment will pull the latest version available of AzHOP and deploy it.

The auto generate feature will generate a new SSH key pair and save it in the KeyVault, if you would like to use your own pair of keys, uncheck this option and provide the key.



Home Directory

The Home Directory is where the files from the High Performance Computing projects will live. AzHop has the capability of using the power of Azure Files and Azure NetApp Files for your projects.




AzHop have the option to allow access through public IP as well as to customize the CIDR Prefix to use and the Base IP address.




Azure Managed Lustre is a managed, pay-as-you-go file system for high-performance computing (HPC) and AI workloads, its installation is optional.




The scheduler will dictate how the workload is going to operate. AzHop offers Open PBS and SLURM with SLURM Accounting as optional.




In addition to the default applications, AzHOP Marketplace deployment offers a variety of applications supported in the HPC environment, select the ones that are more appropriate to your needs by checking the boxes next to the option.



Other Settings




Validate that the sumnmary configuration is looking as expected and select “Create” to initiate the installation process.

Access OnDemand

Retrieve credentials

During the deployment process, AzHop created a secure password to access the OnDemand VM which will serve as your HPC Hub.

Granting Permissions

1.- Go to the resource group created and open the KeyVault. 2.- Once in the KeyVault select “Access Policies” from the sidebar and then Create.


3.- From the dropdown-list select “Key, Secret & Certificate Management” to create a policy with those permissions and click “Next” 4.- Under the Principal Tab search for the account you are using to access the Azure environment. Once that you find it, select it and click “Next”. 5.- Skip the “Application” tab by clicking “Next”. 6.- Review the policy details and click “Create”.


This process will create a KeyVault policy and grant you access to read the “Secrets” which is where the credentials got save during the installation.

Read password

In the same KeyVault go to Secrets and then look for the item “clusteradmin-password” which contain the password for the account “clusteradmin” and select it.

1.- Select the item under “CURRENT VERSION”.


2.- That will open the secret details, now select “Show Secret Value” to visualize the secure password and click on the copy icon to “Copy” the password.


3.- Select “Close” to exit this view securely.

Retrieve URL

As instructed during the configuration process, AzHop create a Public IP to access the OnDemand platform.

1.- Go back to the resource group for AzHop and find the “ondemand-pip” Public IP address item. 2.- The URL will be under the essentials section next to the “DNS Name”.



With this steps you should have:

Which is all you need to access the OnDemand platform. Go to your WebBrowser and insert the OnDemand URL and enter the credentials to access.

Note: It may take a few minutes to finish the installation process, after that the system should work as expected.


Voila! AzureHPC OnDemand should be ready to use.
