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MS-AMP is an automatic mixed precision package for deep learning developed by Microsoft.


  • Support O1 optimization: Apply FP8 to weights and weight gradients and support FP8 in communication.
  • Support O2 optimization: Support FP8 for two optimizers(Adam and AdamW).
  • Support O3 optimization: Support FP8 for distributed parallel training and ZeRO optimizer, which is essential for training large scale model.
  • Provide four training examples applying MS-AMP: Swin-Transformer, DeiT, RoBERTa and GPT-3.

MS-AMP has the following benefit comparing with Transformer Engine:

  • Speed up memory-limited operations by accessing one byte compared to half or single-precision.
  • Reduce memory requirements for training models, enabling larger models.
  • Speed up communication for distributed model by transmitting lower precision gradients.
  • Reduce training time for large language models with larger minibatches.


Model performance#

We evaluated the training loss and validation performance of four typical models, GPT-3, Swin-Transformer, DeiT and RoBERTa, using both MS-AMP and FP16/BF16 AMP. Our observations show that the models trained with MS-AMP achieved comparable performance to those trained using FP16/BF16 AMP. This demonstrates the effectiveness of the mixed FP8 in MS-AMP.

Here are the results for GPT-3, Swin-T, DeiT-S and RoBERTa-B.



System performance#

MS-AMP preserves high-precision's accuracy while using only a fraction of the memory footprint on a range of tasks, including GPT-3, DeiT and Swin Transformer. For example, when training GPT-175B on NVIDIA H100 platform, MS-AMP achieves a notable 39% reduction in real memory usage compared with BF16 mixed-precision approach and reduces training time by 37% compared with Transformer Engine. For small models, MS-AMP with O2 mode can achieve 44% memory saving for Swin-1.0B and 26% memory saving for ViT-1.2B, comparing with FP16 AMP.

Here are the resuls for GPT-3:


Here, TP, PP, and DP represent tensor, pipeline, and data parallelism respectively. BS indicates batch size, while MFU denotes model FLOPs utilization. Weight-related communication contains the all-gather operator on weights and the reduce-scatter operator on weight gradients.

Here are the results for Swin-1.0B and ViT-1.2B.


For detailed setting and results, please go to MS-AMP-Example.