Welcome to Day #1 of Week 2
of #CloudNativeNewYear!
The theme for this week is Kubernetes fundamentals. Last week we talked about Cloud Native architectures and the Cloud Native landscape. Today we'll explore the topic of Pods and Deployments in Kubernetes.
Watch the recorded demo and conversation about this week's topics.
We were live on YouTube walking through today's (and the rest of this week's) demos.
What We'll Coverโ
- Setting Up A Kubernetes Environment in Azure
- Running Containers in Kubernetes Pods
- Making the Pods Resilient with Deployments
- Exercise
- Resources
Setting Up A Kubernetes Environment in Azureโ
For this week, we'll be working with a simple app - the Azure Voting App. My teammate Paul Yu ported the app to Rust and we tweaked it a bit to let us highlight some of the basic features of Kubernetes.
You should be able to replicate this in just about any Kubernetes environment, but we'll use Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) as our working environment for this week.
To make it easier to get started, there's a Bicep template to deploy an AKS cluster, an Azure Container Registry (ACR) (to host our container image), and connect the two so that we can easily deploy our application.
Step 0 - Prerequisitesโ
There are a few things you'll need if you want to work through this and the following examples this week.
- Git (and probably a GitHub account if you want to persist your work outside of your computer)
- Azure CLI
- An Azure subscription (if you want to follow along with the Azure steps)
- Kubectl (the command line tool for managing Kubernetes)
- Visual Studio Code (or equivalent editor)
Step 1 - Clone the application repositoryโ
First, I forked the source repository to my account.
$GitHubOrg = 'smurawski' # Replace this with your GitHub account name or org name
git clone "https://github.com/$GitHubOrg/azure-voting-app-rust"
cd azure-voting-app-rust
Leave your shell opened with your current location inside the application repository.
Step 2 - Set up AKSโ
Running the template deployment from the demo script (I'm using the PowerShell example in cnny23-week2-day1.ps1, but there's a Bash variant at cnny23-week2-day1.sh) stands up the environment. The second, third, and fourth commands take some of the output from the Bicep deployment to set up for later commands, so don't close out your shell after you run these commands.
az deployment sub create --template-file ./deploy/main.bicep --location eastus --parameters 'resourceGroup=cnny-week2'
$AcrName = az deployment sub show --name main --query 'properties.outputs.acr_name.value' -o tsv
$AksName = az deployment sub show --name main --query 'properties.outputs.aks_name.value' -o tsv
$ResourceGroup = az deployment sub show --name main --query 'properties.outputs.resource_group_name.value' -o tsv
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $ResourceGroup --name $AksName
Step 3 - Build our application containerโ
Since we have an Azure Container Registry set up, I'll use ACR Build Tasks to build and store my container image.
az acr build --registry $AcrName --% --image cnny2023/azure-voting-app-rust:{{.Run.ID}} .
$BuildTag = az acr repository show-tags `
--name $AcrName `
--repository cnny2023/azure-voting-app-rust `
--orderby time_desc `
--query '[0]' -o tsv
Wondering what the --%
is in the first command line? That tells the PowerShell interpreter to pass the input after it "as is" to the command without parsing/evaluating it. Otherwise, PowerShell messes a bit with the templated {{.Run.ID}}
Running Containers in Kubernetes Podsโ
Now that we have our AKS cluster and application image ready to go, let's look into how Kubernetes runs containers.
If you've been in tech for any length of time, you've seen that every framework, runtime, orchestrator, etc.. can have their own naming scheme for their concepts. So let's get into some of what Kubernetes calls things.
The Podโ
A container running in Kubernetes is called a Pod. A Pod is basically a running container on a Node or VM. It can be more. For example you can run multiple containers and specify some funky configuration, but we'll keep it simple for now - add the complexity when you need it.
Our Pod definition can be created via the kubectl
command imperatively from arguments or declaratively from a configuration file. We'll do a little of both. We'll use the kubectl
command to help us write our configuration files. Kubernetes configuration files are YAML, so having an editor that supports and can help you syntax check YAML is really helpful.
Creating a Pod Definitionโ
Let's create a few Pod definitions. Our application requires two containers to get working - the application and a database.
Let's create the database Pod first. And before you comment, the configuration isn't secure nor best practice. We'll fix that later this week. For now, let's focus on getting up and running.
This is a trick I learned from one of my teammates - Paul. By using the --output yaml
and --dry-run=client
options, we can have the command help us write our YAML. And with a bit of output redirection, we can stash it safely in a file for later use.
kubectl run azure-voting-db `
--image "postgres:15.0-alpine" `
--env "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mypassword" `
--output yaml `
--dry-run=client > manifests/pod-db.yaml
This creates a file that looks like:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
creationTimestamp: null
run: azure-voting-db
name: azure-voting-db
- env:
value: mypassword
image: postgres:15.0-alpine
name: azure-voting-db
resources: {}
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
restartPolicy: Always
status: {}
The file, when supplied to the Kubernetes API, will identify what kind of resource to create, the API version to use, and the details of the container (as well as an environment variable to be supplied).
We'll get that container image started with the kubectl
command. Because the details of what to create are in the file, we don't need to specify much else to the kubectl
command but the path to the file.
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/pod-db.yaml
I'm going to need the IP address of the Pod, so that my application can connect to it, so we can use kubectl
to get some information about our pod. By default, kubectl get pod
only displays certain information but it retrieves a lot more. We can use the JSONPath syntax to index into the response and get the information you want.
To see what you can get, I usually run the kubectl
command with the output type (-o JSON
) of JSON and then I can find where the data I want is and create my JSONPath query to get it.
$DB_IP = kubectl get pod azure-voting-db -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}'
Now, let's create our Pod definition for our application. We'll use the same technique as before.
kubectl run azure-voting-app `
--image "$AcrName.azurecr.io/cnny2023/azure-voting-app-rust:$BuildTag" `
--env "DATABASE_PASSWORD=mypassword`
--output yaml `
--dry-run=client > manifests/pod-app.yaml
That command gets us a similar YAML file to the database container - you can see the full file here
Let's get our application container running.
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/pod-app.yaml
Now that the Application is Runningโ
We can check the status of our Pods with:
kubectl get pods
And we should see something like:
azure-voting-app-rust โฏ kubectl get pods
azure-voting-app 1/1 Running 0 36s
azure-voting-db 1/1 Running 0 84s
Once our pod is running, we can check to make sure everything is working by letting kubectl
proxy network connections to our Pod running the application. If we get the voting web page, we'll know the application found the database and we can start voting!
kubectl port-forward pod/azure-voting-app 8080:8080
When you are done voting, you can stop the port forwarding by using Control-C to break the command.
Clean Upโ
Let's clean up after ourselves and see if we can't get Kubernetes to help us keep our application running. We can use the same configuration files to ensure that Kubernetes only removes what we want removed.
kubectl delete -f ./manifests/pod-app.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./manifests/pod-db.yaml
Summary - Podsโ
A Pod is the most basic unit of work inside Kubernetes. Once the Pod is deleted, it's gone. That leads us to our next topic (and final topic for today.)
Making the Pods Resilient with Deploymentsโ
We've seen how easy it is to deploy a Pod and get our containers running on Nodes in our Kubernetes cluster. But there's a problem with that. Let's illustrate it.
Breaking Stuffโ
Setting Back Upโ
First, let's redeploy our application environment. We'll start with our application container.
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/pod-db.yaml
kubectl get pod azure-voting-db -o jsonpath='{.status.podIP}'
The second command will report out the new IP Address for our database container. Let's open ./manifests/pod-app.yaml
and update the container IP to our new one.
Then we can deploy the application with the information it needs to find its database. We'll also list out our pods to see what is running.
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/pod-app.yaml
kubectl get pods
Feel free to look back and use the port forwarding trick to make sure your app is running if you'd like.
Knocking It Downโ
The first thing we'll try to break is our application pod. Let's delete it.
kubectl delete pod azure-voting-app
Then, we'll check our pod's status:
kubectl get pods
Which should show something like:
azure-voting-app-rust โฏ kubectl get pods
azure-voting-db 1/1 Running 0 50s
We should be able to recreate our application pod deployment with no problem, since it has the current database IP address and nothing else depends on it.
kubectl apply -f ./manifests/pod-app.yaml
Again, feel free to do some fun port forwarding and check your site is running.
Uncomfortable Truthsโ
Here's where it gets a bit stickier, what if we delete the database container?
If we delete our database container and recreate it, it'll likely have a new IP address, which would force us to update our application configuration. We'll look at some solutions for these problems in the next three posts this week.
Because our database problem is a bit tricky, we'll primarily focus on making our application layer more resilient and prepare our database layer for those other techniques over the next few days.
Let's clean back up and look into making things more resilient.
kubectl delete -f ./manifests/pod-app.yaml
kubectl delete -f ./manifests/pod-db.yaml