
The presented resiliency recommendations in this guidance include Subscription and associated resources and settings. This is for items where the resource being assessed is not a specific object but a subscription or collection of subscriptions.

Summary of Recommendations

Recommendations Details

MS-1 - Do not create more than 2000 Citrix VDA servers per subscription

Category: Application Resilience

Impact: High


A Citrix Managed Azure subscription supports the number of machines indicated in Limits. (In this context, machines refers to VMs that have a Citrix VDA installed. These machines deliver apps and desktops to users. It does not include other machines in a resource location, such as Cloud Connectors.)

If your Citrix Managed Azure subscription is likely to reach its limit soon, and you have enough Citrix licenses, you can request another Citrix Managed Azure subscription. The dashboard contains a notification when you’re close to the limit.

You can’t create a catalog (or add machines to a catalog) if the total number of machines for all catalogs that use that Citrix Managed Azure subscription would exceed the value indicated in Limits.

This recommendation checks for 80% of the Citrix limit so that attention can be paid to this before hitting the published Citrix limit of 2500.


Resource Graph Query/Scripts

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Count VM instances with a tag that contains "Citrix VDA" and create output if that count is >2000 for each subscription.
// The Citrix published limit is 2500. This query runs an 80% check.

| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| where tags contains 'Citrix VDA'
| summarize VMs=count() by subscriptionId
| where VMs > 2000
| join (resourcecontainers| where type =='microsoft.resources/subscriptions' | project subname=name, subscriptionId) on subscriptionId
| project recommendationId='MS-1', name= subname, id = subscriptionId, param1='Too many instances.', param2= VMs