Event Grid

The presented resiliency recommendations in this guidance include Event Grid and associated resources and settings.

Summary of Recommendations

Recommendations Details

EVG-1 - Configure Diagnostic Settings for all Azure Event Grid resources

Category: Monitoring

Impact: Low


Enabling diagnostic settings allow you to capture and view diagnostic information so that you can troubleshoot any failures. The following table shows the settings available for different types of Event Grid resources - custom topics, system topics, and domains.


Resource Graph Query

// under-development

EVG-2 - Configure Dead-letter to save events that cannot be delivered

Category: Automation

Impact: Low


When Event Grid can’t deliver an event within a certain time period or after trying to deliver the event a certain number of times, it can send the undelivered event to a storage account. This process is known as dead-lettering. By default, Event Grid doesn’t turn on dead-lettering. To enable it, you must specify a storage account to hold undelivered events when creating the event subscription. You pull events from this storage account to resolve deliveries.


Resource Graph Query

// under-development

EVG-3 - Configure Private Endpoints

Category: Access & Security

Impact: Low


You can use private endpoints to allow ingress of events directly from your virtual network to your custom topics and domains securely over a private link without going through the public internet. The private endpoint uses an IP address from the VNet address space for your custom topic or domain.


Resource Graph Query

// Azure Resource Graph Query
// Find all eventgrid services not protected by private endpoints.
| where type contains "eventgrid"
| where properties['publicNetworkAccess'] == "Enabled"
| project recommendationId = "evg-3", name, id, tags
| order by id asc