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Version: Latest (Core: 0.57.x, Azure: 0.43.x)

Release Notes March 2024 (2024-03-05)

See TypeSpec Core release notes


This release contains breaking changes in typespec core.

Breaking changes​


  • #295 [API] Split datetime type into utcDateTime and offsetDateTime to remain in sync with tsp



  • #337 Add support for all properties of openapi info object on the @info decorator
  • #277 Support @flattenProperty decorator.


  • #341 Add new azureLocation scalar
  • #258 Implement code fixes for no-enum linter rule


  • #304 Add arm-no-record rule.
  • #283 Added ArmResourceHead operation template
  • #298 ARM: add arm-delete-response-codes rule.
  • #317 Add ruleset canonical-versioning to Azure Resource Manager library.


  • #341 add support for azureLocation scalar in azure core
  • #242 add flattened property onto SdkBodyModelPropertyType
  • #315 add validation on import of tcgc and remove duplicate validation warnings
  • #350 add helper function getCrossLanguagePackageId. getCrossLanguagePackageId returns a package id that is consistent across languages, allowing emitters to identify that they are generating from the same service tsp
  • #306 add getClientTypeWithDiagnostics and getAllModelsWithDiagnostics to get values back with diagnostics


  • #287 adding new decorator called @promotion and adding validation rule for @about.LearnMoreDocs

Bug Fixes​


  • #231 Azure Page type nextLink properties are now marked as readonly


  • #323 Adding @visibility("read") & optional linting rules linting rules for ARM provisioningState
  • #366 Fix for issue #254 cannot customize response in ARM PUT templates


  • #305 getAllModels will return models only used as final envelope results in non-ARM definitions
  • #335 unions with only null and another type will not be converted to union
  • #362 enhance logic for value type of enum and union as enum
  • #314 support @clientName for extensible enum variant
  • #328 add support for anonymous union as enum and fix union as enum variant discriminator typing problem
  • #301 Add usage calculation for additional properties with model type
  • #327 rollback some of the breaking changes for common model types method
  • #260 allow models to have a union variant as a discriminator
  • #286 don't throw for unknown format
  • #274 Update doc for @access and @usage