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Version: Latest (Core: 0.57.x, Azure: 0.43.x)

Release Notes October 2023 (2023-10-11)


This release contains breaking changes

See TypeSpec Core release notes

New Features​

@azure-tools/typespec-autorest New Features​

  • Add support for status code ranges.

@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core New Features​

  • Migrate 'friendly-name' rule from typespec-code-generator-core to typespec-azure-core.

@azure-tools/typespec-client-generator-core New Features​

  • Migrate 'friendly-name' rule from typespec-code-generator-core to typespec-azure-core.
  • Add support for cross language definition id.
  • Add ARM to sdk context.
  • Return TypeSpec Union type for string literal union.
  • Refine getAllModels implementation including:
    • Add deprecation info
    • Add known values
    • Change discriminator type in base model

@azure-tools/typespec-autorest Bug Fixes​

  • Fix: A diagnostic will now be emitted for any HTTP authentication scheme not supported by OpenAPI 2.

@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core Bug Fixes​

  • Fix: Compiler crash when createLroMetadata`` was called with an incomplete LRO specification.

@azure-tools/typespec-client-generator-core Bug Fixes​

  • Fix: Correct type for the values of SdkTupleType.
  • Fix: Handle models with duplicate names.
  • Fix: Correct union type handling logic in common interface.

@azure-tools/typespec-msbuild-target Bug Fixes​

  • Fix: Remove dependency on Language==C#.

Breaking Changes​

  • There are breaking changes in the TypeSpec core libraries, see the release notes for details.

@azure-tools/typespec-azure-core Breaking Changes​

  • Fix parameter order of Azure.Core.Foundations.GetOperationStatus.
  • When an interface based on ResourceOperations is created, a unique diagnostic will now be raised for each missing required trait. This may require new suppressions to be added to existing specifications.