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x-ms-examples example files

The x-ms-examples is automatically populated in the generated OpenAPI 2.0 when using the typespec-autorest emitter. The examples must be placed in the examples-directory (default to {project-root}/examples) and have the operationdId property.

Example structure

Example below assume example-directory is {project-root}/examples.

  • Single version structure
  • main.tsp
  • Directoryexamples/
    • example1.json
    • example2.json
  • Multi version structure
  • main.tsp
  • Directoryexamples/
    • Directory2021-01-01/
      • example1.json
      • example2.json
    • Directory2021-01-02/
      • example1.json
      • example2.json

Generate the examples

To generate the examples you can use oav. You can run that on the generated openapi.json file.

Generating basic examples and then manually modify the values. It will generate two examples for each operation: one contains minimal properties set, the other contains the maximal properties set. Since the auto-generated examples consist of random values for most types, you need replace them with meaningful values.

Terminal window
oav generate-examples openapi.json

Note, latest OAV tool should automatically generate the following. However, if you are generating the examples manually, please ensure you have:

  • include title field and make sure it is descriptive and unique for each operation.
  • include operationId. This is used to match with declared operations in TypeSpec and correctly output in swagger.