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Version: Latest (Core: 0.60.x, Azure: 0.46.x)

Migrate ARM specs

The swagger converter will not be able to accurately represent every part of every API in TypeSpec. This document outlines some common changes you may need to make to a converted TypeSpec to make it conform to your existing service API and pass validation checks.

Initial pass through checklist

DO name your ARM spec folder with .Management suffix.

DO configure your tspconfig.yaml. See: example tspconfig.yaml

DO extend the @azure-tools/typespec-azure-rulesets/resource-manager linter rule set in your tspconfig.yaml if not already there. Example:

- "@azure-tools/typespec-azure-rulesets/resource-manager"

DO ensure your @service and @server definitions are correct in main.tsp

DO ensure interface Operations extends Azure.ResourceManager.Operations {} is in main.tsp

DO ensure your versions enum is up to date. For an initial migration we recommend migrating your latest stable API version (and the latest preview API version the service may support after the stable API version)

DO ensure you have correct ARM common type version select with each service version. Example:

@armCommonTypesVersion(Azure.ResourceManager.CommonTypes.Versions.v5) <---
v2021_10_01_preview: "2021-10-01-preview",

DO review all enum definitions and add documentation over each value. See: Documentation in TypeSpec

DON'T suppress documentation warnings

DO use the standard Typespec Azure.ResourceManager and Azure.Core operation templates and data-types wherever possible. Standard operation templates should be used as much as possible

DO use union instead of enum to define Azure extensible enums. See: Defining enums for Azure services. Example:

/** The color of a widget. */
union WidgetColor {

/** Red Widget Color */
Red: "Red",

/** Green Widget Color */
Green: "Green",

/** Blue Widget Color */
Blue: "Blue",

DON'T import or use templates xxx.Private namespaces

DO make client customizations in a client.tsp file

DON'T import or use @azure-tools/typespec-client-generator-core in other files aside from client.tsp.

DO run tsp compile . on your specification and address all warnings

Additional considerations

DO ensure you pull in the latest main from the Azure/azure-rest-api-specs repo to stay up to date with latest dependencies

DO run npm ci to get a clean install of the package.json dependencies

DON'T modify the package.json or package-lock.json files at the root of the azure-rest-api-specs repo

DON'T add your own package.json or package-lock.json files in your project directory

DON'T add multiple tspconfig.yaml files for your service specification

DO consult for fixes to common CI errors reported