arm-common-types-incompatible-version | object | - |
arm-common-types-incompatible-version.default | CallableMessage <["selectedVersion" , "supportedVersions" ]> | - |
arm-common-types-invalid-version | object | - |
arm-common-types-invalid-version.default | CallableMessage <["versionString" , "supportedVersions" ]> | - |
arm-resource-circular-ancestry | object | - |
arm-resource-circular-ancestry.default | ”There is a loop in the ancestry of this resource. Please ensure that the `@parentResource` decorator contains the correct parent resource, and that parentage contains no cycles." | "There is a loop in the ancestry of this resource. Please ensure that the `@parentResource` decorator contains the correct parent resource, and that parentage contains no cycles.” |
arm-resource-duplicate-base-parameter | object | - |
arm-resource-duplicate-base-parameter.default | ”Only one base parameter type is allowed per resource. Each resource may have only one of `@parentResource`, `@resourceGroupResource`, `@tenantResource`, `@locationResource`, or `@subscriptionResource` decorators." | "Only one base parameter type is allowed per resource. Each resource may have only one of `@parentResource`, `@resourceGroupResource`, `@tenantResource`, `@locationResource`, or `@subscriptionResource` decorators.” |
arm-resource-invalid-base-type | object | - |
arm-resource-invalid-base-type.default | "The @armResourceInternal decorator can only be used on a type that ultimately extends TrackedResource, ProxyResource, or ExtensionResource." | ”The @armResourceInternal decorator can only be used on a type that ultimately extends TrackedResource, ProxyResource, or ExtensionResource.” |
arm-resource-missing | object | - |
arm-resource-missing.default | CallableMessage <["type" ]> | - |
arm-resource-missing-arm-namespace | object | - |
arm-resource-missing-arm-namespace.default | "The @armProviderNamespace decorator must be used to define the ARM namespace of the service. This is best applied to the file-level namespace." | ”The @armProviderNamespace decorator must be used to define the ARM namespace of the service. This is best applied to the file-level namespace.” |
arm-resource-missing-name-key-decorator | object | - |
arm-resource-missing-name-key-decorator.default | "Resource type 'name' property must have a @key decorator which defines its key name." | ”Resource type ‘name’ property must have a @key decorator which defines its key name.” |
arm-resource-missing-name-property | object | - |
arm-resource-missing-name-property.default | "Resource types must include a string property called 'name'." | ”Resource types must include a string property called ‘name’.” |
arm-resource-missing-name-segment-decorator | object | - |
arm-resource-missing-name-segment-decorator.default | "Resource type 'name' property must have a @segment decorator which defines its path fragment." | ”Resource type ‘name’ property must have a @segment decorator which defines its path fragment.” |
decorator-in-namespace | object | - |
decorator-in-namespace.default | CallableMessage <["decoratorName" ]> | - |
decorator-param-wrong-type | object | - |
decorator-param-wrong-type.armUpdateProviderNamespace | "The parameter to @armUpdateProviderNamespace must be an operation with a 'provider' parameter." | ”The parameter to @armUpdateProviderNamespace must be an operation with a ‘provider’ parameter.” |
parent-type | object | - |
parent-type.notResourceType | CallableMessage <["parent" , "type" ]> | - |
resource-without-path-and-segment | object | - |
resource-without-path-and-segment.default | ”Resource types must have a property with ‘@path` and ‘@segment’ decorators." | "Resource types must have a property with ‘@path` and ‘@segment’ decorators.” |
single-arm-provider | object | - |
single-arm-provider.default | "Only one @armProviderNamespace can be declared in a typespec spec at once." | ”Only one @armProviderNamespace can be declared in a typespec spec at once.” |
template-type-constraint-no-met | object | - |
template-type-constraint-no-met.default | CallableMessage <["sourceType" , "entity" , "constraintType" , "actionMessage" ]> | - |