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Version: Latest (Core: 0.60.x, Azure: 0.46.x)

Getting started with tsp-client


tsp-client is a simple command line tool to facilitate generating client libraries from TypeSpec.


npm install -g @azure-tools/typespec-client-generator-cli


tsp-client <command> [options]


Use one of the supported commands to get started generating clients from a TypeSpec project. This tool will default to using your current working directory to generate clients in and will use it to look for relevant configuration files. To specify a different output directory, use the -o or --output-dir option.


Initialize the client library directory using a tspconfig.yaml. When running this command pass in a path to a local or remote tspconfig.yaml with the -c or --tsp-config flag.

The init command generates a directory structure following the standard pattern used across Azure SDK language repositories, creates a tsp-location.yaml file to control generation, and performs an initial generation of the client library. If you want to skip client library generation, then pass the --skip-sync-and-generate flag.


This command should be run from the root of the repository. Example repository root: azure-sdk-for-python/


azure-sdk-for-python> tsp-client init -c


The update command will look for a tsp-location.yaml file in your current directory to sync a TypeSpec project and generate a client library. The update flow calls the sync and generate commands internally, so if you need to separate these steps, use the sync and generate commands separately instead.


azure-sdk-for-python/sdk/contosowidgetmanager/azure-contoso-widgetmanager> tsp-client update


Sync a TypeSpec project with the parameters specified in tsp-location.yaml.

By default the sync command will look for a tsp-location.yaml to get the project details and sync them to a temporary directory called TempTypeSpecFiles. Alternately, you can pass in the --local-spec-repo flag with the path to your local TypeSpec project to pull those files into your temporary directory.


azure-sdk-for-python/sdk/contosowidgetmanager/azure-contoso-widgetmanager> tsp-client sync


Generate a client library from a TypeSpec project. The generate command should be run after the sync command. generate relies on the existence of the TempTypeSpecFiles directory created by the sync command and on an emitter-package.json file checked into your repository at the following path: <repo root>/eng/emitter-package.json. The emitter-package.json file is used to install project dependencies and get the appropriate emitter package.


azure-sdk-for-python/sdk/contosowidgetmanager/azure-contoso-widgetmanager> tsp-client generate


Convert an existing swagger specification to a TypeSpec project. This command should only be run once to get started working on a TypeSpec project. TypeSpec projects will need to be optimized manually and fully reviewed after conversion. When using this command a path or url to a swagger README file is required through the --swagger-readme flag.


azure-rest-api-specs/specification/contosowidgetmanager> tsp-client convert --swagger-readme ./data-plane/ -o ./Contoso.WidgetManager


Sort an existing swagger specification to be the same content order with TypeSpec generated swagger. This will allow you to easily compare and identify differences between the existing swagger and TypeSpec generated one. You should run this command on existing swagger files and check them in prior to creating converted TypeSpec PRs.


  --arm                     Convert ARM swagger specification to TypeSpec       [boolean]
-c, --tsp-config The tspconfig.yaml file to use [string]
--commit Commit to be used for project init or update [string]
-d, --debug Enable debug logging [boolean]
--emitter-options The options to pass to the emitter [string]
--generate-lock-file Generate a lock file under the eng/ directory from
an existing emitter-package.json [boolean]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
--local-spec-repo Path to local repository with the TypeSpec project [string]
--save-inputs Don't clean up the temp directory after generation [boolean]
--skip-sync-and-generate Skip sync and generate during project init [boolean]
--swagger-readme Path or url to swagger readme file [string]
-o, --output-dir Specify an alternate output directory for the
generated files. Default is your current directory [string]
--repo Repository where the project is defined for init
or update [string]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]

Important concepts​

Per project setup​

Each project will need to have a configuration file called tsp-location.yaml that will tell the tool where to find the TypeSpec project.


This file is created through the tsp-client init command or you can manually create it under the project directory to run other commands supported by this tool.


This file should live under the project directory for each service.

The file has the following properties:

directoryThe top level directory where the main.tsp for the service lives. This should be relative to the spec repo root such as specification/cognitiveservices/OpenAI.Inferencetrue
additionalDirectoriesSometimes a typespec file will use a relative import that might not be under the main directory. In this case a single directory will not be enough to pull down all necessary files. To support this you can specify additional directories as a list to sync so that all needed files are synced.false: default = null
commitThe commit sha for the version of the typespec files you want to generate off of. This allows us to have idempotence on generation until we opt into pointing at a later version.true
repoThe repo this spec lives in. This should be either Azure/azure-rest-api-specs or Azure/azure-rest-api-specs-pr.true


directory: specification/contosowidgetmanager/Contoso.WidgetManager
commit: 431eb865a581da2cd7b9e953ae52cb146f31c2a6
repo: Azure/azure-rest-api-specs
- specification/contosowidgetmanager/Contoso.WidgetManager.Shared/

Per repository set up​

Each repository that intends to support tsp-client for generating and updating client libraries will need to set up an emitter-package.json file under the eng/ directory at the root of the repository. Client libraries generated with this tool will be outputted based on the information in the tspconfig.yaml file of the TypeSpec specification. The service directory is specified through the parameters.service-dir.default parameter in tspconfig.yaml, additionally the package-dir option for the specific emitter is appended to the end of the path.

See the following example of a valid tspconfig.yaml file:

Using the tspconfig.yaml linked above, by default, the client libraries will be generated in the following directory for C#: <repo>/sdk/contosowidgetmanager/Azure.Template.Contoso/.

Required set up​

Please note that these requirements apply on the repository where the client library is going to be generated. Repo owners should make sure to follow these requirements. Users working within a repository that already accepts this tool can refer to the Usage section.

  • Add an emitter-package.json to the repo following this configuration.
  • Add the TempTypeSpecFiles directory to the .gitignore file for your repository.


This tool creates a TempTypeSpecFiles directory when syncing a TypeSpec project to your local repository. This temporary folder will contain a copy of the TypeSpec project specified by the parameters set in the tsp-location.yaml file. If you pass the --save-inputs flag to the commandline tool, this directory will not be deleted. Repositories should add an entry in the .gitignore so that none of these files are accidentally checked in if --save-inputs flag is passed in.

# .gitignore file

emitter-package.json (Required)​

emitter-package.json will be used the same as a package.json file. If the is no emitter-package-lock.json file, the tool will run npm install on the contents of emitter-package.json. This file allows each repository to pin the version of their emitter and other dependencies to be used when generating client libraries. The file should be checked into this location <root of repo>/eng/emitter-package.json


"main": "dist/src/index.js",
"dependencies": {
"@azure-tools/typespec-python": "0.21.0"

tsp compile currently requires the "main" line to be there.

This file replaces the package.json checked into the azure-rest-api-spec repository.

emitter-package-lock.json (Optional)​

emitter-package-lock.json will be used the same as a package-lock.json. The tool will run a clean npm installation before generating client libraries. This file allows consistent dependency trees and allows each repository to control their dependency installation. The file should be checked into this location: <root of repo>/eng/emitter-package-lock.json


The tool will run npm ci to install dependencies, so ensure that the emitter-package-lock.json and emitter-package.json files both exist and are in sync with each other.