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How to write a federated learning pipeline using shrike.pipeline.federated_learning

To enjoy this doc, you should be familiar with Azure ML and know how to use shrike to define and submit pipelines.


Federated learning has become a popular technique in machine learning, as it can train an algorithm against local data in multiple decentralized edge devices or silos, without moving the data across the boundary. While users can define a federated pipeline with explicitly writing for loops, data movement, and secure aggregation, we provide an easy and structured way to do cross-silo federated learning by introducing a new class FederatedPipelineBase with built-in methods for the user to inherit and override.


  1. This is an experimental feature and could change at any time.
  2. The APIs are designed for federated learning inside a single workspace. As of December 2021, compliant Azure ML workspaces do not support datastores/computes in different regions.


You need to have a workspace with at least one silo defined. A silo refers to a compute and a datastore in the corresponding region.

Federated learning workflow

We consider four fundamental building blocks: preprocess pipeline, midprocess pipeline, postprocess pipeline, training pipeline. The workflow is shown as in the diagram:

preprocess (orchestrator) -> training (silos) -> midprocess (orchestrator) -> training (silos) -> midprocess (orchestrator) ... many rounds -> training (silos) -> postprocess (orchestrator)

Configure your pipeline through a yaml file

Example: demo_federated_learning.yaml

You need to add a federated_config section to your pipeline yaml file:

  data_transfer_component: contoso.my_organization.fl.data_transfer
  deactivate_data_transfer: False
      compute: fl-wus
      inherit: [foo_config]
        dataset: test_uploaded_from_local
      compute: fl-eus
      datastore: fl_eus
      compute: fl-canada
      datastore: fl_canada
      inherit: [foo_config, bar_config]
  max_iterations: 2
    msg: "random msg"
        msg: "shared msg"
        dataset: test_csv
      datastore: fl_wus
        msg: "per-silo msg"
There are several required fields:

  1. data_transfer_component: name of the data transfer component registered in your workspace.
  2. silos: compute and datastore name (required) in the silo, and optional params (dict) and inherit. inherit is a list of config_groups to apply to this silo, and the override priority is per-silo config > inherit > default_config.

Optional parameters:

  1. deactivate_data_transfer: for debugging, if set to True, will not move the data between central datastore and silo datastore, so that previous results could be reused. Default is False.
  2. max_iteration: number of training rounds, default is 1.
  3. config_group: configs applying to all or some silos. default_config will be applied to all silos, and you can also define any customized configs.

After merging, the above config yaml is simplified to:

  data_transfer_component: office.smart_reply.fl.data_transfer
  deactivate_data_transfer: False
  max_iterations: 2
      compute: fl-wus
      datastore: fl_wus
        msg: "shared msg"
        dataset: test_uploaded_from_local
      compute: fl-eus
      datastore: fl_eus
        msg: "shared msg"
        dataset: test_csv
      compute: fl-canada
      datastore: fl_canada
        msg: "per-silo msg"
        dataset: test_csv
    msg: "random msg"
To use the parameters in a pipeline, you can use the dot path. For example, config.federated_config.params.msg will return "random msg". Note that for train in silo, you can refer to per-silo parameters directly. For example, silo.params.dataset returns "test_uploaded_from_local", "test_csv", and "test_csv" for silo1, silo2, and silo3 respectively.

Write the Python script for your pipeline


Unlike a typical pipeline script, here you need to create a class inheriting from shrike.pipeline.FederatedPipelineBase and implement the two steps: train, midprocess, and optionally preprocess and postprocess steps.

from shrike.pipeline import FederatedPipelineBase, StepOutput

class MyCoolPipeline(FederatedPipelineBase):
    def preprocess(self, config, input):
        # Implement your preprocess step

    def train(self, config, input, silo):
        # Implement your training step

    def midprocess(self, config, input):
        # Implement your midprocess step

    def postprocess(self, config, input):
        # Implement your postprocess step

if __name__ == "__main__":
For each step, it takes arguments: config: a DictConfig from the pipeline yaml file, input: a list of references to outputs from the previous step, and for train only, silo which is config.federated_config.silos.<current_silo>. And you can

  • use a parameter defined in the pipeline yaml file, e.g., config.federated_config.params.param1;
  • load an input dataset, e.g., input_data = self.dataset_load(config.federated_config.params.dataset)
  • load an output from previous step, e.g., input[0]

There are two ways to define a step:

  1. Use a Component, and return a StepOutput consisting of the Component object and a list of output names.

    def train(self, config, input, silo):
        train_func = self.component_load("TrainInSilo")
        input_data = self.dataset_load(silo.params.dataset)
        train_step = train_func(
            input_01=input_data, input_02=input[0], message=silo.params.msg
        return StepOutput(train_step, ["results1", "results2"])
    ⚠ The outputs will be fed into the downstream step in order. For example, in the code snippet above, input_02=input[0] is using the first output from preprocess or midprocess, and in the downstream midprocess step, results1 and results2 from train_step can be referred as input[0] and input[1] respectively.

  2. Use a Pipeline, i.e. subgraph, and return a StepOutput wrapping the Pipeline object. We do not need to specify the outputs here because the subgraph should already return a dictionary of the outputs (e.g., You need to import your subgraph and specify it through required_subgraphs() method:

    from shrike.pipeline import FederatedPipelineBase, StepOutput
    from subgraph import DemoSubgraph
    class MyCoolPipeline(FederatedPipelineBase):
        def required_subgraphs(cls):
            return {"DemoSubgraph": DemoSubgraph}
        def midprocess(self, config, input):
            demo_subgraph = self.subgraph_load("DemoSubgraph")
            midprocess_step = demo_subgraph(
                input_data_01=input[0], input_data_02=input[1], input_data_03=input[2]
            return StepOutput(midprocess_step)