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Logging in Compliant ML

Owner Approvers Participants
Daniel Miller Jeff Omhover AML DS Team

In many corporations, data scientists are working to build and train machine learning models under extremely strict compliance and privacy requirements. These can include:

  • Being unable to directly access or view the customer data used to train a model.
  • Being unable to run unsigned code against customer data, except possibly in specialized compute clusters with no network access and other hardening in place.
  • All training logs removed, except possibly those starting with some fixed prefix (e.g., SystemLog:).

Machine learning is already a hard problem — building and training models under these constraints is even more difficult. This RFC (Request For Comment) proposes the code patterns and expected behavior of a to-be-written logging utility for compliant machine learning. It begins by outlining the requirements this utility would need to satisfy, then gives a concrete proposal with sample code. It proceeds to outline some alternatives, along with known risks of the proposal.

The following topics are out of scope for this RFC:

  • How to implement the proposed behavior. It considers only usage patterns and the intended behavior of the logging utility library.
  • Compliant argument parsing.
  • Compliant exception handling (how to keep and prefix the stack trace and exception type, while scrubbing exception messages).
  • Languages besides Python.


Every call to log a message should be forced to include information on whether the message is "safe" (does not contain any customer or sensitive data). If the message is safe, the log line should be mutated to contain a configurable prefix (e.g., SystemLog:).

The default behavior of this library should be to not add the "don't scrub" prefix. It should only add that prefix if a conscious decision has been made, possibly by choosing a different method name or parameter value.

This library should not rely on users naming variables "well". That is, if a user accidentally names a logger safeLogger, there should be no data leak if that logger was not pre-configured on some special way.

Code which consumes this library should have the same "look and feel" as code consuming the Python standard library's logging module.

⚠ This entire document relies on the assumption that the filtering mechanism looks for a specific prefix in log lines.


I propose that the existing logging paradigm in Python be mostly unchanged, with the following small differences:

  • Calls to getLogger must include a safe_prefix parameter.
    • Open question: should this be more flexible, e.g. a callable or dictionary mapping data categories to prefixes or format strings?
  • Calls to logger.* have a new optional parameter taking enum values. The default value is CONTAINS_PRIVATE_DATA, i.e. if this parameter is not explicitly provided the "safe" prefix will not be added.

Here is some sample code following this proposal.

import argparse
from shrike.compliant_logging import logging
from shrike.compliant_logging.constants import DataCategory

def main(logger):
    # HAS a prefix.
    logger.warning('safe message', category=DataCategory.ONLY_PUBLIC_DATA)

    # DOES NOT have a prefix.
    logger.warning('unsafe message')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--prefix', default='SystemLog:')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # logger will be an instance of a subclass of the logging.Logger class.
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__, args.prefix)

Open question: should the compliant logging.getLogger method throw an exception if the non-compliant logging namespace is in scope?


Global log function

Global log function.

Not just prefix, more complicated "mutation" logic.

Hash unsafe log lines

Provide option to hash unsafe log lines.

  • Not compliant.
  • Other option, record their length Unsafe log message of length 23

Write public logs to pre-specified location

Instead of adding a predetermined prefix to "public" logs, depending on the log filtering / scrubbing mechanisms, another alternative would be to write public logs to a specific file.



This logging utility will not prevent malicious abuse. That is, there is no way from the code to stop someone from writing a line like this.'private data', category=DataCategory.ONLY_PUBLIC_DATA)

However, this risk is not new, nor does it arise uniquely because of the proposed library. There is already nothing to prevent a malicious actor from writing this line

print('SystemLog: private data')

Compliant machine learning in this context involves an element of trust, i.e. it is not designed or intended to stop malicious actors.

We do not attempt to mitigate this risk by filtering out specific types of objects from "public" logs. Standard Python types like str and pandas.DataFrame can easily contain sensitive customer data. If we exclude those from logging, we will be excluding nearly all helpful logs.