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Decorators and utilities for prefixing exception stack traces while obscuring the exception message itself.


Argument error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


File not found error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


Index error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


I/O error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised

under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


Key error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


Not implemented error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


Runtime error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


Type error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.


Value error with public message. Exceptions of this type raised under prefix_stack_trace or print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise will have the message prefixed with PREFIX in both the printed stack trace and the re-raised exception.

is_exception_allowed(exception, allow_list)

Check if message is allowed, either by allow_list, or default_allow_list.


Name Type Description Default
exception Union[BaseException, traceback.TracebackException]

the exception to test

allow_list list

list of regex expressions. If any expression matches the exception name or message, it will be considered allowed.



Type Description

bool: True if message is allowed, False otherwise.

Source code in shrike/compliant_logging/
def is_exception_allowed(
    exception: Union[BaseException, TracebackException], allow_list: list
) -> bool:
    Check if message is allowed, either by `allow_list`, or `default_allow_list`.

        exception (TracebackException): the exception to test
        allow_list (list): list of regex expressions. If any expression matches
            the exception name or message, it will be considered allowed.

        bool: True if message is allowed, False otherwise.
    if not isinstance(exception, TracebackException):
        exception = TracebackException.from_exception(exception)

    # empty list means all messages are allowed
    for expr in allow_list + default_allow_list:
        if, getattr(exception, "_str", ""), re.IGNORECASE):
            return True
        if, getattr(exception.exc_type, "__name__", ""), re.IGNORECASE):
            return True
    return False

prefix_stack_trace(file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, disable=False, prefix='SystemLog:', scrub_message='**Exception message scrubbed**', keep_message=False, allow_list=[], add_timestamp=False)

Decorator which wraps the decorated function and prints the stack trace of exceptions which occur, prefixed with prefix and with exception messages scrubbed (replaced with scrub_message). To use this, just add @prefix_stack_trace() above your function definition, e.g.

def foo(x):
Source code in shrike/compliant_logging/
def prefix_stack_trace(
    file: TextIO = sys.stderr,
    disable: bool = bool(sys.flags.debug),
    prefix: str = PREFIX,
    scrub_message: str = SCRUB_MESSAGE,
    keep_message: bool = False,
    allow_list: list = [],
    add_timestamp: bool = False,
) -> Callable:
    Decorator which wraps the decorated function and prints the stack trace of
    exceptions which occur, prefixed with `prefix` and with exception messages
    scrubbed (replaced with `scrub_message`). To use this, just add
    `@prefix_stack_trace()` above your function definition, e.g.

        def foo(x):
    return _PrefixStackTraceWrapper(
        file, disable, prefix, scrub_message, keep_message, allow_list, add_timestamp

print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise(file=<_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stderr>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>, prefix='SystemLog:', scrub_message='**Exception message scrubbed**', keep_message=False, allow_list=[], add_timestamp=False, err=None)

Print the current exception and stack trace to file (usually client standard error), prefixing the stack trace with prefix.


Name Type Description Default
keep_message bool

if True, don't scrub message. If false, scrub (unless allowed).

allow_list list

exception allow_list. Ignored if keep_message is True. If empty all messages will be srubbed.

err Optional[BaseException]

the error that was thrown. None accepted for backwards compatibility.

Source code in shrike/compliant_logging/
def print_prefixed_stack_trace_and_raise(
    file: TextIO = sys.stderr,
    prefix: str = PREFIX,
    scrub_message: str = SCRUB_MESSAGE,
    keep_message: bool = False,
    allow_list: list = [],
    add_timestamp: bool = False,
    err: Optional[BaseException] = None,
) -> None:
    Print the current exception and stack trace to `file` (usually client
    standard error), prefixing the stack trace with `prefix`.
        keep_message (bool): if True, don't scrub message. If false, scrub (unless
        allow_list (list): exception allow_list. Ignored if keep_message is True. If
            empty all messages will be srubbed.
        err: the error that was thrown. None accepted for backwards compatibility.
    if err is None:
        err = sys.exc_info()[1]
    scrubbed_err = err
    if err not in SCRUBBED_EXCEPTIONS:
        scrubbed_err = scrub_exception(
            err, scrub_message, prefix, keep_message, allow_list

    tb_exception = TracebackException.from_exception(scrubbed_err)  # type: ignore

    for execution in tb_exception.format():
        if "return function(*func_args, **func_kwargs)" in execution:
            # Do not show the stack trace for our decorator.
        for line in execution.splitlines():
            if add_timestamp:
                current_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
                print(f"{prefix} {current_time} {line}", file=file)
                print(f"{prefix} {line}", file=file)

    raise scrubbed_err  # type: ignore

scrub_exception(exception, scrub_message, prefix, keep_message, allow_list, _seen=None)

Recursively scrub all potentially private data from an exception, using the logic in _attribute_transformer.

Inspired by Dan Schwartz's closed-source implementation:

which is closely based on the CPython implementation of the TracebackException class:

Source code in shrike/compliant_logging/
def scrub_exception(
    exception: Optional[BaseException],
    scrub_message: str,
    prefix: str,
    keep_message: bool,
    allow_list: list,
    _seen: Optional[Set[int]] = None,
) -> Optional[BaseException]:
    Recursively scrub all potentially private data from an exception, using the
    logic in `_attribute_transformer`.

    Inspired by Dan Schwartz's closed-source implementation:

    which is closely based on the CPython implementation of the
    TracebackException class:
    if not exception:
        return None

    # Handle loops in __cause__ or __context__ .
    if _seen is None:
        _seen = set()

    # Gracefully handle being called with no type or value.
    if exception.__cause__ is not None and id(exception.__cause__) not in _seen:
        exception.__cause__ = scrub_exception(
    if exception.__context__ is not None and id(exception.__context__) not in _seen:
        exception.__context__ = scrub_exception(

    keep = keep_message or is_exception_allowed(exception, allow_list)
    transformer = _attribute_transformer(prefix, scrub_message, keep)

    if not keep:
        for attr in dir(exception):
            if attr and not attr.startswith("__"):
                    value = getattr(exception, attr)
                except AttributeError:
                    # In some cases, e.g. FileNotFoundError, there are attributes
                    # which show up in dir(e), but for which an AttributeError is
                    # thrown when attempting to access the value. See, e.g.:
                    # .
                    # If unable to transform or set the attribute, replace the
                    # entire exception since the attribute value is readable, but
                    # we are unable to scrub it.
                    new_value = transformer(value)
                    setattr(exception, attr, new_value)
                except BaseException as e:
                    new_exception = PublicRuntimeError(
                        f"{prefix} Obtained {type(e).__name__} when trying to scrub {attr} from {type(exception).__name__}"  # noqa: E501
                    new_exception.__cause__ = exception.__cause__
                    new_exception.__context__ = exception.__context__
                    exception = new_exception

    return exception