all_files_in_snapshot(self, manifest)
Return a list of all normalized files in the snapshot. The input
) is assumed to be some file, whether AML-style component
spec or Aether-style auto-approval manifest, in the "root" of the
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def all_files_in_snapshot(self, manifest: str) -> List[str]:
Return a list of all normalized files in the snapshot. The input
(`manifest`) is assumed to be some file, whether AML-style component
spec or Aether-style auto-approval manifest, in the "root" of the
folder_path = self.folder_path(manifest)"Absolute path for current component is: " + folder_path)
# Generate a list of all files in this components folder (including subdirectories)
rv = []
# Make sure we pick up Linux-style "hidden" files like .amlignore and
# hidden "directories", as well as hidden files in hidden directories.
for root, _, file_paths in os.walk(folder_path):
for file in file_paths:
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
normalized_path = self.normalize_path(file_path)
return rv
build_all_components(self, files)
For each component specification file, run az ml component build
and register the status (+ register error if build failed). Returns the
list of "built" component files.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def build_all_components(self, files: List[str]) -> List[str]:
For each component specification file, run `az ml component build`,
and register the status (+ register error if build failed). Returns the
list of "built" component files.
rv = []
for component in files:
path = Path(component)
rv.append(str(path.parent / ".build" /
build_component_success = self.execute_azure_cli_command(
f"ml component build --file {component}"
if build_component_success:"Component {component} is built.")
self.register_error(f"Error when building component {component}.")
return rv
check_for_wrongly_named_additional_includes(self, component)
Returns True if the component folder contains an improperly named additional_includes file
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def check_for_wrongly_named_additional_includes(self, component) -> bool:
Returns True if the component folder contains an improperly named additional_includes file
# grab all potential additional_includes files in the component folder
potentially_wrongly_named_files = Path(component).parent.glob('*.additional_includes*')
# determine the expected additional_includes name
for potentially_wrongly_named_file in potentially_wrongly_named_files:
# if the name of the additional_includes is not the expected name, return True
if str(potentially_wrongly_named_file) != component_additional_includes_path:
return True
return False
compliance_validation(self, component)
This function checks whether a given component spec YAML file meets all the requirements for running in the compliant AML. Specifically, it checks (1) whether the image URL is compliant; (2)whether the pip index-url is compliant; (3) whether "default" is only Conda channel
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def compliance_validation(self, component: str) -> bool:
This function checks whether a given component spec YAML file
meets all the requirements for running in the compliant AML.
Specifically, it checks (1) whether the image URL is compliant;
(2)whether the pip index-url is compliant; (3) whether
"default" is only Conda channel
with open(component, "r") as spec_file:
spec = YAML(typ="safe").load(spec_file)
# Check whether the docker image URL is compliant
image_url = jsonpath_ng.parse("$.environment.docker.image").find(spec)
if len(image_url) > 0:
if (
f"The container base image in {component} is not allowed for compliant run."
return False
# check whether the package feed is compliant
package_dependencies, conda_dependencies, conda_channels = self._extract_dependencies_and_channels(
if len(package_dependencies) > 0:
for dependency in package_dependencies:
if re.match("^--index-url", dependency) or re.match(
"^--extra-index-url", dependency
if dependency.split(" ")[1] not in ALLOWED_PACKAGE_FEEDS:
f"The package feed in {component} is not allowed for compliant run."
return False
if (
f"--index-url {ALLOWED_PACKAGE_FEEDS[0]}" not in package_dependencies
and f"--extra-index-url {ALLOWED_PACKAGE_FEEDS[0]}"
not in package_dependencies
f"The Polymer package feed is not found in environment of {component}"
return False
# Check whether "default" is only Conda channel
if len(conda_channels) > 1 or (
len(conda_channels) == 1 and conda_channels[0] != "."
log.error("Only the default conda channel is allowed for compliant run.")
return False
return True
component_is_active(self, component, modified_files)
This function returns True if any of the 'modified_files' potentially affects the 'component' (i.e. if it is directly in one of the 'component' subfolders, or if it is covered by the additional_includes files). If the component has been deleted, returns False.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def component_is_active(self, component, modified_files) -> bool:
This function returns True if any of the 'modified_files' potentially affects the 'component' (i.e. if it is directly in one of the 'component' subfolders, or if it is covered by the additional_includes files). If the component has been deleted, returns False.
""""Assessing whether component '" + component + "' is active...")
# Let's first take care of the case where the component has been deleted
if not (Path(component).exists()):
return False
# Let's grab the contents of the additional_includes file if it exists.
component_additional_includes_contents = self.get_additional_includes_contents(component)
# Let's grab the contents of the additional_includes file if it exists.
component_dependency_hints_contents = self.get_dependency_hints_contents(component)
# loop over all modified files; if current file is in subfolder of component or covered by
# additional includes or dependency hints, return True
for modified_file in modified_files:
if self.is_in_subfolder(
modified_file, component
) or self.is_in_additional_includes(
modified_file, component_additional_includes_contents
) or self.is_in_dependency_hints(
modified_file, component_dependency_hints_contents
return True
return False
create_catalog_files(self, files)
Create the appropriate kind of catalog file(s), using the configured method ("aml" or "aether").
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def create_catalog_files(self, files: List[str]):
Create the appropriate kind of catalog file(s), using the configured
method ("aml" or "aether").
signing_mode = self.config.signing_mode
if signing_mode == "aml":
elif signing_mode == "aether":
raise ValueError(f"Invalid signing_mode provided: '{signing_mode}'")
create_catalog_files_for_aether(self, files)
Create Aether-friendly .cat files, by first creating a CDF file, then
finding and running makecat.exe
to create the catalog file.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def create_catalog_files_for_aether(self, files: List[str]) -> None:
Create Aether-friendly .cat files, by first creating a CDF file, then
finding and running `makecat.exe` to create the catalog file.
makecat_default = self.config.makecat_default
makecat_directory = self.config.makecat_directory
makecat = os.path.join(makecat_directory, makecat_default)
if not os.path.exists(makecat):"Default makecat location {makecat} does not exist")
for path in Path(makecat_directory).rglob("makecat.exe"):
if "x64" in str(path).lower():
makecat = path
break"Makecat location: {makecat}")
for file in files:
directory = os.path.dirname(file)
name = os.path.split(directory)[-1]
cat_name = f"{name}.cat"
cdf_name = f"{name}.cdf"
path_to_cdf = os.path.join(directory, cdf_name)
cdf_contents = f"""[CatalogHeader]
files_in_module = self.all_files_in_snapshot(file)
hash_lines = map(lambda p: f"<HASH>{p}={p}", files_in_module)
all_hashes = "\n".join(hash_lines)
cdf_contents += all_hashes"CDF file contents:\n{cdf_contents}")
with open(path_to_cdf, "w", encoding="ascii") as output:
success = self.execute_command([str(makecat), path_to_cdf, "-v"])
if success:"Creating Aether catalog files for {name} is successful.")
shutil.move(cat_name, directory)
f"Error when creating Aether catalog files for {name}."
)"Removing {cdf_name}")
os.remove(path_to_cdf)"Finish creating aether catalog files for {name}.")
create_catalog_files_for_aml(self, files)
Create AML-friendly catalog.json and catalog.json.sig files, using SHA-256 hash.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def create_catalog_files_for_aml(self, files: List[str]) -> None:
Create AML-friendly catalog.json and catalog.json.sig files, using
SHA-256 hash.
# For each component spec file in the input list, we'll do the following...
for f in files:"Processing file {f}")
component_folder_path = self.folder_path(f)
# remove catalog files if already present"Deleting old catalog files if present")
files_for_catalog = self.all_files_in_snapshot(f)"The following list of files will be added to the catalog.")
# Prepare the catlog stub: {'HashAlgorithm': 'SHA256', 'CatalogItems': {}}
catalog = create_catalog_stub()
# Add an entry to the catalog for each file
for file_for_catalog in files_for_catalog:
catalog = add_file_to_catalog(
file_for_catalog, catalog, component_folder_path
# order the CatalogItems dictionary
catalog["CatalogItems"] = collections.OrderedDict(
# Write the 2 catalog files
write_two_catalog_files(catalog, component_folder_path)"Finished creating catalog files.")
customized_validation(jsonpath, regex, component)
This function leverages regular expressionm atching and JSONPath expression to enforce user-provided "strict" validation on Azure ML components
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def customized_validation(jsonpath: str, regex: str, component: str) -> bool:
This function leverages regular expressionm atching and
JSONPath expression to enforce user-provided "strict"
validation on Azure ML components
with open(component, "r") as spec_file:
spec = YAML(typ="safe").load(spec_file)
parsed_patterns = jsonpath_ng.parse(jsonpath).find(spec)
validation_success = True
if len(parsed_patterns) > 0:
for parsed_pattern in parsed_patterns:
if not re.match(regex, parsed_pattern.value):
f"The parsed pattern {parsed_pattern} in {component} doesn't match the regular expression {regex}"
validation_success = False
return validation_success
Find the list of "active" component specification files using the configured method ("all" or "smart").
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def find_component_specification_files(self) -> List[str]:
Find the list of "active" component specification files using the
configured method ("all" or "smart").
activation_method = self.config.activation_method
if activation_method == "all":
rv = self.find_component_specification_files_using_all()
elif activation_method == "smart":
rv = self.find_component_specification_files_using_smart()
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid activation_method provided: '{activation_method}'"
return rv
find_component_specification_files_using_all(self, dir=None)
Find all component specification files in the configured working directory matching the configured glob. Return the absolute paths of these files in the format of a list of string.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def find_component_specification_files_using_all(self, dir=None) -> List[str]:
Find all component specification files in the configured working
directory matching the configured glob. Return the absolute paths
of these files in the format of a list of string.
if dir is None:
dir = self.config.working_directory
all_spec_yaml_files_absolute_paths = [
for p in Path(dir).glob(self.config.component_specification_glob)
return all_spec_yaml_files_absolute_paths
This function returns the list of components (as a list of absolute paths) potentially affected by the latest commit.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def find_component_specification_files_using_smart(self) -> List[str]:
This function returns the list of components (as a list of absolute paths) potentially affected by the latest commit.
"Determining which components are potentially affected by the current change."
[repo, current_branch, compliant_branch] = self.identify_repo_and_branches()
modified_files = self.get_modified_files(repo, current_branch, compliant_branch)
active_components = self.infer_active_components_from_modified_files(
return active_components
folder_path(self, file)
Return the normalized path of the directory containing a file.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def folder_path(self, file: str) -> str:
Return the normalized path of the directory containing a file.
return self.normalize_path(Path(file).parent, directory=True)
get_compliant_commit_corresponding_to_pull_request(self, repo, compliant_branch)
This function will return the most recent commit in the repo that truly corresponds to the triggered build. It is identified thanks to the 'Build.SourceVersionMessage' DevOps environment variable (see that contains the true commit message. This is used to address the race condition occuring when a commit sneaks in before the "prepare" step was run on the previous commit.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def get_compliant_commit_corresponding_to_pull_request(self, repo, compliant_branch):
This function will return the most recent commit in the repo that truly corresponds to the triggered build. It is identified thanks to the 'Build.SourceVersionMessage' DevOps environment variable (see that contains the true commit message. This is used to address the race condition occuring when a commit sneaks in before the "prepare" step was run on the previous commit.
# this is the true commit message corresponding to the PR that triggered the build
true_commit_message = self.get_true_commit_message()
# this is the most recent commit
current_commit = repo.remotes.origin.refs[compliant_branch].commit
# if the most recent commit corresponds to the true commit message, then return it
if (true_commit_message.startswith(current_commit.summary)):
return current_commit
# otherwise, let's iterate through the parents until we find it
candidate_commit = current_commit
for c in candidate_commit.iter_parents():
if (true_commit_message.startswith(c.summary)):
return c
# if the corresponding commit cannot be found, return the most recent one and log a warning
log.warning("Could not find the in the git repo the commit that triggered this PR. Returning the most recent but beware, the 'smart' mode likely will not work properly.")
return current_commit
get_modified_files(self, repo, current_branch, compliant_branch)
This function returns the paths of files that have been modified. 3 scenarios are supported.
1/ 'Build - before Merge'; when the 'prepare' command is run as part of a build, but before the actual merge (in this case, the name of the current branch starts with 'refs/pull/' - this is the default Azure DevOps behavior).
2/ 'Build - after Merge'; when the 'prepare' command is run as part of a build, after the actual merge (in this case, the name of the current branch is the same as the name of the compliant branch).
3/ 'Manual'; when the prepare command is run manually (typically before publishing the PR).
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def get_modified_files(self, repo, current_branch, compliant_branch) -> Set[str]:
This function returns the paths of files that have been modified. 3 scenarios are supported.\n
1/ 'Build - before Merge'; when the 'prepare' command is run as part of a build, but before the actual merge (in this case, the name of the current branch starts with 'refs/pull/' - this is the default Azure DevOps behavior).\n
2/ 'Build - after Merge'; when the 'prepare' command is run as part of a build, after the actual merge (in this case, the name of the current branch is the same as the name of the compliant branch).\n
3/ 'Manual'; when the prepare command is run manually (typically before publishing the PR).
res = set()
# Grab the diff differently depending on the scenario
if current_branch.replace("refs/heads/", "") == compliant_branch:
# 'Build - after Merge' case: we will take the diff between the
# tree of the latest commit to the compliant branch, and the tree
# of the previous commit to the compliant branch corresponding to a
# PR (we assume the commit summary starts with 'Merged PR')
"We are in the 'Build - after Merge' case (the current branch is the compliant branch)."
current_commit = self.get_compliant_commit_corresponding_to_pull_request(repo, compliant_branch)
self.log_commit_info(current_commit, "Current commit to compliant branch")
previous_commit = (
previous_commit, "Previous PR commit to compliant branch"
elif current_branch.startswith("refs/pull/"):
# 'Build - before Merge': we will take the diff between the tree of
# the current commit, and the tree of the previous commit to the
# compliant branch corresponding to a PR (we assume the commit
# summary starts with 'Merged PR')
"We are in the 'Build - before Merge' case (the current branch is not the compliant branch and its name starts with 'refs/pull/')."
current_commit = repo.commit()
self.log_commit_info(current_commit, "Current commit to current branch")
latest_commit_to_compliant_branch = repo.remotes.origin.refs[
previous_commit = (
previous_commit, "Previous PR commit to compliant branch"
# 'Manual' Case: we will take the diff between the current branch
# and the compliant branch (we're assuming the compliant branch is
# locally up to date here)
"We are in the 'Manual' case (the current branch is NOT the compliant branch and its name does not start with 'refs/pull/')."
current_commit = repo.heads[
].commit # this won't work when running the Manual case from the DevOps portal, but the below will
except (IndexError, AttributeError):
current_commit = repo.commit()
self.log_commit_info(current_commit, "Current commit to current branch")
previous_commit = repo.heads[
].commit # this won't work when running the Manual case from the DevOps portal, but the below will
except (IndexError, AttributeError):
latest_commit_to_compliant_branch = repo.remotes.origin.refs[
previous_commit = (
self.log_commit_info(previous_commit, "Previous commit to compliant branch")
# take the actual diff
diff = current_commit.tree.diff(previous_commit.tree)
# let's build a set with the paths of modified files found in the diff object
log.debug("Working directory: " + self.config.working_directory)
log.debug("repo.working_dir: " + repo.working_dir)
log.debug("repo.working_tree_dir: " + repo.working_tree_dir)
log.debug("repo.git_dir: " + repo.git_dir)
for d in diff:
log.debug("d.a_path: " + d.a_path)
log.debug("Path(d.a_path).absolute(): " + str(Path(d.a_path).absolute()))
log.debug("Path(d.a_path).resolve(): " + str(Path(d.a_path).resolve()))
r_a = str(Path(repo.git_dir).parent / Path(d.a_path))
r_b = str(Path(repo.git_dir).parent / Path(d.b_path))
res.add(r_b)"The list of modified files is:")
return res
get_previous_compliant_commit_corresponding_to_pull_request(self, latest_commit, consider_current_commit)
This function will return the previous commit in the repo
's compliant_branch_name
corresponding to a PR (i.e. that starts with "Merged PR").
If consider_current_commit
is set to True, the latest_commit
will be considered. If set to false, only previous commits will be considered.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def get_previous_compliant_commit_corresponding_to_pull_request(
self, latest_commit, consider_current_commit
This function will return the previous commit in the `repo`'s `compliant_branch_name` corresponding to a PR (i.e. that starts with "Merged PR").
If `consider_current_commit` is set to True, the `latest_commit` will be considered. If set to false, only previous commits will be considered.
target_string = "Merged PR"
if consider_current_commit and latest_commit.summary.startswith(target_string):
return latest_commit
previous_commit = latest_commit
for c in previous_commit.iter_parents():
if c.summary.startswith(target_string):
previous_commit = c
return previous_commit
get_theoretical_additional_includes_path(self, component)
Returns the expected name of the additional_includes file
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def get_theoretical_additional_includes_path(self, component) -> str:
Returns the expected name of the additional_includes file
# First, we figure out the name of the additional_includes file, based on the component name
component_name_without_extension = Path(component).name.split(".yaml")[0]
# Then, we construct the expected path of the additional_includes file (
component_additional_includes_path = os.path.join(
component_name_without_extension + ".additional_includes",
return component_additional_includes_path
get_theoretical_dependency_hints_path(self, component)
Returns the expected path of the dependency_hints file
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def get_theoretical_dependency_hints_path(self, component) -> str:
Returns the expected path of the dependency_hints file
component_name_without_extension = Path(component).name.split(".yaml")[0]
component_dependency_hints_path = os.path.join(
component_name_without_extension + ".dependency_hints",
return component_dependency_hints_path
This function returns the current repository, along with the name of the current and compliant branches [repo, current_branch, compliant_branch]. Throws if no repo can be found.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def identify_repo_and_branches(self):
This function returns the current repository, along with the name of the current and compliant branches [repo, current_branch, compliant_branch]. Throws if no repo can be found.
# identify the repository
curr_path = Path(self.config.working_directory).resolve()
repo = Repo(curr_path, search_parent_directories=True)"Found a valid repository in " + repo.git_dir)
except (InvalidGitRepositoryError, NoSuchPathError):
message = (
+ " or its parents do not contain a valid repo path or cannot be accessed."
raise Exception(message)
current_branch = str(
) # when running from our build the repo head is detached so this will throw an exception
except TypeError:
current_branch = os.environ.get("BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH") or os.environ.get(
)"The current branch is: '" + str(current_branch) + "'.")
# Identify the compliant branch
if not (self.config.compliant_branch.startswith("^refs/heads/")) or not (
raise Exception(
"The name of the compliant branch found in the config file should start with '^refs/heads/' and end with '$'. Currently it is: '"
+ self.config.compliant_branch
+ "'."
compliant_branch = self.config.compliant_branch.replace("^refs/heads/", "")[
]"The compliant branch is: '" + compliant_branch + "'.")
return [repo, current_branch, compliant_branch]
infer_active_components_from_modified_files(self, modified_files)
This function returns the list of components (as a list of directories paths) potentially affected by changes in the modified_files
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def infer_active_components_from_modified_files(self, modified_files) -> List[str]:
This function returns the list of components (as a list of directories paths) potentially affected by changes in the `modified_files`.
rv = []
# We will go over components one by one
all_components_in_repo = self.find_component_specification_files_using_all()"List of all components in repo:")
for component in all_components_in_repo:
if self.component_is_active(component, modified_files):
# No need to dedup rv since we are only considering components once"The active components are:")
return rv
is_in_additional_includes(self, modified_file, component_additional_includes_contents)
This function returns True if 'modified_file' is covered by the additional_includes file 'component_additional_includes_contents'.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def is_in_additional_includes(
self, modified_file, component_additional_includes_contents
) -> bool:
This function returns True if 'modified_file' is covered by the additional_includes file 'component_additional_includes_contents'.
# first tackle the trivial case of no additional_includes file
if component_additional_includes_contents is None:
"The component's additional_includes file is empty, returning False."
return False
# now the regular scenario
for line in component_additional_includes_contents:
# when the line from additional_includes is a file, we directly chech its path against that of modified_file
if Path(line).is_file():
if str(Path(modified_file).resolve()) == str(
): # can't use 'samefile' here because modified_file is not guaranteed to exist, we resolve the path and do basic == test
+ modified_file
+ " is directly listed in the additional_includes file."
return True
# slightly more complicated case: when the line in additional_includes is a directory, we can just call the is_in_subfolder function
if Path(line).is_dir():
if self.is_in_subfolder(modified_file, line):
+ modified_file
+ " is in one of the directories listed in the additional_includes file."
return True
+ modified_file
+ " is NOT referenced by the additional_includes file (neither directly nor indirectly)."
return False
is_in_dependency_hints(self, modified_file, component_dependency_hints_contents)
This function returns True if 'modified_file' is covered by the dependency_hints file 'component_dependency_hints_contents'.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def is_in_dependency_hints(
self, modified_file, component_dependency_hints_contents
) -> bool:
This function returns True if 'modified_file' is covered by the dependency_hints file 'component_dependency_hints_contents'.
# first tackle the trivial case of no additional_includes file
if component_dependency_hints_contents is None:
"The component's dependency_hints file is empty, returning False."
return False
# now the regular scenario
for line in component_dependency_hints_contents:
# when the line from dependency_hints is a file, we directly check its path against that of modified_file
if Path(line).is_file():
if str(Path(modified_file).resolve()) == str(
): # can't use 'samefile' here because modified_file is not guaranteed to exist, we resolve the path and do basic == test
+ modified_file
+ " is directly listed in the dependency_hints file."
return True
# slightly more complicated case: when the line in dependency_hints is a directory, we can just call the is_in_subfolder function
if Path(line).is_dir():
if self.is_in_subfolder(modified_file, line):
+ modified_file
+ " is in one of the directories listed in the dependency_hints file."
return True
+ modified_file
+ " is NOT referenced by the dependency_hints file (neither directly nor indirectly)."
return False
is_in_subfolder(self, modified_file, component)
This function returns True if 'modified_file' is in a subfolder of 'component' ('component' can be either the path to a file, or a directory). If the component has been deleted, returns False.
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def is_in_subfolder(self, modified_file, component) -> bool:
This function returns True if 'modified_file' is in a subfolder of 'component' ('component' can be either the path to a file, or a directory). If the component has been deleted, returns False.
# Let's first take care of the case where the component has been deleted
if not (Path(component).exists()):
log.debug("'" + component + "' does not exist, returning False.")
return False
# Case where the component has not been deleted
for parent in Path(modified_file).parents:
if parent.exists():
if Path(component).is_dir():
if parent.samefile(Path(component)):
+ modified_file
+ " is in a subfolder of '"
+ component
+ "'."
return True
if parent.samefile(Path(component).parent):
+ modified_file
+ " is in a subfolder of '"
+ component
+ "'."
return True
"'" + modified_file + " is NOT in a subfolder of '" + component + "'."
return False
Run the subclasses command with the specified configuration object.
Before this method is invoked, there is no guarantee that self.config
will be populated; after it is invoked, that is guaranteed.
Implementations of this method should NOT mutate the logging tree in
any way. They should also NOT raise any exceptions; rather they should
call the register_error
method, which will ensure non-zero exit code.
Implementations can raise specific "status information" (e.g., a
component is not "active") by calling register_component_status
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def run_with_config(self):"Running component preparation logic.")
component_files = self.find_component_specification_files()
if not self.config.suppress_adding_repo_pr_tags:
component_files = self.add_repo_and_last_pr_to_tags(component_files)
except StopIteration:
log.warning("`add_repo_and_last_pr_to_tags` not successful. Please make sure your component files are in Git. Otherwise, please set `suppress_adding_repo_pr_tags` to True.")
if self.config.signing_mode == "aml":
built_component_files = self.build_all_components(component_files)
built_component_files = component_files
validate_all_components(self, files)
For each component specification file, run az ml component validate
run compliance and customized validation if enabled,
and register the status (+ register error if validation failed).
Source code in shrike/build/commands/
def validate_all_components(self, files: List[str]) -> None:
For each component specification file, run `az ml component validate`,
run compliance and customized validation if enabled,
and register the status (+ register error if validation failed).
for component in files:
validate_component_success = self.execute_azure_cli_command(
f"ml component validate --file {component}"
compliance_validation_success = True
customized_validation_success = True
if self.config.enable_component_validation:"Running compliance validation on {component}")
compliance_validation_success = self.compliance_validation(component)
if len(self.config.component_validation) > 0:"Running customized validation on {component}")
for jsonpath, regex in self.config.component_validation.items():
customized_validation_success = (
if self.customized_validation(jsonpath, regex, component)
else False
if (
and compliance_validation_success
and customized_validation_success
# If the az ml validation succeeds, we continue to check whether
# the "code" snapshot parameter is specified in the spec file
with open(component, "r") as spec_file:
spec = YAML(typ="safe").load(spec_file)
spec_code = spec.get("code")
if spec_code and spec_code not in [".", "./"]:
self.register_component_status(component, "validate", "failed")
"Code snapshot parameter is not supported. Please use .additional_includes for your component."
else:"Component {component} is valid.")
self.register_component_status(component, "validate", "succeeded")
self.register_component_status(component, "validate", "failed")
self.register_error(f"Error when validating component {component}.")