Getting Certificates and Keys using Azure Key Vault Provider

How to fetch the Certificates and Keys using Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver

Note: This behavior was introduced in 0.0.6 release of Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver. This is backward incompatible with the prior releases.

The Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver has been designed to closely align with the current behavior of az keyvault certificate/secret/key download.

Azure Key Vault design makes sharp distinctions between Keys, Secrets and Certificates. The KeyVault service’s Certificates features were designed making use of it’s Keys and Secrets capabilities.

When a Key Vault certificate is created, an addressable key and secret are also created with the same name. The Key Vault key allows key operations and the Key Vault secret allows retrieval of the certificate value as a secret. A Key Vault certificate also contains public x509 certificate metadata.

The KeyVault service stores both the public and the private parts of your certificate in a KeyVault secret, along with any other secret you might have created in that same KeyVault instance.

How to obtain the certificate

Knowing that the certificate is stored in a Key Vault certificate, we can retrieve it by using object type cert.

Note: For chain of certificates, using object type cert only returns the Server certificate and not the entire chain.

          - |
            objectName: certName
            objectType: cert
            objectVersion: ""

The contents of the file will be the certificate in PEM format.

How to obtain the public key

Knowing that the public key is stored in a Key Vault key, we can retrieve it by using object type key

          - |
            objectName: certName
            objectType: key
            objectVersion: ""

The contents of the file will be the public key in PEM format.

How to obtain the private key and certificate

Knowing that the private key is stored in a Key Vault secret with the public certificate included, we can retrieve it by using object type secret

          - |
            objectName: certName
            objectType: secret
            objectVersion: ""

The contents of the file will be the private key and certificate in PEM format.

Note: For chain of certificates, using object type secret returns entire certificate chain along with the private key.

Last modified January 15, 2021: docs: update docs website (#362) (2a303d2)