
An overview of all the configuration features of Azure KeyVault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver

Feature Flags

Optional configuration feature flags

Identity Access Modes

The Azure Key Vault Provider offers four modes for accessing a Key Vault instance

Metrics provided by Azure Keyvault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver

Sync Mounted Content with Kubernetes Secret

How to sync mounted content with Kubernetes secret

Sync Multiple Versions of a Secret

How to sync multiple versions of a key vault secret, key, or certificate

Enable Auto Rotation of Secrets

Periodically update the pod mount and Kubernetes Secret with the latest content from external secrets store

Set your Environment Variable to Reference a Kubernetes Secret

Configure your environment variable to reference a Kubernetes Secret

Enable NGINX Ingress Controller with TLS

This guide demonstrates steps required to setup Secrets Store CSI driver and Azure Key Vault Provider to enable applications to work with NGINX Ingress Controller with TLS certificates stored in Key Vault

Custom Azure Environments

Pull secret content from KeyVault instances hosted on air-gapped and/or on-prem Azure clouds

Getting Certificates and Keys using Azure Key Vault Provider

How to fetch the Certificates and Keys using Azure Key Vault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver

Setup Secrets Store CSI Driver on Azure RedHat OpenShift (ARO)

How to setup Azure Keyvault Provider for Secrets Store CSI Driver on Azure RedHat OpenShift (ARO)

Last modified November 13, 2020: Added doc website (#301) (767d3c5)