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WiredSolutions React-Azure-Maps

React Azure Maps is a react wrapper for Azure Maps. The whole library is written in typescript and uses React 16.8+


Use the package manager npm or yarn

npm install react-azure-maps


yarn add react-azure-maps


Documentation is available Documentation

Generated documentation from typedoc is available Documentation


React Azure Maps have a fully documented Playground Package that implements a lot of features from Azure Maps Code Samples. If you implement new usage of the map and want to be contributor just create a PR.

Library Implementation Details

For typescript integration and core functionalities, this library uses the newest version of Azure Maps Control. The library is implemented under the hood on Contexts and uses all benefits of new react features, like new context API, hooks, etc. Across the whole library, there are three main references that depend on the basic Azure Maps API

MapReference which is stored and implemented in


DataSourceReference which is stored and implemented in


LayerReference which is stored and implemented in


If you want to directly make some changes in the above refs just use one of these contexts and feel free to use it any way you want. The library implements a lot of ready to use components like AzureMapFeature, AzureMapHTMLMarker, AzureMapPopup

Basic Usage

import React from 'react'
import {AzureMap, AzureMapsProvider, IAzureMapOptions} from 'react-azure-maps'
import {AuthenticationType} from 'azure-maps-control'

const option: IAzureMapOptions = {
    authOptions: {
        authType: AuthenticationType.subscriptionKey,
        subscriptionKey: // Your subscription key

const DefaultMap: React.FC = () => (
    <div style={{height: '300px'}}>
            <AzureMap options={option}>
export default DefaultMap

Local development with Playground Package

If you want to do some local development using Playground Package with local link to the package, you need to make the following steps:

- run yarn watch in `react-azure-maps` package
- run yarn link in `react-azure-maps` package
- go to the `azure-maps-playground` or any other folder or repository and run `yarn link "react-azure-maps"`


Pull requests are welcomed. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.





Type aliases



Type aliases


AzureDataLineString: LineString


AzureDataPosition: Position


AzureSetCameraOptions: ((CameraOptions & AnimationOptions) | (CameraBoundsOptions & AnimationOptions)) | any


ControlOptions: ControlOptions


DataSourceType: DataSource


FeatureType: Feature<atlas.data.Geometry, Object>


GeometryType: atlas.data.Geometry


IAzureCustomControls: { control: Control; controlOptions?: ControlOptions }

Type declaration


IAzureDataSourceChildren: ReactElement<IAzureMapFeature> | ReactElement<IAzureLayerStatefulProviderProps>


IAzureDataSourceStatefulProviderProps: { children?: Array<IAzureDataSourceChildren> | IAzureDataSourceChildren; dataFromUrl?: undefined | string; events?: IAzureMapDataSourceEvent | any; id: string; options?: DataSourceOptions }

Type declaration


IAzureLayerStatefulProviderProps: { events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any; id?: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any; options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options; type: IAzureMapLayerType }

Type declaration

  • Optional events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any
  • Optional id?: undefined | string
  • Optional lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any
  • options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options
  • type: IAzureMapLayerType


IAzureMap: { LoaderComponent?: ComponentClass<any> | StatelessComponent<any>; cameraOptions?: AzureSetCameraOptions; children?: Array<IAzureMapChildren> | IAzureMapChildren; containerClassName?: undefined | string; controls?: [IAzureMapControls]; customControls?: [IAzureCustomControls]; events?: IAzureMapEvent | any; imageSprites?: [IAzureMapImageSprite]; options?: IAzureMapOptions; providedMapId?: undefined | string; styles?: CSSProperties; trafficOptions?: TrafficOptions; userInteraction?: UserInteractionOptions }

Type declaration


IAzureMapAddEventsType: "boxzoomstart" | "boxzoomend" | "dragstart" | "drag" | "dragend" | "idle" | "load" | "movestart" | "move" | "moveend" | "pitchstart" | "pitch" | "pitchend" | "ready" | "render" | "resize" | "rotatestart" | "rotate" | "rotateend" | "tokenacquired" | "zoomstart" | "zoom" | "zoomend"


IAzureMapChildren: ReactElement<IAzureMapHtmlMarker> | ReactElement<IAzureMapPopup> | ReactElement<IAzureMapDataSourceProps>


IAzureMapContextState: { isMapReady: boolean | false; mapRef: Map | null; removeMapRef: any; setMapReady: any; setMapRef: any }

Type declaration

  • isMapReady: boolean | false
  • mapRef: Map | null
  • removeMapRef: function
    • removeMapRef(): void
  • setMapReady: function
    • setMapReady(isMapReady: boolean): void
  • setMapRef: function
    • setMapRef(mapRef: Map): void


IAzureMapControls: { controlName: string; controlOptions?: Options; options?: ControlOptions | undefined }

Type declaration

  • controlName: string
  • Optional controlOptions?: Options
  • Optional options?: ControlOptions | undefined


IAzureMapDataSourceContextState: { dataSourceRef: DataSource | null }

Type declaration

  • dataSourceRef: DataSource | null


IAzureMapDataSourceEvent: {}

Type declaration


IAzureMapDataSourceEventType: "dataadded" | "dataremoved"


IAzureMapDataSourceProps: IAzureMapDataSourceContextState


IAzureMapEvent: {}

Type declaration


IAzureMapEventsType: IAzureMapLayerEventType | IAzureMapLayerLifecycleEvents | IAzureMapDataSourceEventType | IAzureMapAddEventsType | IAzureMapSourceEventType | "data" | "sourcedata" | "styledata" | "error" | "styleimagemissing"


IAzureMapFeature: { bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }

Type declaration

  • Optional bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox
  • Optional coordinate?: atlas.data.Position
  • Optional coordinates?: Array<Position>
  • Optional id?: undefined | string
  • Optional multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>
  • Optional multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>
  • Optional properties?: Object
  • type: IAzureMapFeatureType


IAzureMapFeatureType: "Point" | "MultiPoint" | "LineString" | "MultiLineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPolygon"


IAzureMapHtmlMarker: { events?: Array<IAzureMapHtmlMarkerEvent>; id?: undefined | string; isPopupVisible?: undefined | false | true; markerContent?: ReactElement; options?: HtmlMarkerOptions }

Type declaration

  • Optional events?: Array<IAzureMapHtmlMarkerEvent>
  • Optional id?: undefined | string
  • Optional isPopupVisible?: undefined | false | true
  • Optional markerContent?: ReactElement
  • Optional options?: HtmlMarkerOptions


IAzureMapHtmlMarkerEvent: { callback: (e: TargetedEvent) => void; eventName: keyof HtmlMarkerEvents }

Type declaration

  • callback: (e: TargetedEvent) => void
      • (e: TargetedEvent): void
      • Parameters

        • e: TargetedEvent

        Returns void

  • eventName: keyof HtmlMarkerEvents


IAzureMapImageSprite: { color?: undefined | string; id: string; scale?: undefined | number; secondaryColor?: undefined | string; templateName: string }

Type declaration

  • Optional color?: undefined | string
  • id: string
  • Optional scale?: undefined | number
  • Optional secondaryColor?: undefined | string
  • templateName: string


IAzureMapLayerContextState: { layerRef: SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer | null }

Type declaration

  • layerRef: SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer | null


IAzureMapLayerEvent: {}

Type declaration


IAzureMapLayerEventType: "mousedown" | "mouseup" | "mouseover" | "mousemove" | "click" | "dblclick" | "mouseout" | "mouseenter" | "mouseleave" | "contextmenu" | "wheel" | "touchstart" | "touchend" | "touchmove" | "touchcancel"


IAzureMapLayerLifecycleEvents: "layeradded" | "layerremoved"


IAzureMapLayerProps: IAzureMapLayerContextState


IAzureMapLayerType: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer"


IAzureMapLifecycleEvent: {}

Type declaration


IAzureMapMouseEventRef: HtmlMarker


IAzureMapMouseEvents: {}

Type declaration


IAzureMapOptions: ServiceOptions & StyleOptions & UserInteractionOptions & CameraOptions | CameraBoundsOptions


IAzureMapPopup: { events?: Array<IAzureMapPopupEvent>; isVisible?: undefined | false | true; options?: PopupOptions; popupContent: ReactElement }

Type declaration

  • Optional events?: Array<IAzureMapPopupEvent>
  • Optional isVisible?: undefined | false | true
  • Optional options?: PopupOptions
  • popupContent: ReactElement


IAzureMapPopupEvent: { callback: (e: TargetedEvent) => void; eventName: keyof PopupEvents }

Type declaration

  • callback: (e: TargetedEvent) => void
      • (e: TargetedEvent): void
      • Parameters

        • e: TargetedEvent

        Returns void

  • eventName: keyof PopupEvents


IAzureMapSourceEventType: "sourceadded" | "sourceremoved"


IAzureMapsContextProps: IAzureMapContextState


IAzureMapsStatefulProviderProps: { children?: ReactElement<IAzureMap> }

Type declaration

  • Optional children?: ReactElement<IAzureMap>


LayerType: SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer


MapType: Map


Const AzureMap

AzureMap: NamedExoticComponent<{ LoaderComponent?: ComponentClass<any> | StatelessComponent<any>; cameraOptions?: AzureSetCameraOptions; children?: Array<IAzureMapChildren> | IAzureMapChildren; containerClassName?: undefined | string; controls?: [IAzureMapControls]; customControls?: [IAzureCustomControls]; events?: IAzureMapEvent | any; imageSprites?: [IAzureMapImageSprite]; options?: IAzureMapOptions; providedMapId?: undefined | string; styles?: CSSProperties; trafficOptions?: TrafficOptions; userInteraction?: UserInteractionOptions }> & { type: T } = memo(({children, // @TODO We need to cover and type all possible childrens that we can pass to this component as child for. ex. Markers etcLoaderComponent = () => <div>Loading ...</div>,providedMapId,containerClassName,styles,options = {},imageSprites,controls,customControls,events,cameraOptions,trafficOptions,userInteraction}: IAzureMap) => {const { setMapRef, removeMapRef, mapRef, setMapReady, isMapReady } = useContext<IAzureMapsContextProps>(AzureMapsContext)const [mapId] = useState(providedMapId || Guid.create().toString())useEffect(() => {if (mapRef) {mapRef.setTraffic(trafficOptions)}}, [trafficOptions])useEffect(() => {if (mapRef) {mapRef.setUserInteraction(userInteraction)}}, [userInteraction])useEffect(() => {if (mapRef) {mapRef.setCamera(cameraOptions)}}, [cameraOptions])useCheckRef<MapType, MapType>(mapRef, mapRef, mref => {mref.events.add('ready', () => {if (imageSprites) {useCreateImageSprites(mref, imageSprites)}if (controls) {useCreateMapControls(mref, controls)}if (customControls) {useCreateMapCustomControls(mref, customControls)}setMapReady(true)})for (const eventType in events) {mref.events.add(eventType as any, events[eventType])}})useEffect(() => {setMapRef(new atlas.Map(mapId, options))return () => {removeMapRef()}}, [])return (<>{!isMapReady && LoaderComponent && <LoaderComponent />}<div className={containerClassName} id={mapId} style={{ ...styles, height: '100%' }}>{isMapReady && children}</div></>)})


AzureMapDataSourceConsumer: ExoticComponent<ConsumerProps<{ dataSourceRef: DataSource | null }>>

Const AzureMapDataSourceContext

AzureMapDataSourceContext: Context<{ dataSourceRef: DataSource | null }> = createContext<IAzureMapDataSourceProps>({dataSourceRef: null})

Const AzureMapFeature

AzureMapFeature: NamedExoticComponent<{ bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }> & { type: T } = memo((props: IAzureMapFeature) => {const { properties, id } = propsconst { dataSourceRef } = useContext<IAzureMapDataSourceProps>(AzureMapDataSourceContext)const [featureRef, setFeatureRef] = useState<FeatureType | null>(null)useEffect(() => {const featureSource: atlas.data.Geometry | undefined = useCreateAzureMapFeatureFeature(props)if (!featureRef && featureSource) {setFeatureRef(new atlas.data.Feature(featureSource, properties, id))}}, [])useCheckRef<DataSourceType, FeatureType>(dataSourceRef, featureRef, (dref, fref) => {dref.add(fref)return () => {dref.remove(fref)}})return null})

Const AzureMapHtmlMarker

AzureMapHtmlMarker: NamedExoticComponent<{ events?: Array<IAzureMapHtmlMarkerEvent>; id?: undefined | string; isPopupVisible?: undefined | false | true; markerContent?: ReactElement; options?: HtmlMarkerOptions }> & { type: T } = memo(({ markerContent, options, events, isPopupVisible }: IAzureMapHtmlMarker) => {const [markerRef] = useState<atlas.HtmlMarker>(new atlas.HtmlMarker({...options,htmlContent: markerContent && renderToStaticMarkup(markerContent)}))const { mapRef } = useContext<IAzureMapsContextProps>(AzureMapsContext)useCheckRefMount<MapType, boolean>(mapRef, true, mref => {mref.markers.add(markerRef)events &&events.forEach(({ eventName, callback }) => {mref.events.add(eventName, markerRef, callback)})return () => {mref.markers.remove(markerRef)}})useEffect(() => {if (markerRef && markerRef.getOptions().popup && mapRef) {const isMarkerPopupOpen = markerRef.getOptions().popup?.isOpen()if (isMarkerPopupOpen && isPopupVisible) {markerRef.getOptions().popup?.close()} else if (isMarkerPopupOpen !== undefined) {markerRef.getOptions().popup?.open()} else if ((isPopupVisible && isMarkerPopupOpen) || isPopupVisible) {markerRef.togglePopup()}}}, [isPopupVisible, options, mapRef])return null})


AzureMapLayerConsumer: ExoticComponent<ConsumerProps<{ layerRef: SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer | null }>>

Const AzureMapLayerContext

AzureMapLayerContext: Context<{ layerRef: SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer | null }> = createContext<IAzureMapLayerProps>({layerRef: null})

Const AzureMapPopup

AzureMapPopup: NamedExoticComponent<{ events?: Array<IAzureMapPopupEvent>; isVisible?: undefined | false | true; options?: PopupOptions; popupContent: ReactElement }> & { type: T } = memo(({ isVisible, popupContent, options, events }: IAzureMapPopup) => {const popupRef = useCreatePopup({ options, popupContent })const { mapRef } = useContext<IAzureMapsContextProps>(AzureMapsContext)useCheckRefMount<MapType, boolean>(mapRef, true, mref => {events &&events.forEach(({ eventName, callback }) => {mref.events.add(eventName, popupRef, callback)})return () => {mref.popups.remove(popupRef)}})useEffect(() => {if (mapRef) {if (isVisible) {popupRef.open(mapRef)} else if (mapRef.popups.getPopups().length && !isVisible) {popupRef.close()}}}, [isVisible])return null})


AzureMapsConsumer: ExoticComponent<ConsumerProps<{ isMapReady: boolean | false; mapRef: Map | null; removeMapRef: any; setMapReady: any; setMapRef: any }>>

Const AzureMapsContext

AzureMapsContext: Context<{ isMapReady: boolean | false; mapRef: Map | null; removeMapRef: any; setMapReady: any; setMapRef: any }> = createContext<IAzureMapsContextProps>({mapRef: null,isMapReady: false,setMapRef: (mapRef: Map) => {},removeMapRef: () => {},setMapReady: () => {}})


LineString: LineString


Pixel: Pixel


Position: Position


Provider: ProviderExoticComponent<ProviderProps<{ layerRef: SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer | null }>>


Const AzureMapDataSourceStatefulProvider

  • AzureMapDataSourceStatefulProvider(__namedParameters: { children: undefined | ReactElement<{ bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | ReactElement<{ events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any; id?: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any; options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options; type: IAzureMapLayerType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | (ReactElement<{ bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | ReactElement<{ events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any; id?: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any; options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options; type: IAzureMapLayerType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}>)[]; dataFromUrl: undefined | string; events: any; id: string; options: undefined | DataSourceOptions }): Element
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { children: undefined | ReactElement<{ bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | ReactElement<{ events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any; id?: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any; options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options; type: IAzureMapLayerType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | (ReactElement<{ bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | ReactElement<{ events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any; id?: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any; options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options; type: IAzureMapLayerType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}>)[]; dataFromUrl: undefined | string; events: any; id: string; options: undefined | DataSourceOptions }
      • children: undefined | ReactElement<{ bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | ReactElement<{ events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any; id?: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any; options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options; type: IAzureMapLayerType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | (ReactElement<{ bbox?: atlas.data.BoundingBox; coordinate?: atlas.data.Position; coordinates?: Array<Position>; id?: undefined | string; multipleCoordinates?: Array<Array<Position>>; multipleDimensionCoordinates?: Array<Array<Array<Position>>>; properties?: Object; type: IAzureMapFeatureType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> | ReactElement<{ events?: IAzureMapLayerEvent | any; id?: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents?: IAzureMapLifecycleEvent | any; options: (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions) | Options; type: IAzureMapLayerType }, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}>)[]
      • dataFromUrl: undefined | string
      • events: any
      • id: string
      • options: undefined | DataSourceOptions

    Returns Element

Const AzureMapLayerStatefulProvider

  • AzureMapLayerStatefulProvider(__namedParameters: { events: any; id: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents: any; options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions); type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer" }): Element
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { events: any; id: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents: any; options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions); type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer" }
      • events: any
      • id: undefined | string
      • lifecycleEvents: any
      • options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions)
      • type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer"

    Returns Element

Const constructLayer

  • constructLayer(__namedParameters: { id: undefined | string; options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions); type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer" }, dataSourceRef: DataSource): null | SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer | HeatMapLayer | LineLayer | PolygonExtrusionLayer | PolygonLayer | BubbleLayer
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { id: undefined | string; options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions); type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer" }
      • id: undefined | string
      • options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions)
      • type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer"
    • dataSourceRef: DataSource

    Returns null | SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer | HeatMapLayer | LineLayer | PolygonExtrusionLayer | PolygonLayer | BubbleLayer

Const createControl

  • createControl(type: string, options?: ControlOptions): ControlBase | undefined

Const generateLinesFromArrayOfPosition

  • generateLinesFromArrayOfPosition(coordinates: Position[]): LineString

Const generatePixelHeading

  • generatePixelHeading(origin: Pixel, destination: Pixel): number

Const useAzureMapLayer

  • useAzureMapLayer(__namedParameters: { events: any; id: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents: any; options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions); type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer" }): { layerRef: null | SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer }
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { events: any; id: undefined | string; lifecycleEvents: any; options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions); type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer" }
      • events: any
      • id: undefined | string
      • lifecycleEvents: any
      • options: Options | (SymbolLayerOptions & HeatMapLayerOptions & ImageLayerOptions & LineLayerOptions & PolygonExtrusionLayerOptions & PolygonLayerOptions & TileLayerOptions & BubbleLayerOptions & LayerOptions)
      • type: "SymbolLayer" | "HeatLayer" | "ImageLayer" | "LineLayer" | "PolygonExtrusionLayer" | "PolygonLayer" | "TitleLayer" | "BubbleLayer"

    Returns { layerRef: null | SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer }

    • layerRef: null | SymbolLayer | ImageLayer | TileLayer


  • useCheckRef<T, T1>(dep: T | null, on: T1 | null, callback: (dep: T, on: T1) => void): void
  • Type parameters

    • T

    • T1


    • dep: T | null
    • on: T1 | null
    • callback: (dep: T, on: T1) => void
        • (dep: T, on: T1): void
        • Parameters

          • dep: T
          • on: T1

          Returns void

    Returns void


  • useCheckRefMount<T, T1>(dep: T | null, on: T1 | null, callback: (dep: T, on: T1) => void): void
  • Type parameters

    • T

    • T1


    • dep: T | null
    • on: T1 | null
    • callback: (dep: T, on: T1) => void
        • (dep: T, on: T1): void
        • Parameters

          • dep: T
          • on: T1

          Returns void

    Returns void

Const useCreateAzureMapFeatureFeature

  • useCreateAzureMapFeatureFeature(__namedParameters: { bbox: undefined | BoundingBox; coordinate: undefined | Position; coordinates: undefined | Position[]; multipleCoordinates: undefined | Position[][]; multipleDimensionCoordinates: undefined | Position[][][]; type: "Point" | "MultiPoint" | "LineString" | "MultiLineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPolygon" }): atlas.data.Geometry | undefined
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { bbox: undefined | BoundingBox; coordinate: undefined | Position; coordinates: undefined | Position[]; multipleCoordinates: undefined | Position[][]; multipleDimensionCoordinates: undefined | Position[][][]; type: "Point" | "MultiPoint" | "LineString" | "MultiLineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPolygon" }
      • bbox: undefined | BoundingBox
      • coordinate: undefined | Position
      • coordinates: undefined | Position[]
      • multipleCoordinates: undefined | Position[][]
      • multipleDimensionCoordinates: undefined | Position[][][]
      • type: "Point" | "MultiPoint" | "LineString" | "MultiLineString" | "Polygon" | "MultiPolygon"

    Returns atlas.data.Geometry | undefined

Const useCreateImageSprites

Const useCreateMapControls

Const useCreateMapCustomControls

Const useCreatePopup

  • useCreatePopup(__namedParameters: { options: undefined | PopupOptions; popupContent: ReactElement<any, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> }): Popup
  • Parameters

    • __namedParameters: { options: undefined | PopupOptions; popupContent: ReactElement<any, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}> }
      • options: undefined | PopupOptions
      • popupContent: ReactElement<any, string | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null) | {}>

    Returns Popup


  • Module
  • Object literal
  • Variable
  • Function
  • Function with type parameter
  • Index signature
  • Type alias
  • Type alias with type parameter
  • Enumeration
  • Enumeration member
  • Property
  • Method
  • Interface
  • Interface with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Index signature
  • Class
  • Class with type parameter
  • Constructor
  • Property
  • Method
  • Accessor
  • Index signature
  • Inherited constructor
  • Inherited property
  • Inherited method
  • Inherited accessor
  • Protected property
  • Protected method
  • Protected accessor
  • Private property
  • Private method
  • Private accessor
  • Static property
  • Static method

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