Personal OSDU™ instances are built using principles from the Azure Well-Architected Framework which provide a set of best practices and design considerations for azure workloads.
Learning Opportunity
For a deeper understanding read about the Azure Well-Architected Framework.
IaC: Declarative Resource Definition
Infrastructure as Code (IaC) uses declarative definitions to specify the desired state of cloud resources. Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL) used for deploying Azure resources declaratively. It simplifies authoring ARM templates and allows you to define the desired state of your Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Azure Resource Manager (ARM) processes the Bicep file to ensure the Azure environment matches the defined desired state, correcting any drift through redeployment.
Learning Opportunity
Understand Bicep development with the official Azure Verified Modules.
GitOps: Declarative Configuration Management
GitOps a term introduced by WeaveWorks uses declarative configurations like Kustomize configs, Helm charts to manage software. Instead of scripting everything manually, GitOps uses a set of declarative configuration files that define a software desired state.
GitOps uses versioned CI/CD on top of a declarative infrastructure, allowing developers to "stop scripting and start shipping," as Kelsey Hightower put it. This declarative configuration is helpful to define the entire softwarestack as code and continuously deliver changes with confidence to environments.
Learning Opportunity
Dive Deeper into GitOps for Azure Kubernetes Service.
CLI Command Sequencing
The Azure Developer CLI (azd) provides a set of commands to provision and deploy resources to Azure. These commands offer the ability to include hooks to inject custom logic into the deployment process. This custom logic is written with powershell scripts to ensure cross-platform compatability.
This sequence diagram illustrates the interactions within the Azure CLI developer command structures.
participant Azd as user
participant Provision as command
participant Azure as azure
rect rgb(191, 223, 255)
Note over Provision: featureCheck
Note over Provision: credCheck
Azd->>+Provision: azd provision
Provision->>Azure: arm deploy
Provision-->>-Azd: complete
Note over Provision: softwareCheck
Note over Provision: entraAuth
rect rgb(144,238,144)
Note over Provision: firstUser
Note over Provision: refreshToken
Azd->>Provision: azd deploy
activate Provision
Provision-->>Azd: complete
deactivate Provision
Note over Provision: settingsJson
Azure Infrastructure Diagram
This diagram provides a broad visual representation of the infrastructure as deployed. It is intended to help illustrate the various components and interactions within Azure.
Resource Catagories
Azure Virtual Network
Illustrate the default network design.
Kubernetes Node Pools
Illustrate the design for the cluster nodepools.
Storage Resources
Illustrate how Storage Accounts and Cosmos Databases connect to the network.
Ingress Load Balancers
Illustrate how the Load Balancers created by Istio Gateways are available in the network.
This workspace utilizes a GitOps approach for efficient and reliable software management. This method leverages a Git repository as the source of truth for defining and updating software configurations and deployments within the infrastructure.
GitOps Configuration
A GitOps configuration resides in this Git repository and uses a gitops repository pattern. This repository includes:
Configuration Files
YAML files defining the desired state of our components and applications.
Helm charts used for defining, installing, and upgrading Kubernetes applications.
Learning Opportunity
Understand more about the repo-per-team pattern.
GitOps Advantages
A GitOps approach simplifies the process of deploying and managing software, making it easier to maintain and update, as well as providing a configurable way of leveraging other software configurations by pointing to alternate repositories hosting other configurations. By leveraging this method, we ensure that our deployments can be extended to things that not only include the default software load.
Consistency and Standardization
Ensures consistent configurations across different environments.
Audit Trails
Every change is recorded in Git, providing a clear audit trail.
Rollbacks and Recovery
Easily revert to previous states if issues arise, enhancing system reliability.
Enhanced Security
Changes are reviewed through pull requests, increasing security and collaboration.