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Module 4: Enabling wireguard to secure on-the-wire for your AKS cluster

Wireguard enables layer 3 encryption and in Calico it can be enabled by setting one command/configuration option. Calico does everything else (interface, peer configuration, sharing public keys, route tables, ip rules, etc). Wireguard can be disabled/enabled on the entire cluster or specific nodes. For exploring the option of using it only on specific nodes , please refer to document as below.

Goal: Enable WireGuard to secure on-the-wire, in-cluster pod traffic in a AKS cluster.

Docs: https://docs.projectcalico.org/security/encrypt-cluster-pod-traffic


  1. Enable WireGuard encryption across all the nodes using the following command.

     calicoctl --allow-version-mismatch patch felixconfiguration default --type='merge' -p '{"spec":{"wireguardEnabled":true}}'

    Output will be like this:

     Successfully patched 1 'FelixConfiguration' resource
  2. Verify that the nodes are configured for WireGuard encryption, check the node status set by Felix using calicoctl.

     kubectl get nodes

    Output will be

     NAME                                STATUS   ROLES   AGE   VERSION
     aks-nodepool1-40984214-vmss000000   Ready    agent   68m   v1.22.4
     aks-nodepool1-40984214-vmss000001   Ready    agent   68m   v1.22.4
     aks-nodepool1-40984214-vmss000002   Ready    agent   67m   v1.22.4
     aksnpwin000000                      Ready    agent   23m   v1.22.4
     ## NODE-NAME will be aks-nodepool1-40984214-vmss0000000 for example.
     NODE_NAME=$(kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.addresses[?(@.type=="Hostname")].address}'| awk '{print $1;}')
     sleep 10
     calicoctl --allow-version-mismatch get node $NODE_NAME -o yaml | grep wireguard

    Output will be like:

     wireguardPublicKey: +vkMXAJ3BSbxkqqozx3ZArNcctWjOoGIpgbi2ZmsgGQ=
  3. You can also verify it in one of the nodes, Calico will generate a wireguard interface as wireguard.cali

    ## This command starts a privileged container on your node and connects to it over SSH.
    kubectl debug node/$NODE_NAME -it --image=mcr.microsoft.com/aks/fundamental/base-ubuntu:v0.0.11

    Output will be like:

    Creating debugging pod node-debugger-aks-nodepool1-41939440-vmss000001-c9bjq with container debugger on node aks-nodepool1-41939440-vmss000001.
    If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
    # Interact with the node session by running chroot /host from the privileged container.
    chroot /host
    # Obtain local wireguard tunnel interface
    ifconfig | grep wireguard

    Output will be like:

    wireguard.cali: flags=209<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP>  mtu 1340

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