
Delivering modern cloud-native applications with open source technologies on Azure Kubernetes Service

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Lab: Best Practices for Cluster Operators

This lab walks through some basic best practices for operators using AKS. In many cases, the operations and developer best practices overlap.



This lab has a number of exercises in no particular order:

Image Vulnerability Scanning

Upgrade Kubernetes Regularly

Process Node Updates and Reboots Using kured

AKS automatically downloads and installs security fixes on each of the worker nodes, but does not automatically reboot if necessary.

The open-source kured (KUbernetes REboot Daemon) project by Weaveworks watches for pending node reboots. When a node applies updates that require a reboot, the node is safely cordoned and drained to move and schedule the pods on other nodes in the cluster.

Enforce Resource Quotas

In our first lab, we introduced resource quotas with namespaces. You can review those steps again here.

Pod Disruption Budgets

We can use “pod disruption budgets” to make sure a minimum number of pods are available. These pod disruption budgets can help ensure availability during voluntary updates to our deployments such as container image upgrades, etc.

Use kube-advisor to check for issues

Provide Dedicated Nodes using Taints and Tolerations

Using Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Pod Identities

Backup and Business Continuity

App Armor and seccomp Filtering

Troubleshooting / Debugging

Docs / References