
Delivering modern cloud-native applications with open source technologies on Azure Kubernetes Service

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Lab: Best Practices for App Developers

This lab walks through some basic best practices for developers using AKS. In many cases, the operations and developer best practices overlap.



This lab has a number of exercises in no particular order:

Handling Base Container Images

Version Control and Image Tags

Readiness and Liveness Probes

In this lab, we will add code to our data-api service to provide a health check route for kubernetes to determine if the pod is alive and ready.

Handling Failures

In this lab, we will update our application to handle failures gracefully and then create issues to test. For this lab, we will use the data-api service.

Define pod resource requests and limits

Pod requests define a set amount of CPU and memory that the pod needs. Pod limits are the maximum amount of CPU and memory that a pod can use.

Pod Security

In this lab, we will ensure our Pods cannot run as root and other important security settings. We will use the weather-api app for this.

Visual Studio Code Extension for Kubernetes

Note: This lab will require working from your local machine and NOT the Azure Cloud Shell.

Develop and Debug Applications Against an AKS Cluster

Note: This lab will require working from your local machine and NOT the Azure Cloud Shell.

Troubleshooting / Debugging

Docs / References