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Continuous Integration Setup

LoRaWAN Starter Kit uses GitHub Actions for executing CI workflows. This page describes the CI workflows which are currently used in the project.

LoRa Build & Test CI

The Build & Test CI pipeline runs the following tasks:

  • Builds the LoRaEngine and DecoderSample
  • Runs unit tests
  • Runs integration tests
  • Publishes test results
  • Builds a docker image of the LoRaEngine


The E2E CI pipeline is used to run end-to-end tests (implemented in the LoRaWan.Tests.E2E project). The pipeline runs tests using real LoRaWan hardware, it therefore requires a VPN tunnel between the local hardware deployment and Azure. you can find more information on this blog post.

The pipeline runs the following tasks:

  • Prepares the required environment variables
  • Builds and deploys Facade Azure Function
  • Builds and pushes docker images for LoRaWanNetworkServer and LoRaWanBasicsStation modules
  • Generates required server and client certificates using scripts located in Tools/BasicStation-Certificates-Generation/; the trust certificates are then copied to a pre-created $CERT_REMOTE_PATH location in the local CI and to a remote device
  • Deploys IoT Edge solution to ARM gateway
  • Deploys IoT Edge solution to EFLOW gateway
  • Deploys IoT Edge solution to a standalone concentrator
  • Runs E2E tests on a dedicated agent

Pipeline authentication setup

The pipeline uses the Github environment named CI and OIDC tokens to authenticate to Azure. OIDC auth is enabled ONLY for this environement. All pipeline secrets are taken from a Keyvault. The only environment secrets needed at the time of writing are :

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID : Required to set up the OIDC connection
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID : Required to set up the OIDC connection
  • AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID : Required to set up the OIDC connection
  • AZURE_FUNCTIONAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE : Required as the Azure Function step doesn't support OIDC auth
  • KEYVAULT_NAME : Required to indicate which keyvault the pipeline should point to

The OIDC connection is made using a service principal which has the following permissions:

  • Desktop Virtualization Power On Off Contributor on the Eflow vm
  • Contributor on the subscription
  • Key Vault Secrets User on the Keyvault

Pipeline settings

The E2E pipeline has a number of settings that can be configured in GitHub Actions:

  • RunE2ETestsOnly - if set to true only the E2E tests will be run, all other steps of the workflow will be skipped
  • E2ETestsToRun - allows selection of only specific E2E tests to be run using the E2E test class name pattern, e.g. if set to [MultiGatewayTest] only E2E tests implemented in Tests/E2E/MultiGatewayTests.cs will be run. The variable defaults to all E2E tests.
  • TxPower - allows setting a custom transmission power on the leaf devices to be used during the E2E test run (with 14 being the maximum). The default is TX power is 6.


The E2E CI can be triggered manually via GitHub Actions and runs automatically on a daily schedule. The pipeline is also set up to run on pull requests under certain conditions.

In order for this workflow to be run on an open pull request, the label fullci needs to be added to the PR. Upon successful execution of the tests, additional labels will be added to the PR automatically by GitHub Actions, e.g. if all multi-concentrator E2E tests pass, the MultiConcentrator label will automatically be added to the PR.

The workflow will be re-executed on new changes being pushed, as long as the fullci label is present. By default all E2E tests will be run each time (including the ones which previously passed). In order to prevent this and only run previously failing tests, additional label must be added to the PR (e.g. label 1). In this case the test labels already added to the PR will prevent those tests from being re-executed.

Connecting to the Environment

CI operators can use an Azure VPN to connect to the local CI using P2S, certificates and secrets are in the Keyvault

Manual steps to recreate the environment

In addition to running the Bicep scripts, the following action needs to be manually executed:

  1. Create a service principal with permissions as described above
  2. Create a new Github Environment (or update the existing one) to reflect the new service principal (AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_TENANT_ID and AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)
  3. Follow the documentation to create trust between Azure and the Github Environment
  4. Create an Azure Keyvault and Migrate the secrets from the previous Keyvault
  5. Create an Azure VPN Gateway - Create a certificate chain to authenticate following this doc - Update the local CI Devices with the new certificate - Save the certificates and Key to the new Keyvault
  6. Create a Windows Server 2022 VM to Host the Eflow VM - Installation instructions can be found here
  7. Create a new Azure Container Registry and import the required docker image (Convenience script below). Alternatively, rebuild it from the sample folder.
  8. Grant permissions to the newly created service principal to the new Azure resources as described previously

Docker import convenience script

$newRegistry=<your registry>
$previousRegistry=<the previous azure registry>
$previousRegistryLogin=<previous registry login>
$previousRegistryPW=<previous registry password>
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease --image amd64/debian:$debianRelease
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease-slim --image amd64/debian:$debianRelease-slim
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease --image arm32v7/debian:$debianRelease
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease-slim --image arm32v7/debian:$debianRelease-slim
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease --image arm64v8/debian:$debianRelease
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease-slim --image arm64v8/debian:$debianRelease-slim
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease --image amd64/node:$debianRelease
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease-slim --image amd64/node:$debianRelease-slim
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease --image arm32v7/node:$debianRelease
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease-slim --image arm32v7/node:$debianRelease-slim
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease --image arm64v8/node:$debianRelease
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source$debianRelease-slim --image arm64v8/node:$debianRelease-slim
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source $ --image decodersample:2.0-arm32v7 --username $previousRegistryLogin --password $previousRegistryPW
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source $ --image decodersample:2.0-amd64 --username $previousRegistryLogin --password $previousRegistryPW
az acr import --name $newRegistry --source $ --image decodersample:2.0 --username $previousRegistryLogin --password $previousRegistryPW

Universal Decoder CI

The Universal decoder CI pipeline runs the following tasks:

  • Builds and tests the Universal Decoder sample project
  • Builds and pushes a docker image for the decoder

Other workflows

The repository contains other workflows which are run automatically under certain confitions, typically when a pull request is created:

  • CodeQL - runs CodeQL analysis on each PR created against dev branch and after merge
  • Lint and Check Markdown - runs linter and checks links in markdown files; runs on PR created agains docs/main branch and only checks .md (or .markdown) files
  • Test Report - publishes test results after Build & Test CI or E2E CI have completed
  • Publish docs (new version) - publishes project documentation using MkDocs. The workflow needs to be triggered manually against docs/main branch after documentation has been updated and requires a version to publish as input to run.
  • Publish docs dev - runs on changes to docs/main branch and publishes dev version of the documentation

Last update: 2022-11-02
Created: 2021-12-17