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Network Server Configuration

Network Server IoT Edge Module configuration

The following table is providing a list of configuration options, to be provided as environment variables for manual configuration of the LoRaWanNetworkSrvModule:

Environment variable name Description Mandatory
ENABLE_GATEWAY Indicates whether the edgeHub gateway should be enabled or not No (defaults to true)
RX2_DATR RX2 data rate; useful to override the default regional RX2 Data Rate at a global level No (defaults to null, regional default value is used)
RX2_FREQ RX2 frequency; useful to override the default regional RX2 Frequency at a global level No (defaults to null, regional default value is used)
FACADE_SERVER_URL Azure Facade function url, e.g. "" Yes
FACADE_AUTH_CODE Azure Facade function auth code Yes
LOG_LEVEL Logging level No (defaults to level 4 (Error)
LOG_TO_CONSOLE Indicates whether logging to console is enabled or not No (default to true)
LOG_TO_TCP Indicates whether logging to TCP is enabled or not (used mainly for integration tests) No (defaults to false)
LOG_TO_HUB Indicates whether logging to IoT Hub is enabled or not No (defaults to false)
LOG_TO_TCP_ADDRESS IP address for TCP logs Yes, only if TCP logging is enabled
LOG_TO_TCP_PORT TCP port to send logs to Yes, only if TCP logging is enabled
NETID Gateway network ID No (defaults to network id 1)
AllowedDevAddresses List of allowed dev addresses from which message processing is enabled. No (by default allows all messages coming from the defined NETID to be processed)
LNS_SERVER_PFX_PATH Path of the .pfx certificate to be used for LNS Server endpoint No
LNS_SERVER_PFX_PASSWORD Password of the .pfx certificate to be used for LNS Server endpoint No
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_MODE Specifies the client certificate mode with which the server should be run No (defaults to NoCertificate)
LNS_VERSION Version of the LNS No
IOTHUB_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE AMQP Connection Pool Size for communication to IoT Edge Hub / IoT Hub (depending on ENABLE_GATEWAY). Increasing this value to higher number will improve scalability; for more information see Scalability No (defaults to 1)
APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING Connection string for forwarding metrics to Application Insights No

The following settings can be configured via desired properties of the Network Server module twin in IoT Hub:

Property name Description Mandatory
FacadeServerUrl Azure Facade function url Yes
FacadeAuthCode Azure Facade function auth code Yes
ProcessingDelayInMilliseconds Processing delay (in milliseconds) to be used for the LNS not owning the connection for a device in a multi-gateway scenario; for more information see Scalability No (defaults to 400 ms)

Cloud-based Network Server configuration

You can run the Network Server directly in the cloud without requiring IoT Edge, e.g. on an AKS cluster. In general, the same environment variables as for the module configuration apply (e.g. for the facade connection). In addition make sure to set the following environment variables:

Environment variable name Description Mandatory
CLOUD_DEPLOYMENT Switch to indicate that the LNS is deployed as a standalone cloud-based instance Yes (must be set to true)
ENABLE_GATEWAY Gateway mode is only applicable to IoT Edge-based deployments. Must be set to false or unset. No
IOTHUBHOSTNAME Host name of the IoT Hub to which the LNS should connect to. Yes
HOSTNAME Identifier of the LNS. Yes
REDIS_CONNECTION_STRING Connection string used to connect to the deployed Redis instance. Yes
FACADE_SERVER_URL Azure Facade function url, e.g. "" Yes
FACADE_AUTH_CODE Azure Facade function auth code Yes

Last update: 2022-10-27
Created: 2022-03-04