LBS IoT Edge Module configuration
The following table is providing a list of configuration options, to be provided as environment variables for manual configuration of the LoRaBasicsStationModule
Environment variable name | Description | Mandatory |
TC_URI | The URI to the LNS Server implementation | Yes (i.e.: ws://IP_or_DNS:5000 or wss:// IP_OR_DNS :5001 ) |
CUPS_URI | The URI to the CUPS Server implementation | Yes, if CUPS endpoint is required (i.e.: https:// IP_or_DNS :5002 ) |
TC_TRUST_PATH | The path to the file. Refer to this file for more information | No (if not set, defaulting to /var/lorastarterkit/certs/ ) |
TC_CRT_PATH | The path to the tc.crt file. Refer to this file for more information | No (if not set, defaulting to /var/lorastarterkit/certs/tc.crt ) |
TC_KEY_PATH | The path to the tc.key file. Refer to this file for more information | No (if not set, defaulting to /var/lorastarterkit/certs/tc.key ) |
CUPS_TRUST_PATH | The path to the file. Refer to this file for more information | Only when CUPS is enabled (if not set, defaulting to /var/lorastarterkit/certs/ ) |
CUPS_CRT_PATH | The path to the cups.crt file. Refer to this file for more information | Only when CUPS is enabled (if not set, defaulting to /var/lorastarterkit/certs/cups.crt ) |
CUPS_KEY_PATH | The path to the cups.key file. Refer to this file for more information | Only when CUPS is enabled (if not set, defaulting to /var/lorastarterkit/certs/cups.key ) |
RESET_PIN | Pin number for resetting the concentrator. It is board specific. | No (if not set, module will skip the reset of the board) |
CORECELL | A boolean identifying whether to use the Corecell (SX1302) binary | No (if not set, defaults to false) |
RADIODEV | A string identifying the location where the board should be accessed (i.e.: /dev/ttyACM0 for SPI devices or usb:/dev/ttyUSB0 in case of USB-based SX1302 devices). |
No (if not set, board will be accessed at /dev/spidevX.0, see following item) |
SPI_DEV | A number identifying the SPI location where the board should be accessed (i.e.: when X, board accessed at /dev/spidevX.0) | No (defaults to 0) |
SPI_SPEED | Useful for setting SPI max clock | No (default to 8, unique alternative provided is 2) |
FIXED_STATION_EUI | Provides the ability to start the Basics Station with a fixed EUI | No (if not set, the Basics Station built-in logic will be used for generating a EUI) |
STATION_PATH | A string identifying the path of the folder where the compiled station.std binary for Basics Station is located |
No (if not set, defaults to /basicstation folder) |
LOG_LEVEL | A string setting the desired log level for the Basics Station binary. Allowed values: XDEBUG,DEBUG,VERBOSE,INFO,NOTICE,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL | No (if not set, defaults to INFO) |
Last update:
Created: 2021-11-19
Created: 2021-11-19