Network Server IoT Edge Module configuration
The following table is providing a list of configuration options, to be provided
as environment variables for manual configuration of the
Environment variable name | Description | Mandatory |
ENABLE_GATEWAY | Indicates whether the edgeHub gateway should be enabled or not | No (defaults to true ) |
HTTPS_PROXY | HTTPS proxy url | No |
RX2_DATR | RX2 data rate; useful to override the default regional RX2 Data Rate at a global level | No (defaults to null, regional default value is used) |
RX2_FREQ | RX2 frequency; useful to override the default regional RX2 Frequency at a global level | No (defaults to null, regional default value is used) |
FACADE_SERVER_URL | Azure Facade function url, e.g. "" | Yes |
FACADE_AUTH_CODE | Azure Facade function auth code | Yes |
LOG_LEVEL | Logging level | No (defaults to level 4 (Error) |
LOG_TO_CONSOLE | Indicates whether logging to console is enabled or not | No (default to true ) |
LOG_TO_TCP | Indicates whether logging to TCP is enabled or not (used mainly for integration tests) | No (defaults to false ) |
LOG_TO_HUB | Indicates whether logging to IoT Hub is enabled or not | No (defaults to false ) |
LOG_TO_TCP_ADDRESS | IP address for TCP logs | Yes, only if TCP logging is enabled |
LOG_TO_TCP_PORT | TCP port to send logs to | Yes, only if TCP logging is enabled |
NETID | Gateway network ID | No (defaults to network id 1) |
AllowedDevAddresses | List of allowed dev addresses from which message processing is enabled. | No (by default allows all messages coming from the defined NETID to be processed) |
LNS_SERVER_PFX_PATH | Path of the .pfx certificate to be used for LNS Server endpoint | No |
LNS_SERVER_PFX_PASSWORD | Password of the .pfx certificate to be used for LNS Server endpoint | No |
CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_MODE | Specifies the client certificate mode with which the server should be run | No (defaults to NoCertificate ) |
LNS_VERSION | Version of the LNS | No |
IOTHUB_CONNECTION_POOL_SIZE | AMQP Connection Pool Size for communication to IoT Edge Hub / IoT Hub (depending on ENABLE_GATEWAY ). Increasing this value to higher number will improve scalability; for more information see Scalability |
No (defaults to 1) |
APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY | Instrumentation key for forwarding metrics to Application Insights | No |
The following settings can be configured via desired properties of the Network Server module twin in IoT Hub:
Property name | Description | Mandatory |
FacadeServerUrl | Azure Facade function url | Yes |
FacadeServerAuthCode | Azure Facade function auth code | Yes |
ProcessingDelayInMilliseconds | Processing delay (in milliseconds) to be used for the LNS not owning the connection for a device in a multi-gateway scenario; for more information see Scalability | No (defaults to 400 ms) |
Last update:
Created: 2022-03-04
Created: 2022-03-04